What could cause a Cyclical Linked List [closed] - c++

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I am trying to make a quicksort algorithm for singly-linked lists. I, however, must be somehow creating a cyclical list in the process. In the concatenate function, the while loop gets stuck printing out 2 and 22 continuously. So, I assume that I must somehow be creating a list where Node 2 points to Node 22 and vice versa. Unfortunately, I have no idea how, since I feel like I have added nullptr to the end of every list where it would matter. I have reviewed my partition function so many times I add more bugs than I fix. Is there something I am missing with how linked lists work?
I have been stuck on this for a while so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my quicksort code.
// quick.cpp
#include "volsort.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Prototypes
Node *qsort(Node *head, bool numeric);
void partition(Node *head, Node *pivot, Node *&left, Node *&right, bool numeric);
Node *concatenate(Node *left, Node *right);
// Implementations
void quick_sort(List &l, bool numeric) {
l.head = qsort(l.head, numeric);
Node *qsort(Node *head, bool numeric) {
if (head == nullptr || head->next == nullptr) {
return head;
Node *l = nullptr;
Node *r = nullptr;
partition(head, head, l, r, numeric);
l = qsort(l, numeric);
r = qsort(r, numeric);
head = concatenate(l, head);
head = concatenate(head, r);
return head;
void partition(Node *head, Node *pivot, Node *&left, Node *&right, bool numeric) {
Node *cur = pivot->next;
bool c;
Node *tl=nullptr, *tr=nullptr;
while (cur != pivot && cur != nullptr) {
if (numeric) {
c = node_number_compare(cur, pivot);//compare numeric elements of the Nodes
else {
c = node_string_compare(cur, pivot);//compare string elements of the code
if (c) {
if (left == nullptr) {
left = cur;
cur = cur->next;
tl = left;
else {
tl->next = cur;
cur = cur->next;
tl = tl->next;
tl->next = nullptr;
else {
if (right == nullptr) {
right = cur;
cur = cur->next;
tr = right;
else {
tr->next = cur;
cur = cur->next;
tr = tr->next;
tr->next = nullptr;
Node *concatenate(Node *left, Node *right) {
if (right == nullptr && left == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
else if (left == nullptr) {
right->next = nullptr;
return right;
else if (right == nullptr) {
left->next = nullptr;
return left;
Node *t = left;
while (t->next != nullptr) {
cout << t->number << endl;
t = t->next;
t->next = right;
while (t->next != nullptr) {
cout << t->number << endl;
t = t->next;
t->next = nullptr;
return left;
Here's the list class functions if it helps.
#include "volsort.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
List::List() {
head = NULL;
size = 0;
List::~List() {
if (head != NULL) { // follow the links, destroying as we go
Node *p = head;
while (p != NULL) {
Node *next = p->next; // retrieve this node's "next" before destroy it
delete p;
p = next;
bool node_number_compare(const Node *a, const Node *b) {
if (a->number <= b-> number) {
return true;
else {
return false;
bool node_string_compare(const Node *a, const Node *b) {
return a->string <= b->string;
void List::push_front(const std::string &s) {
Node *node = new Node();
node->next = NULL;
node->string = s;
node->number = std::stoi(s);
if (head == NULL) {
head = node;
size = 1;
else {
Node *p = head;
while (p->next != NULL) {p = p->next;} // go to end of list
p->next = node;
void List::dump_node(Node *n) {
while (n->next != NULL) {
std::cout << n->number << " " << n->string << std::endl;


