Regex Rejecting matches because of Instr - regex

What's the easiest way to do an "instring" type function with a regex? For example, how could I reject a whole string because of the presence of a single character such as :? For example:
this - okay
there:is - not okay because of :
More practically, how can I match the following string:
For any node test on the xpath that doesn't include a namespace?
Will match the node tests but includes the namespace prefix which makes it faulty.

I'm still not sure whether you just wanted to detect if the Xpath contains a namespace, or whether you want to remove the references to the namespace. So here's some sample code (in C#) that does both.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string withNamespace = #"//foo/ns2:bar/baz[1]/ns:foo2/#attr/text()";
string withoutNamespace = #"//foo/bar/baz[1]/foo2/#attr/text()";
static void ShowStuff(string input)
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' does {1}contain namespaces", input, ContainsNamespace(input) ? "" : "not ");
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' without namespaces is '{1}'", input, StripNamespaces(input));
static bool ContainsNamespace(string input)
// a namspace must start with a character, but can have characters and numbers
// from that point on.
return Regex.IsMatch(input, #"/?\w[\w\d]+:\w[\w\d]+/?");
static string StripNamespaces(string input)
return Regex.Replace(input, #"(/?)\w[\w\d]+:(\w[\w\d]+)(/?)", "$1$2$3");
Hope that helps! Good luck.

Match on :? I think the question isn't clear enough, because the answer is so obvious:
if(Regex.Match(":", input)) // reject

You might want \w which is a "word" character. From javadocs, it is defined as [a-zA-Z_0-9], so if you don't want underscores either, that may not work....

I dont know regex syntax very well but could you not do:
[any alpha numeric]\*:[any alphanumeric]\*
I think something like that should work no?

Yeah, my question was not very clear. Here's a solution but rather than a single pass with a regex, I use a split and perform iteration. It works as well but isn't as elegant:
string xpath = "//foo/bar/baz[1]/ns:foo2/#attr/text()";
string[] nodetests = xpath.Split( new char[] { '/' } );
for (int i = 0; i < nodetests.Length; i++)
if (nodetests[i].Length > 0 && Regex.IsMatch( nodetests[i], #"^(\w|\[|\])+$" ))
// does not have a ":", we can manipulate it.
xpath = String.Join( "/", nodetests );


Evaluating a string against a pattern with RegExp in Flutter

I'm trying to evaluate a string against a set list of parameters with RegExp in Flutter. For example, the string must contain at least:
One capital letter
One lowercase letter
One number from 0-9
One special character, such as $ or !
This is basically for a password entry field of an application. I have set things up, firstly using validateStructure as follows:
abstract class PasswordValidator {
bool validateStructure(String value);
Then, I have used the RegExp function as follows:
class PasswordValidatorSpecial implements PasswordValidator {
bool validateStructure(String value) {
String pattern =
RegExp regEx = new RegExp(pattern);
return regEx.hasMatch(value);
This does work well, in a sense that when I pass a string/password through it, it does tell me if at least one of the criteria is not met. However, what I would like to do is for the output to be more specific, telling me which of those criteria isn't met.
For example, if the password were to have everything but a number (from 0-9) I would want to be able to get the output to specifically say that a number is missing, but everything else is present.
How would I adapt my code to be able to do that? I thought perhaps by using conditional 'if' statement, although I don't know how that would work. Thanks!
That's right, you can use RegExr to check your RegExp, separate each part and use them separately to have a custom error. Also instead of return a bool value, you can return a String value, such as the following function:
String validateStructure(String value) {
String patternUpperCaseCharacters = r'^(?=.*?[A-Z])';
String patternLowerCaseCharacters = r'^(?=.*?[a-z])';
String patternNumbers = r'^(?=.*?[0-9])';
String patternSpecialCharacters = r'^(?=.*?[!##\$&*~£])';
RegExp regEx = new RegExp(patternUpperCaseCharacters);
if (regEx.hasMatch(value)) {
regEx = new RegExp(patternLowerCaseCharacters);
if (regEx.hasMatch(value)) {
return "More errors";
} else {
return "You need at least one lowercase letter";
} else {
return "You need at least one capital letter";

regx to check + in entire string using javascript or jquery

i am trying to validate input string to chech whether it contains '+' symbol anywhere in the string. i used for of loop but didnt get what is exprected.
const isMobileValidWithoutPlus = funcLib.isValidMobileWithoutPlus(mobileNumber);
isValidMobileWithoutPlus(mobileNumber) {
if (!mobileNumber) {
return false;
const checkRegex = new RegExp('\\+?\\d+');
return checkRegex.test(mobileNumber);
but able to get desired out.
The regex for this would be
const rgx = new RegExp(/\+/gm);
Your regular expression checks if you have a string that can either start with + or not, and is followed by one or more numbers. But you're saying you want to just check if there's a "+" anywhere in the number. For that you can use this regex above.
Also, do you need to use a regex?
You can do this using indexOf on a string if using regex is not a must.
let number = "+001234";
function hasPlus(number) {
return number.indexOf('+') !== -1;
Regular expressions are generally useful when you don't have one specific string that you're looking for, or when you want to find all the apparitions of a regex in a longer string. In your case, checking if a string contains "+", it isn't necessary to use them.

