Google App Action Custom Intent is not working from Google Assistant - app-actions

I'm trying to build App Actions using custom intent but there's not much help that I can get from the Google's document.
I am able to run the intent and catch the parameter using the App Action Test Tool but when I try to run the custom intent by using interacting directly with Google Assistant like: "Hey Google, open [app name] and [make a cake at 12:00:00]", the console said: "Sorry, I don't understand".
I've been trying to follow some documents and tutorials and have XML files as below.
If anyone has experience on this, please share it. Thank you in advance.
android:mimeType="" />
<capability-binding android:key="custom.actions.intent.MY_CUSTOM_INTENT">
<string-array name="SampleQueries">
<item>make a cake at $time</item>
<item>make a cake</item>
<string name="my_custom_intent">my_custom_intent</string>
<string name="MY_CUSTOM_INTENT">MY_CUSTOM_INTENT</string>
Run custom intent of App Actions from Google assistant and catch all the parameters from the input.


ColdFusion 2018 Admin Console Shows Indestructible Search Bar

When I login to ColdFusion 2018 admin console the screenshot below shows up. The close button is not working. Neither is the search box. Restarting the WebLogic server and reopening console are not helpful. How to fix this? I never had this issue using ColdFusion console before this.
This is the console log in browser. No error reported in Eclipse.
You are missing the /cf_scripts mapping that serves the jQuery script that is required to run the frontend of the CF2018 admin console.
The mapping should point to /ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/cf_scripts/.
If you are using the built-in Tomcat, locate /ColdFusion2018/cfusion/runtime/conf/server.xml and adjust your context:
<Context path="" docBase="/your-webroot/" workDir="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/runtime/conf/Catalina/localhost/tmp">
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE" webAppMount="/CFIDE" />
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF" webAppMount="/WEB-INF" />
<PreResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" base="/ColdFusion2018/cfusion/wwwroot/cf_scripts" webAppMount="/cf_scripts" />
If you are using IIS, you can simly add a virtual directory. A symlink would probably work too for that matter.
It seems to be an incorrect value in your neo-runtime.xml file. CfFormScriptSrc value should be just "/cf_scripts/scripts/". For those who don't understand, refer to the discussion at

How to retrieve custom associations configured in governance.xml in WSO2 Enterprise Store

I created a custom association for type 'Schema' in governance.xml as below:
<Association type="schema">
<critical reverseAssociation ="isCriticalTo" iconClass="">service</critical>
I created some associations using the Greg Publisher for the same. The custom associations are not retrieved in the default payload of WSO2 Store for the specific artifact.
How can I customize WSO2 Enterprise Store View to retrieve and display the custom association details (critical/isCriticalTo)?
Your governance.xml entry looks fine, however please remove the iconClass attribute if your not using it. Please find the rectified governance.xml entry,
<Association type="service">
<isCriticalTo reverseAssociation ="critical" iconClass="fw-store">schema</critical>
Note: I presume you have deployed service.rxt in admin console and made it enable in publisher and store(if you can view assets then fine.)
Please find the association page look a like after adding above xml code.
Please find this this useful blog post. This blog post is about G-Reg 5.2.0. however it is compatible with G-Reg 5.1.0 as well except reverseAssociation, iconClass.
For WSDLs if users want to view all the "depends" and "usedBy" users can view them by extending the WSDL asset.js file as per their needs. In order to view all the "depends" and "usedBy" associations for WSDL find the below code snippet from asset.js file,
if(deps.associationType == "soapservice") {
and comment out the below code,
//if(deps.associationType == "soapservice") {
Then user can view all the "depends" and "usedBy" associations.
WSO2 developers have fixed this correctly in their git repo, Please find the PR from here.

Elmah applicationName="myApplication" isn't working

I've found many posts about this issue, however I cannot find any resolution or even hints of where to start to make the "applicaitonName" attribute work. It still shows the Application column as a blank value. I've tried this with multiple projects and new projects and I get the same result. Elma logs everything else correctly but never with an application name.
Any ideas?
<security allowRemoteAccess="false" />
<errorLog type="Elmah.SqlErrorLog, Elmah" connectionStringName="MyConnectionString" applicationName="MyApplication"/>
I just created a new database in SQL Server Express, ran the Elmah.SqlServer.sql creation script, created a new web project, installed the NuGet packages: ELMAH and elmah.sqlserver.
In web.config, ELMAH configuration looks like this:
<errorLog type="Elmah.SqlErrorLog, Elmah" connectionStringName="elmah-sqlserver" applicationName="HelloWorld" />
When forcing 404 errors on the new website, new errors are logged to SQL Server express with HelloWorld in the application column.
Please be aware that the application name is not shown anywhere in the ELMAH UI (/elmah.axd). To see the application name, you should check the database or view the Raw/Source data in XML or in JSON through the errors details.

One or more files could not be uploaded. See the Log file for more details in sitecore 7.1

I get this "One or more files could not be uploaded. See the Log file for more details." error when i tried to upload an image file using firefox browser. In other browsers (IE and Chrome), it works fine. I checked whether WebDav.config causing the issue and i removed this config but didn't help. Also, I checked the anonymous access on Applications/FlashUpload and /Applications/Media.
Does anyone encountered this scenario?
May i know what is the cause.
Sitecore version : sitecore 7.1
Firefox 27.0.1
Please try modifying the following settings:
<setting name="Upload.Classic" value="true" />
answer from user459491 will solve the problem, but it simply changes the controls used for file downloads. I had same issue and the reason was that our website used windows authentication and authentication. The solution is explained here:
"I have then lodged a ticket with Sitecore support. Few days later they come back with a solution that is to enable "Anonymous" authentication in IIS for ‘/sitecore/shell/Applications/FlashUpload’ and ‘/sitecore/shell/Applications/Media’."

How to retrieve WCF service link in flex using httpservices

I want to retrieve server content which is like wsdl link(WCF service URL)using FLEX 4.5.. I haven't worked with webservices on FLEX. I have worked with xml data retrieval using httpservices where I had a local xml datas. Right now, i am trying to retrieve a server content. I have provided with the service link, method name and xml tags. (seems like parameters).. Since this is the first time im trying the server content, I need some help. Your help is highly appreciated.. thanks in advance... Would be better if i can get a sample project on webservices.
This is what I'm trying. The service link is below.
When I click on this link, i'm getting the below link.
where I can see a lot of tags.
I am using HTTPSERVICES and WEBSERVICES to work on this issue and i'm not getting the xml data. I guess I did some mistake on passing the parameters. Please walk me through the steps how can I pass the method and parameters with this link..
First you need to create a WebService tag. Or use ActionScript an object of type WebService.
<mx:WebService id="myWebService"
<s:operation name="GetInformation" result="onLoad(event)" fault="onFault(event)">
Then you need to specify the WSDL document location and load it.
Then you can simply call the operations specified in the WebService tag.
Here is a link on how to communicate with web services using MXML and AS.