BST node deletion loop in C++

I'm building a function for deleting a node in a binary tree; since two of three cases are fairly simple (no children and 1 child) I've built another function to "re-arrange" the nodes beneath the one I'm trying to delete, in case it has two children.
I built the function so that it returns a pointer, which is the re-arranged subtree, but I've also tried making a function that just changes the tree itself, without returning a value, but both seem to create a loop where the tree changes: when I try to print the tree, it's stuck printing between the value I replace and it's left child, back and forth until eventually a segfault 11 pops up. I'm really lost as even the debugger isn't helping me understand where the issue is, can anyone tell me where to look? Thank you in advance for your kind attention and your time
Here is the tree I was thinking of before the deletion:1
And here it is after the deletion:2
if (found the value) // value is head (recursive)
Node* to_delete = head;
head = subNode (head);
delete to_delete;
Node* b_tree :: subNode (Node*&head)
Node*curr = head->right;
if (((!curr->right) && (!curr->left)) || (!curr->left)) // if it's a leaf or at least if the left pointer is NULL
curr->left = head->left;
head->left = NULL;
Node*to_return = curr;
return to_return;
}else // if there's a lower value...
while (curr->left != NULL) // find the lowest in the sub-tree
curr = curr->left;
if (!curr->right)
curr->right = head->right;
curr->left = head->left;
Node* to_return = curr;
curr = NULL;
return to_return;
} else {
Node* temp = curr->right;
curr->right = head->right;
curr->left = head->left;
Node*to_return = curr;
curr = temp;
return to_return;
''' Here's the whole code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Node
Node ();
Node (string, int);
string name;
int value;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node :: Node ()
left = right = NULL;
Node :: Node (string nome, int valore)
this->name = nome;
this->value = valore;
this->left = NULL;
this->right = NULL;
class b_tree
Node* head;
void insRic (Node*&, Node);
void stampaRic (Node*);
void deleteRic (Node*&, Node);
Node* subNode (Node*&);
b_tree ();
void inserimento (Node);
void delete (Node);
void stampa ();
b_tree :: b_tree ()
this->head = NULL;
void b_tree :: inserimento (Node temp)
insRic(this->head, temp);
void b_tree :: insRic (Node*& head, Node temp)
if (head != NULL)
if (temp.value < head->value)
insRic(head->left, temp);
} else if (temp.value > head->value)
insRic(head->right, temp);
} else
head = new Node (temp.name, temp.value);
void b_tree :: stampa ()
stampaRic (this->head);
void b_tree :: stampaRic (Node* head)
if (head != NULL)
if (head->left != NULL)
stampaRic (head->left);
cout << "Nome: " << head->name << " | Valore: " << head->value << endl;
if (head->right != NULL)
stampaRic (head->right);
Node* b_tree :: subNode (Node*&head)
Node*curr = head->right;
if (((!curr->right) && (!curr->left)) || (!curr->left)) // if it's a leaf or at least if the leftious pointer is NULL
curr->left = head->left;
head->left = NULL;
Node*to_return = curr;
return to_return;
}else // if there's a lower value...
while (curr->left != NULL) // find the lowest in the sub-tree
curr = curr->left;
if (!curr->right)
curr->right = head->right;
curr->left = head->left;
Node* to_return = curr;
curr = NULL;
return to_return;
} else {
Node* temp = curr->right;
curr->right = head->right;
curr->left = head->left;
Node*to_return = curr;
curr = temp;
return to_return;
void b_tree :: delete (Node temp)
deleteRic (this->head, temp);
void b_tree :: deleteRic (Node*& head, Node temp)
if (head != NULL) // if head points ot something
if (head->value != temp.value) // if the node I'm trying to delete has a different name, jusr call it again until it finds it
if (temp.value < head->value)
eliminaRic (head->left, temp);
} else if (temp.value > head->value)
eliminaRic (head->right, temp);
} else // once I've found the value I'm trying to delete;
Node*to_delete = head;
if ((head->right == NULL) && (head->left == NULL)) // checking that the node is not a leaf
head = NULL;
delete to_delete;
} else if (head->left == NULL) // if leftious pointer is null
to_delete = head->right;
delete to_delete;
} else if (head->right == NULL) // if right pointer in null
head = head->left;
delete to_delete;
else if ((head->right != NULL) && (head->left != NULL)) // if neither pointer is null (2 children);
head = subNode (head);
delete to_delete;
int main ()
b_tree*albero = new b_tree ();
Node temp = Node ();
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
cout << "Insert name and value; name: "; cin >> temp.name; cout << " value : "; cin >> temp.value; cout << endl;
cout << "Insert the value of the node you wish to delete: "; cin >> temp.value;
Here are some issues:
The main problem is in the second half of subNode. The following line (that occurs twice) creates a cycle:
curr->next = head->next;
As curr is a descendant of head->next, this closes a cycle. This cycle is not broken by anything that follows.
curr = NULL or curr = temp is useless. It only sets a value of a variable and doesn't mutate the tree (which may be what you thought it did).
to_return should not be set to curr, but to head->next.
Not a problem, but the if condition at the top of subNode is equivalent to just !curr->prev.
Not a problem, but head->prev = NULL is not really needed, as head is going to be deleted anyway.
When these points are taken into account, some code repetition can be avoided, and the code can be reduced to the following:
Node* b_tree :: subNode (Node*&head)
Node* curr = head->next;
while (curr->prev != NULL)
curr = curr->prev;
curr->prev = head->prev;
return head-next;
Side note: this algorithm will more quickly increase the gravity with which the tree is unbalanced, as a whole subtree is moved at a lower place in the tree. This may even double the height of the tree with just one delete operation. I would therefor prefer the original, popular algorithm for deletion.

