Why does SageMaker SHAP require a baseline dataset? [closed] - amazon-web-services

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Closed 4 months ago.
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SageMaker Clarify SHAP (https://sagemaker.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/training/processing.html#sagemaker.clarify.SHAPConfig) requires users to specify a baseline dataset. The regular, popular SHAP (https://github.com/slundberg/shap) does not require this, making its use simpler than ours.
Why do we require a baseline dataset?

Most of the approaches in SHAP do require a background/baseline dataset. It is only the TreeSHAP (to my knowledge) that can do without it (by using instead information stored in the trees themselves to know about how to "integrate out features" that are masked). The Clarify documentation says it uses Kernel SHAP, so a background dataset is required. However, notice that they will compute one for you if baseline=None, using clustering on the background data available to Clarify from your training the model in the first place.


How to run multiple simulations inside containers programmatically? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am developing a website that runs a simulation given a user-submitted script. I tried to follow some Online Judge architectures, but in my case, I need to send user input and receive the output in realtime, like a simulation.
I tried Kubernetes Jobs, but isn't seems so easy to communicate with the container, especially if I need a Kubernetes client on the language that I am working.
So, my question is: Given this scenario, what is the best approach to orchestrate multiple containers with interactive I/O programmatically?
*Obs.: I am not worrying about security yet.
Please take a look at the design of the spark operator:
That has a somewhat similar design to what you’re targeting. Similarly, Argo Workflow is another example:

Why doesn't Z3 BitVec object have runtime size info? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm working with different sizes of Z3 bitvecs and I was working on a way to ease the workload. I'm going to get the info from an object before z3 expression was created so it's not actually a vital problem but I wondered why z3 bitvecs doesn't carry runtime size information.
You can surely query the sort of every z3 AST term, and then get the size for bvs; so, yes, they do carry size information along with pretty much everything you need to know.
The relevant calls are:
The API documentation has myriad other calls for scrutinizing different parts of terms, see here.

Census transform vs Mutual Information [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to use an algorithm for stereo processing images (or frames – as I intend to use it for a real-time application written in C/C++) and I was thinking about: Census transform algorithm and matching cost calculation based on Mutual Information as my best options, but as far as I know, Census transform doesn’t give quite as accurate results as Mutual Information, and Mutual Information is more expensive.
Which one would be more suitable for my case?

computer vision,extract the features about table,chair,bed...furniture [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to classify the furniture in my house,like table,chair,bed..,by rgb images.
Is there a suitable features extracting algorithm about those furniture?I have extracted the features using moment invariants,but the prediction is not good.
Thanks a lot for your help!
I want to classify the furniture in my house,like table,chair,bed..,by rgb images.
It depends what exactly You want to do. First thing which comes to me is Fuzzy Logic. You can find a lot of different FL libraries in C++:
LINK: ffll.sourceforge.net/ API looks really nice and 'fast'
LINK: github.com/fuzzylite/fuzzylite Good implementation with many helpful features
Here You have some proposal:
But first of all You should get some knowledge about Fuzzy Logic, because it can be the triumph of form over substance. That is why You have to be sure what You want to do exactly.
As alternative You can just identify objects by it's contrast. RGB image to grayscale, then some gamma corrections:
...and that's it.

Django: how to zip all html/css/js files? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building my new website using the great Django framework and I would like to bundle all
js/css/html together for external design work.
Do you know any tool that might come up handy?
Or maybe there is another option for external designer to work on my project?
The normal option is to use a revision control software which not only will let you share the needed code but also continuously integrate the changes without conflicts when one of the developers changes something. Of course compression of resources is automatically done by those software.
No serious developer, even alone, works without such a source control software.
There are online solutions if you can't set up a server, for example https://github.com/