Extract all allowed characters from a regular expression

I need to extract a list of all allowed characters from a given regular expression.
So for example, if the regex looks like this (some random example):
the output should be
(omitting the whitespace)
One obvious solution would be to define a complete set of allowed characters, and use a find method, to return the corresponding subsequence for each character. This seems to be a bit of a dull solution though.
Can anyone think of a (possibly simple) algorithm on how to implement this?
One thing you can do is:
split the regex by subgroup
test the char panel against the subgroup
See the following example (not perfect yet) c#:
static void Main(String[] args)
public static string TestRegex(string pattern)
string result = "";
foreach (var subPattern in Regex.Split(pattern, #"[*+]"))
result += GetAllCharCoveredByRegex(subPattern);
return result;
public static string GetAllCharCoveredByRegex(string pattern)
Console.WriteLine($"Testing {pattern}");
var regex = new Regex(pattern);
var matches = new List<char>();
for (var c = char.MinValue; c < char.MaxValue; c++)
if (regex.IsMatch(c.ToString()))
return string.Join("", matches);
Which outputs:
Testing [A-Z]
Testing \s
Testing (4|5)
? ? ???????? 45<--

Regex to filter strings

I need to filter strings based on two requirements
1) they must start with "city_date"
2) they should not have "metro" anywhere in the string.
This need to be done in just one check.
To start I know it should be like this but dont know hoe to eliminate strings with "metro"
string pattern = "city_date_"
Added: I need to use the regex for a SQL LIKE statement. hence i need it in a string.
Use a negative lookahead assertion (I don't know if this is supported in your regex lib)
string pattern = "^city_date(?!.*metro)"
I also added an anchor ^ at the start, that will match the start of the string.
The negative lookahead assertion (?!.*metro) will fail, if there is the string "metro" somewhere ahead.
Regular expressions are usually far more expensive than direct comparisons. If direct comparisons can easily express the requirements, use them. This problem doesn't need the overhead of a regular expression. Just write the code:
std::string str = /* whatever */
const std::string head = "city_date";
const std::string exclude = "metro";
if (, 0, head.size) == 0 && str.find(exclude) == std::string::npos) {
// process valid string
by using javascript
input="contains the string your matching"
var pattern=/^city_date/g;
if(pattern.test(input)) // to match city_data at the begining
var patt=/metro/g;
if(patt.test(input)) return "false";
else return input; //matched string without metro
return "false"; //unable to match city_data

Capitalize every word in actionScript using a regular expression

I'm trying to do initial caps in actionScript without loops but I'm stuck. I wanted to select the first letter or every word then apply uppercase on that letter. Well I got the selection part right, but at a dead end right now, any ideas? I was trying to do this without loops and cutting up strings.
// replaces with x since I can't figure out how to replace with
// the found result as uppercase
public function initialcaps():void
var pattern:RegExp=/\b[a-z]/g;
var myString:String="yes that is my dog dancing on the stage";
var nuString:String=myString.replace(pattern,"x");
You can also use this to avoid the compiler warnings.
myString.replace(pattern, function():String
return String(arguments[0]).toUpperCase();
Try to use a function that returns the uppercase letter:
myString.replace(pattern, function($0){return $0.toUpperCase();})
This works at least in JavaScript.
Just thought I'd throw them two cents in for strings that may be all caps
var pattern:RegExp = /\b[a-zA-Z]/g;
myString = myString.toLowerCase().replace(pattern, function($0){return $0.toUpperCase();});
This answer does not throw any kind of compiler errors under strict and I wanted it to be a little more robust, handling edge cases like hyphens (ignore them), underscores (treat them like spaces) and other special non-word characters such as slashes or dots.
It's really important to note the /g switch at the end of the regular expression. Without it, the rest of the function is pretty useless, because it will only address the first word, and not any subsequent ones.
for each ( var myText:String in ["this is your life", "Test-it", "this/that/the other thing", "welcome to the", "MC_special_button_04", "022s33FDs"] ){
var upperCaseEveryWord:String = myText.replace( /(\w)([-a-zA-Z0-9]*_?)/g, function( match:String, ... args ):String { return args[0].toUpperCase() + args[1] } );
trace( upperCaseEveryWord );
This Is Your Life
This/That/The Other Thing
Welcome To The T.Dot
For the copy-and-paste artists, here's a ready-to-roll function:
public function upperCaseEveryWord( input:String ):String {
return input.replace( /(\w)([-a-zA-Z0-9]*_?)/g, function( match:String, ... args ):String { return args[0].toUpperCase() + args[1] } );