How to use point to next node when deleting elements in C++

I have previously posted some part of this task here.
I am now implementing a method that removes an element at a given index. My code is
void remove(int index)
if (head != NULL)
Node *current = get_node(index);
Node *prev = get_node(index - 1);
Node *next = get_node(index + 1);
prev->next = current->next;
delete current;
however, I am facing this error message
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type
std::range_error: IndexError: Index out of range
Abort trap: 6
I am guessing the problem is the pointers, but I am not sure why this is not working. Anyone who can help?
I think you can handle corner cases like this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Node {
Node(int val) {
this->val = val;
struct Node * next;
int val;
class LinkedList {
Node* head;
LinkedList() {
head = new Node(1);
Node * n1 = new Node(2);
head->next = n1;
Node * n2 = new Node(3);
n1->next = n2;
void remove(int index) {
if (head == NULL) {
int pos = 0;
Node * cur = head;
Node *prev = NULL;
while (cur != NULL) {
if (pos == index) {
prev = cur;
cur = cur->next;
if (prev == NULL) {
head = head->next;
else {
prev->next = cur->next;
delete cur;
void print(Node * head){
cout << "Current linked list:\n";
while(head != NULL) {
cout << head->val << endl;
head = head->next;
cout << endl;
int main() {
LinkedList * list = new LinkedList();

Merge sort a Linked list (segementation fault)

The below code is for merge sorting a linked list. Its giving out a segmentation fault. I really dont know how to deal with the above. All I could find was that I was trying to access a restricted part of the memory, the only place I think i could've gone wrong is re combining the two linked lists after splitting and sorting them under the split function body. I'd appreciate if I could get some guidance on how to deal with segmentation faults from here on & how to rectify them.
//Segmentation fault
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node
int data;
Node *next;
Node(int data)
this->data = data;
next = NULL;
void print(Node *head)
Node *temp = head;
while (temp != NULL)
cout << temp->data << " ";
temp = temp->next;
Node *insert()
int data;
cin >> data;
Node *head = NULL;
Node *tail = NULL;
while (data != -1)
Node *n = new Node(data);
if (head == NULL)
head = n;
tail = n;
tail->next = n;
tail = tail->next;
cin >> data;
return head;
Node *sortedMerge(Node *h1, Node *h2)
// Node *fHead = NULL;
// Node *fTail = NULL;
if (!h1)
return h2;
if (!h2)
return h1;
if (h1->data < h2->data)
h1->next = sortedMerge(h1->next, h2);
return h1;
h2->next = sortedMerge(h1, h2->next);
return h2;
void split(Node *head, Node *h1, Node *h2)
Node *slow = head;
Node *fast = head->next;
while (fast != NULL)
fast = fast->next;
if (fast != NULL)
slow = slow->next;
fast = fast->next;
h1 = head;
h2 = slow->next;
slow->next = NULL;
void mergeSort_LL(Node *head)
Node *temp = head;
Node *h1;
Node *h2;
if ((temp == NULL) || (temp->next == NULL))
split(temp, h1, h2);
head = sortedMerge(h1, h2);
int main()
Node *head = insert();
cout << endl;
cout << "Sorted List is : " << endl;
return 0;
Your call to split will not make h1 or h2 get a value. Arguments are passed by value. Since you evidently need h1 and h2 to get a different value from that split call, you should pass their addresses:
split(temp, &h1, &h2)
The function itself should therefore accept these addresses instead of the node pointers themselves:
void split(Node *head, Node **h1, Node **h2) {
// ...
*h1 = head;
*h2 = slow->next;
// ...

