Regular expression to get specific pattern in snowflake - replace

I have a table with column data like below.
Column5 :
1) ["[\"( "ABC12345678", "ABC00123451","ABC00543211")\"]"]
2) ["[\"( ABC87654321\"]"]
I just need to clean this column and fetch it like below.
1) ABC12345678,ABC00123451,ABC00543211
2) ABC87654321
Currently I am using replace function repeatedly to clean the data
replace( replace (replace (replace(replace(replace(replace (Column5,'[',''),']',''),'',''),'"',''),'\'',''),')',''),'(','') as column5list
is there any regular expression which can I use for the purpose to clean the data.
Pattern remains same ABC followed by 8 digits

Nested REPLACE could be simplfiied with TRANSLATE:
SELECT Column5, TRANSLATE(Column5, $$[]"'()$$, '') AS result
FROM tab;
Sample data:
SELECT '["[\"( "ABC12345678", "ABC00123451","ABC00543211")\"]"]' AS column5;


BigQuery regexp replace character between quotes

I'm trying to use the BigQuery function regexp_replace for the following scenario:
Given a string field with comma as a delimiter, I need to only remove the commas within double quotes.
I found the following regex to work in the website but it seems that the BigQuery function doesn't support Lookahead groups. Could you please help me find an equivalent expression that is supported by the Big Query function regexp_replace?
Big Query example code not supported:
WITH tbl AS (
SELECT 'LINE_NR="1",TXT_FIELD="Some text",CID="0"' as text
SELECT 'LINE_NR="2",TXT_FIELD=",,Some text",CID="0"' as text
SELECT 'LINE_NR="3",TXT_FIELD="Some text ,",CID="0"' as text
SELECT 'LINE_NR="4",TXT_FIELD=",Some ,text,",CID="0"' as text
REGEXP_REPLACE(text, r'(?m),(?=[^"]*"(?:[^"\r\n]*"[^"]*")*[^"\r\n]*$)', "")
FROM tbl;
Thank you
Consider below approach (assuming you know in advance keys within the text field)
select text,
( select string_agg(replace(kv, ',', ''), ',' order by offset)
from unnest(regexp_extract_all(text, r'((?:LINE_NR|TXT_FIELD|CID)=".*?")')) kv with offset
) corrected_text
from tbl;
if applied to sample data in your question - output is

Select the next line of the matched pattern in clob column using oracle regular expression

I have a clob column "details" in table xxx. I want to select the next line of the matched pattern using Regex.
Input Text (CLOB DATA) like below :( all placed in new line)
I tried to use INFO as pattern match string and retrieve the next line of the text . But could not able to do it by using Regular expression function . Please help me to resolve this
Output :
You can use the below to get the details
select replace(regexp_substr(details,'INFO:'||chr(10)||'.+'),'INFO:')
from your_table;
You can also try the below to be operation system independent
select replace(regexp_substr(details,'INFO:
from your_table;

How can I use regular expressions to select text between commas?

I am using BigQuery on Google Cloud Platform to extract data from GDELT. This uses an SQL syntax and regular expressions.
I have a column of data (called V2Tone), in which each cell looks like this:
To select only the first number (i.e., the number before the first comma) using regular expressions, we use this:
regexp_replace(V2Tone, r',.*', '')
How can we select only the second number (i.e., the number between the first and second commas)?
How about the third number (i.e., the number between the second and third commas)?
I understand that re2 syntax ( is used here, but my understanding of how to put that all together is limited.
If anything is unclear, please let me know. Thank you for your help as I learn to use regular expressions.
Below example is for BigQuery Standard SQL using super simple SPLIT approach
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(0)] first_number,
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] second_number,
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(2)] third_number
FROM `project.dataset.table`
If for some reason you need/want to use regexp here - use below
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(.*?),') first_number,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),)(.*?),') second_number,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),){2}(.*?),') third_number,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),){4}(.*?),') fifth_number
FROM `project.dataset.table`
You can play, test above options with dummy string from your question as below
WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
SELECT '1.55763239875389,2.80373831775701,1.24610591900312,4.04984423676012,26.4797507788162,2.49221183800623,299' V2Tone
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(0)] first_number,
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] second_number,
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(2)] third_number,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(.*?),') first_number_re,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),)(.*?),') second_number_re,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),){2}(.*?),') third_number_re,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),){4}(.*?),') fifth_number_re
FROM `project.dataset.table`
with output :
first_number second_number third_number first_number_re second_number_re third_number_re fifth_number_re
1.55763239875389 2.80373831775701 1.24610591900312 1.55763239875389 2.80373831775701 1.24610591900312 26.4797507788162
I don't know of a single regex replace which could be used to isolate a single number in your CSV string, because we need to remove things on both sides of the match, in general. But, we can chain together two calls to regex_replace. For example, if you wanted to target the third number in the CSV string, we could try this:
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?),){2}', ''),
r',.*', ''))
The pattern I am using to strip of the first n numbers is this:
This just removes a number, followed by a comma, n times, from the beginning of the string.
Here is a solution with a single regex replace:
\n is added to the negated character class in the demo to avoid matching accross lines in m|multiline mode.
regexp_replace(V2Tone, r'^([^,]+(?:,|$)){2}([^,]+(?:,|$))*|^.*$', '$1')
([^,]+(?:,|$){n} captures everything to the next comma or the end of the string n times
([^,]+(?:,|$))* captures the rest 0 or more times
^.*$ capture everything if we cannot match n times
And then, finally, we can reinsert the nth match using $1.

Regular Expression in redshift

I have a data which is being fed in the below format -
2016-006-011 04:58:22.058
This is an incorrect date/timestamp format and in order to convert this to a right one as below -
2016-06-11 04:58:22.058
I'm trying to achieve this using regex in redshift. Is there a way to remove the additional Zero(0) in the date and month portion using regex. I need something more generic and not tailed for this example alone as date will vary.
The function regexp_replace() (see documentation) should do the trick:
'2016-006-011 04:58:22.058' -- use your date column here instead
, '\-0([0-9]{2}\-)0([0-9]{2})' -- matches "-006-011", captures "06-" in $1, "11" in $2
, '-$1$2' -- inserts $1 and $2 to give "-06-11"
And so the result is, as required:
2016-06-11 04:58:22.058
(1 row)

Hive - regexp_replace function for multiple strings

I am using hive 0.13! I want to find multiple tokens like "hip hop" and "rock music" in my data and replace them with "hiphop" and "rockmusic" - basically replace them without white space. I have used the regexp_replace function in hive. Below is my query and it works great for above 2 examples.
drop table vp_hiphop;
create table vp_hiphop as
select userid, ntext,
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(ntext, 'hip hop', 'hiphop'), 'rock music', 'rockmusic') as ntext1
from vp_nlp_protext_males
But I have 100 such bigrams/ngrams and want to be able to do replace efficiently where I just remove the whitespace. I can pattern match the phrase - hip hop and rock music but in the replace I want to simply trim the white spaces. Below is what I tried. I also tried using trim with regexp_replace but it wants the third argument in the regexp_replace function.
drop table vp_hiphop;
create table vp_hiphop as
select userid, ntext,
regexp_replace(ntext, '(hip hop)|(rock music)') as ntext1
from vp_nlp_protext_males
You can strip all occurrences of a substring from a string using the TRANSLATE function to replace the substring with the empty string. For your query it would become this:
drop table vp_hiphop;
create table vp_hiphop as
select userid, ntext,
translate(ntext, ' ', '') as ntext1
from vp_nlp_protext_males