Simulation of Pepper Robot in Gazebo - pepper

How to sync Choregraphe software with the gazebo?
I have simulated the robot in the gazebo with the help of this
This repository only gives me control through moveit, which I don't want.
How can I program the pepper robot in choregraphe and simulate it in the gazebo?
Thank you

Gazebo will simulate a Pepper by publishing and subscribing to all the required ROS topics. But it will not start NAOqi, and it will not provide an endpoint for Choregraphe to connect to.


Can a STM32 microcontroller board be connected to AWS IoT core without its discovery kit?

I was searching in the net about connection between STM32 microcontroller and AWS IoT core, didnt come across any. I cam across articles where the discovery board of STM32 is used to connect to AWS IoT core. But I want a simple way to connect the STM32 microcontroller to AWS IoT core with the help of WiFi module (since STM32 microcontroller boards dont usually have WiFi modules)
I tried searching as I have already told but didnt come any resources related to what I was searching. I was specifically looking for resources related to STM32F1 series.
You need internet connectivity to be able to connect to aws iot. That could be wireless or ethernet. STM32f4 could work with ethernet.
Or, you move to ESP32.
What I’ve done in the past is to connect a stm32L1 to esp8266 over spi.
AWS provides a tutorial on how to use the IoT Device SDK for Embedded C -
They also provide sample apps specifically ported for STM32 (STM32L4 discovery board - based on WiFi connectivity.
That can be a good starting point if you build it and review the codebase.
However if you want to use a different STM32 family then you will need to port the project to your specific hardware.
Also if you have a different WiFi module, you will need to rewrite the drivers to fit to your hardware configuration. (You can only use a WiFi module which supports TLS connectivity, as that is mandatory for the AWS IoT Broker connection).
Another approach: in the AWS console under IoT Core > Device Software > FreeRTOS Device Software ( there are preconfigured packs for download. Alternatively you can also customize a device pack for download. You will be able to find the same device (STM32L475 Disco board) listed there.

run gazebo on EC2

I'm trying to develop an robot application. But I don't have GPU locally. So I created an EC2 instance, and tried to run gazebo on it. However, it always fails with the following error. Maybe it's because I'm using VNC to connect to the server.
Dec 11 08:26:29 ip-172-31-33-33 kernel: [ 1633.096463] gzclient[3264]: segfault at 20 ip 00007fb23955d867 sp 00007ffc7b0e0820 error 4 in[7fb2391f7000+571000]
Did anyone do that before (running gazebo and ros on AWS and connect to it through remote desktop)? It it possible if I don't have local GPU and want to develop an ros application on cloud?
For robotics programming, including ROS1, ROS2, Gazibo, etc, AWS provides managed services called AWS RoboMaker:
AWS RoboMaker is a service that makes it easy to create robotics applications at scale. AWS RoboMaker extends the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework with cloud services.
It supports a number of robotics applications, such as Gazebo:
Gazebo (versions 9 and 11): Tool to simulate robots in an environment.

Tendermint to run on Android phone

Is it possible to use gomobile to compile Tendermint and ABCI, then we can run them on Android phones?
I am looking for the tutorial how to implement this.
What part would you like to run the phone?
There is the notion of a light client that communicates to other nodes, these nodes can submit and query transactions. The light client does not run the application, allowing for a smaller foot print.

Audio Streaming | Testing on Amazon Echo | Alexa

I'm working on Amazon Echo (Alexa) now days, and quite new to it. I'm using AWS-Lambda function as endpoint, and testing my custom skill on simulator or The skills without audios are working fine in this scenerio
The problem is, i'm creating an audio list, and want echo/alexa to play that. I've read that simulator doesn't support audio streaming at the moment. but i'm unable to stream it on as well.
I'm writing the simplest possible code on lambda from this link
But audio is not streaming. I've updated audio link and also have added logs (cloud watch). Function is being called and returning the response. but no audio.
Please help. Can we do it?
So, simple answer to my question in NO.
i asked the same question on Alexa developer forum, and got this email from Alexa team:
Hello Faiza, audio streaming is not supported on the service simulator or
echosim. You will need to use an Echo devices.
Kim C.
Alexa Skills Team
I tested my skill on Echo device, and it worked fine.
I don't know the exact answer to your question (yet). I just thought this may help you. We built a tool for local skill development and testing.
BST Tools
Requests and responses from Alexa will be sent directly to your local server, so that you can quickly code and debug without having to do any deployments. I have found this to be very useful for our own development.
We also have a sample project Streamer with audio streaming to demonstrate BST features.
Take a look at this tutorial: BST Emulator
If you are on Python we also have this: BSTPy. This will proxy your Python lambda (expose it as a local http service).
Let me know if you have any questions or need more help.
Unfortunately I confirm #Fayza Nawaz answer is correct (upvoted).
The test simulator doesn't support audio player (via AudioPlayer). The web test simulator (ironically today have been launched the new interface: doesn't support both finite length audio files or continuous audio streaming :(
I opened a similar issue here:
Alexa Skill AudioPlayer: Console test Support poor support/bugs
BTW, I tested also EchoSim and I confirm it doesn't works.
Another minus is that I can NOT test any (audio-based) Alexa skill with a physical device (Amazon Echo) because I'm from Italy and Amazon not allow me to purchase a device from Italy, even if I'm perfectly aware Amazon Alexa doesn't support now Italian language and my skill is in English.
That's very sad ...

Dronekit android tower telemetry update frequency

I've just started looking into building something using dronekit. Before I dive headfirst into this (and I fully realize this might be a difficult question to answer): What kind of telemetry update frequency can I expect from the 3DR services underlying an android app (say that I'm using a PixHawk controller with the 3DR telemetry downlink plugged into my Android's USB port). I need something as instantaneous as possible, no slower than 1Hz and optimally down to 5-10Hz (talking about both telemetry update events from the drone, and the ability to send commands to the drone). Is it possible at all to get that kind of speed using this stack?
Sending commands to the drone is not throttled at the moment, so it can be as fast as your logic and hardware allow.
The receiving update frequency is currently locked at 2Hz. We're looking into making it customizable in a future release.
For more information, feel free to ping the dev team directly on the gitter channel.