Why am I getting a segmentation fault when I try to run mergesort on my C++ linked list? (SEGFAULT)

I am implementing a linked list with a merge sort function for a class project. My program compiles, but when I try to run it I get segmentation fault(core dumped). I debugged my program using GDB, and found that the segfault happens with the pointer frontRef and backRef in my listSplit() function (line 98 in the code below).
Can someone please help me? For the life of me I can't figure out why I am getting a segfault. I would greatly appreciate help with this.
#include "orderedList.h"
orderedList::orderedList() {
listLength = 0;
traversalCount = 0;
head = nullptr;
tail = nullptr;
void orderedList::add(int n) {
struct node* point = new node;
point->value = n;
point->next = nullptr;
if (head == nullptr) {
head = point;
tail = point;
else {
point->next = head;
head = point;
void orderedList::merge(struct node** headRef) {
struct node *listHead = *headRef;
struct node *a;
struct node *b;
if ((listHead == nullptr) || (listHead->next == nullptr)) {
listSplit(listHead, &a, &b);
*headRef = sortedMerge(a, b);
orderedList::node* orderedList::sortedMerge(struct node* a, struct node *b)
struct node* result = nullptr;
if (a == nullptr) {
return (b);
if (b == nullptr) {
return (a);
if (a->value <= b->value) {
result = a;
result->next = sortedMerge(a->next, b);
else {
result = b;
result->next = sortedMerge(a, b->next);
return (result);
void orderedList::print() {
struct node* temp = head;
while (temp != nullptr) {
std::cout << temp->value << " ";
temp = temp->next;
int orderedList::search(int key) {
int traversals = 1;
struct node* current = head;
struct node* previous = nullptr;
while (current != nullptr) {
if (current->value == key) {
if (previous != nullptr) {
previous->next = current->next;
current->next = head;
head = current;
return traversals;
previous = current;
current = current->next;
traversals ++;
return 1;
void orderedList::listSplit(struct node* source, struct node** frontRef, struct node** backRef) { // <--- Line 98
struct node* current = source;
int hopCount = ((listLength - 1) / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < hopCount; i++) {
current = current->next;
*frontRef = source;
*backRef = current->next;
current->next = nullptr;
You made *backRef point to current->next and then you let current->next = nullptr. This makes *backRef pointing to a nullptr. Did you later try to do something with the returned backRef, aka a node variable in your caller code?

