CLion breakpoints crossed out [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 days ago.
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I am making a simple program that allows the user to create a tune. When I debug a certain part of the program with breakpoints, CLion fails to hit the breakpoints. Like this:
why are my breakpoints crossed out in CLion? What can I do to fix it?
Here is my CMake file:
I have tried running the debugger, expecting the breakpoints to be hit, and the breakpoints are not being hit.
my question is -1. so lets make my question more clear. In CLion, when you click on the left column while debugging, you can set a breakpoint. it shows as a red dot. This works for me. When I run my program however, CLion replaces my red dots (breakpoints) with white circles with a line through it (as in the screenshot shown). I want to know:
What do the circles with the line through it mean?
Why does CLion replace my breakpoints with circles with a line through them?
How can I get rid of the circles with the line through them?


How can I view the hierarchy of function calls when an error occurs in Visual Studio? [closed]

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Closed 25 days ago.
This post was edited and submitted for review 19 days ago.
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Before working in Visual Studio, I worked in the Matlab program and there, when an error occurred, function calls were consistently displayed in the command window, indicating the line number, which part of the code caused the error. Now I work in Visual Studio and I really need the same a tool.
I found the "call hierarchy" window, but unfortunately it does not display so conveniently, since entering a function can be from different functions, it is not clear which one caused the error.
If you are using Visual Studio when you get an error you can go to Debug>Windows>Call Stack

Setup Openframework in Codeblock in Windows [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to configure OpenFramework IDE in my codeblock. I want to build an app which prints the line on screen.
If the only thing you want is to just print a line of text you can use std::cout that prints to basic output onto your console window when the application runs. This is the most basic and easiest way to solve this.
If need to do something more complex than that, like program with GUI instead of console app, I would suggest you to use something other than OpenFrameworks, like f.e. Qt, that has a support for things like this. OpenFrameworks has the capability of doing all that, it just isn't it's main goal. You can download various addons that implement things like UI elemenets, but they are usually pretty simple.
Edit: I've just realized that by line you probably didn't mean a line of text...
Well, OpenFrameworks has no longer an Code Blocks support, you can still though download an older version from

Dev C++ doesn't display all my outputs [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
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i just finished my c++ program and everything is working just fine !
The thing is Dev C++ does NOT display all my outputs , but only a number of em , while cropping the others(the first ones) ! If i remove the last cout's , i will get the right outputs ! Any help please to get all my outputs !!?`
If your program writes more lines of output than there are on the screen, the first lines will scroll off the top of the screen. If you remove the last ones, then the first ones won't scroll off the top, and you'll be able to see them.

One command to do make and run in c++? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was doing debugging for homework. I had to type make and ./a2 billions of times just to see my stuff drawn on the screen.
I use vim and a shell
I m sure there must be a way(script) to just press one button and do "make" and ./a2 at the same time
What is this command?
What cool hack/trick do you use to avoid some repetitive typing?
add a "test" pseudo-target to your makefile:
.PHONY: test # instruct make to always "build" the following target
test: ./a2
Now you can simply run make test in command line. If you copy the lines above, make sure that the recepy line starts with a tab character.
If you are using shell how about
make && ./a2
You can always just write a script to deploy. Or, why not use an IDE? Eclipse for C++ is free.

Visual C++ how do you debug a button click? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm extremely new to visual c++, I thought that having the debugger be able to debug a button click would be as simple as vb/c# .net but it's clearly not :) I'm having difficulty finding anything online explaining how you debug visual C++ button clicks. Since there's no events like in VB, how does one go about doing this?
Regardless of the framework in question, or really the language in question, when debugging an application using Visual Studio you simply place a breakpoint on the line in question.
You can place a breakpoint by hitting F9 on the line you would like to stop at or by right clicking on the line and going to Breakpoint > Insert Breakpoint.
That being said, if you have no code to "handle" (in the general sense of the term, as I'm not certain what framework you're using) a button click, then you will have no code to insert a breakpoint into.