Reverse doubly-link list in C++

I've been trying to figure out how to reverse the order of a doubly-linked list, but for some reason, in my function void reverse() runs while loop once and then crashes for some reason. To answer some questions ahead, I'm self-teaching myself with my brothers help. This isn't all of the code, but I have a display() function which prints all nodes chronologically from start_ptr and a switch which activates certain functions like
case 1 : add_end(); break;
case 2 : add_begin(); break;
case 3 : add_index(); break;
case 4 : del_end(); break;
case 5 : del_begin(); break;
case 6 : reverse(); break;
This is the geist of my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
char name[20];
char profession[20];
int age;
node *nxt;
node *prv;
node *start_ptr = NULL;
void pswap (node *pa, node *pb)
node temp = *pa;
*pa = *pb;
*pb = temp;
void reverse()
cout << "Can't do anything" << endl;
else if(start_ptr->nxt==NULL)
node *current = start_ptr;
node *nextone = start_ptr;
while(nextone->nxt!= NULL)
pswap(current->nxt, current->prv);
Try this:
node *ptr = start_ptr;
while (ptr != NULL) {
node *tmp = ptr->nxt;
ptr->nxt = ptr->prv;
ptr->prv = tmp;
if (tmp == NULL) {
end_ptr = start_ptr;
start_ptr = ptr;
ptr = tmp;
EDIT: My first implementation, which was correct but not perfect.
Your implementation is pretty complicated. Can you try this instead:
node * reverse(Node * start_ptr)
Node *curr = start_ptr;
Node * prev = null;
Node * next = null;
next = curr->nxt;
curr->nxt = prev;
curr->prv = next;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
return start_ptr=prev;
Here is my updated solution:
node * reverse()
node *curr = start_ptr;
node * prev = NULL;
node * next = NULL;
next = curr->nxt;
curr->nxt = prev;
curr->prv = next;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
return start_ptr=prev;
The logic was correct. But the issue was that I was accepting in input argument start_ptr. Which means that I was returning the local copy of it. Now it should be working.
You can simplify your reverse() quite a bit. I'd do something like this:
void reverse()
if(start_ptr == NULL)
cout << "Can't do anything" << endl;
node *curr = start_ptr;
while(curr != NULL)
Node *next = curr->next;
curr->next = curr->prev;
curr->prev = next;
curr = next;
start_ptr = prev;
Explanation: The basic idea is simply to visit each Node and swap the links to previous and next. When we move curr to the next Node, we need to store the next node so we still have a pointer to it when we set curr.next to prev.
Simple solution. reverses in less than half a number of total iterations over the list
template<typename E> void DLinkedList<E>::reverse() {
int median = 0;
int listSize = size();
int counter = 0;
if (listSize == 1)
DNode<E>* tempNode = new DNode<E>();
* A temporary node for swapping a node and its reflection node
DNode<E>* dummyNode = new DNode<E>();
DNode<E>* headCursor = head;
DNode<E>* tailCursor = tail;
for (int i = 0; i < listSize / 2; i++) {
cout << i << "\t";
headCursor = headCursor->next;
tailCursor = tailCursor->prev;
DNode<E>* curNode = headCursor;
DNode<E>* reflectionNode = tailCursor;
if (listSize % 2 == 0 && listSize / 2 - 1 == i) {
* insert a dummy node for reflection
* for even sized lists
curNode->next = dummyNode;
dummyNode->prev = curNode;
reflectionNode->prev = dummyNode;
dummyNode->next = reflectionNode;
* swap the connections from previous and
* next nodes for current and reflection nodes
curNode->prev->next = curNode->next->prev = reflectionNode;
reflectionNode->prev->next = reflectionNode->next->prev = curNode;
* swapping of the nodes
tempNode->prev = curNode->prev;
tempNode->next = curNode->next;
curNode->next = reflectionNode->next;
curNode->prev = reflectionNode->prev;
reflectionNode->prev = tempNode->prev;
reflectionNode->next = tempNode->next;
if (listSize % 2 == 0 && listSize / 2 - 1 == i) {
* remove a dummy node for reflection
* for even sized lists
reflectionNode->next = curNode;
curNode->prev = reflectionNode;
* Reassign the cursors to position over the recently swapped nodes
tailCursor = curNode;
headCursor = reflectionNode;
delete tempNode, dummyNode;
template<typename E> int DLinkedList<E>::size() {
int count = 0;
DNode<E>* iterator = head;
while (iterator->next != tail) {
iterator = iterator->next;
return count;
I suggest maintaining a link to the last node.
If not, find the last node.
Traverse the list using the "previous" links (or in your case, prv).
There is no need to actually change the links around. Traversing using the prv pointer will automatically visit the nodes in reverse order.
Look at
Here nextone->nxt can be null.
Apart from that, try to use pointers to pointers in the swap function.
Your pswap function is wrong
your should swap the pointer not try to create temporary objects and swap them.
Should be like that (there might be other mistake later)
void pswap (node *&pa, node *&pb)
node* temp = pa;
pa = pb;
pb = temp;
A very simple and O(n) solution using two pointers:
start = head of the doubly LL
struct node *temp, *s;
s = start;
while(s != NULL){
temp = s->prev;
s->prev = s->next;
s->next = temp;
s = s->prev;
//if list has more than one node
if(current != NULL){
start = temp->prev;
My code for reversing doubly linked list,
Node* Reverse(Node* head)
// Complete this function
// Do not write the main method.
if(head != NULL) {
Node* curr = head;
Node* lastsetNode = curr;
while(curr != NULL) {
Node* frwdNode = curr->next;
Node* prevNode = curr->prev;
if(curr==head) {
curr->next = NULL;
curr->prev = frwdNode;
lastsetNode = curr;
else {
curr->next = lastsetNode;
curr->prev = frwdNode;
lastsetNode = curr;
curr = frwdNode;
head = lastsetNode;
return head;
I thought I'd add a recursive solution here.
node* reverse_and_get_new_head(node* head) {
if (head == nullptr) { return nullptr; }
// This can be avoided by ensuring the initial,
// outer call is with a non-empty list
std::swap(head->prev, head->next);
if (head->prev == nullptr) { return head; }
return reverse_and_get_new_head(head->prev);
void reverse() {
start_ptr = reverse_and_get_new_head(start_ptr);