Hive - regexp_replace function for multiple strings - regex

I am using hive 0.13! I want to find multiple tokens like "hip hop" and "rock music" in my data and replace them with "hiphop" and "rockmusic" - basically replace them without white space. I have used the regexp_replace function in hive. Below is my query and it works great for above 2 examples.
drop table vp_hiphop;
create table vp_hiphop as
select userid, ntext,
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(ntext, 'hip hop', 'hiphop'), 'rock music', 'rockmusic') as ntext1
from vp_nlp_protext_males
But I have 100 such bigrams/ngrams and want to be able to do replace efficiently where I just remove the whitespace. I can pattern match the phrase - hip hop and rock music but in the replace I want to simply trim the white spaces. Below is what I tried. I also tried using trim with regexp_replace but it wants the third argument in the regexp_replace function.
drop table vp_hiphop;
create table vp_hiphop as
select userid, ntext,
regexp_replace(ntext, '(hip hop)|(rock music)') as ntext1
from vp_nlp_protext_males

You can strip all occurrences of a substring from a string using the TRANSLATE function to replace the substring with the empty string. For your query it would become this:
drop table vp_hiphop;
create table vp_hiphop as
select userid, ntext,
translate(ntext, ' ', '') as ntext1
from vp_nlp_protext_males


Extract all substrings bounded by the same characters

Given a name_loc column of text like the following:
{"Charlie – White Plains, NY","Wrigley – Minneapolis, MN","Ana – Decatur, GA"}
I'm trying to extract the names, ideally separated by commas:
Charlie, Wrigley, Ana
I've gotten this far:
SELECT SUBSTRING(CAST(name_loc AS VARCHAR) from '"([^ –]+)')
FROM table;
which returns
How can I extend this query to extract all names?
You can do this with a combination of regexp_matches (to extract the names), array_agg (to regroup all matches in a row) and array_to_string (to format the array as you'd like, e.g. with a comma separator):
WITH input(name_loc) AS (
VALUES ('{"Charlie – White Plains, NY","Wrigley – Minneapolis, MN","Ana – Decatur, GA"}')
, ('{"Other - somewhere}') -- added this to show multiple rows do not get merged
SELECT array_to_string(names, ', ')
FROM input
SELECT array_agg(name)
FROM regexp_matches(name_loc, '"(\w+)', 'g') AS f(name)
) AS f(names);
Charlie, Wrigley, Ana
View on DB Fiddle
My two cents, though I'm rather new to postgreSQL and I had to copy the 1st piece from #Marth's his answer:
WITH input(name_loc) AS (
VALUES ('{"Charlie – White Plains, NY","Wrigley – Minneapolis, MN","Ana – Decatur, GA"}')
, ('{"Other - somewhere"}')
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(name_loc, '{?(,)?"(\w+)[^"]+"}?','\1\2', 'g') FROM input;
Your string literal happens to be a valid array literal.
(Maybe not by coincidence? And the column should be type text[] to begin with?)
If that's the reliable format, there is a safe and simple solution:
SELECT, x.names
FROM tbl t
SELECT string_agg(split_part(elem, ' – ', 1), ', ') AS names
FROM unnest(t.name_loc::text[]) elem
) x;
SELECT id, string_agg(split_part(elem, ' – ', 1), ', ') AS names
FROM (SELECT id, unnest(name_loc::text[]) AS elem FROM tbl) t
db<>fiddle here
Unnest the array with unnest() in a LATERAL CROSS JOIN, or directly in the SELECT list.
What is the difference between LATERAL JOIN and a subquery in PostgreSQL?
Take the first part with split_part(). I chose ' – ' as delimiter, not just ' ', to allow for names with nested space like "Anne Nicole". See:
Split comma separated column data into additional columns
Aggregate results with string_agg(). I added no particular order as you didn't specify one.
Concatenate multiple result rows of one column into one, group by another column

BigQuery regexp replace character between quotes

I'm trying to use the BigQuery function regexp_replace for the following scenario:
Given a string field with comma as a delimiter, I need to only remove the commas within double quotes.
I found the following regex to work in the website but it seems that the BigQuery function doesn't support Lookahead groups. Could you please help me find an equivalent expression that is supported by the Big Query function regexp_replace?
Big Query example code not supported:
WITH tbl AS (
SELECT 'LINE_NR="1",TXT_FIELD="Some text",CID="0"' as text
SELECT 'LINE_NR="2",TXT_FIELD=",,Some text",CID="0"' as text
SELECT 'LINE_NR="3",TXT_FIELD="Some text ,",CID="0"' as text
SELECT 'LINE_NR="4",TXT_FIELD=",Some ,text,",CID="0"' as text
REGEXP_REPLACE(text, r'(?m),(?=[^"]*"(?:[^"\r\n]*"[^"]*")*[^"\r\n]*$)', "")
FROM tbl;
Thank you
Consider below approach (assuming you know in advance keys within the text field)
select text,
( select string_agg(replace(kv, ',', ''), ',' order by offset)
from unnest(regexp_extract_all(text, r'((?:LINE_NR|TXT_FIELD|CID)=".*?")')) kv with offset
) corrected_text
from tbl;
if applied to sample data in your question - output is

Oracle regex and replace

I have varchar field in the database that contains text. I need to replace every occurrence of a any 2 letter + 8 digits string to a link, such as VA12345678 will return /cs/page.asp?id=VA12345678
I have a regex that replaces the string but how can I replace it with a string where part of it is the string itself?
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE ('test PI20099742', '[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{8}$', 'link to replace with')
FROM dual;
I can have more than one of these strings in one varchar field and ideally I would like to have them replaced in one statement instead of a loop.
As mathguy had said, you can use backreferences for your use case. Try a query like this one.
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE ('test PI20099742', '([A-Z]{2}[0-9]{8})', '/cs/page.asp?id=\1')
For such cases, you may want to keep the "text to add" somewhere at the top of the query, so that if you ever need to change it, you don't have to hunt for it.
You can do that with a with clause, as shown below. I also put some input data for testing in the with clause, but you should remove that and reference your actual table in your query.
I used the [:alpha:] character class, to match all letters - upper or lower case, accented or not, etc. [A-Z] will work until it doesn't.
text_to_add (link) as (
select '/cs/page.asp?id=' from dual
, sample_strings (str) as (
select 'test VA12398403 and PI83048203 to PT3904' from dual
select regexp_replace(str, '([[:alpha:]]{2}\d{8})', link || '\1')
as str_with_links
from sample_strings cross join text_to_add
test /cs/page.asp?id=VA12398403 and /cs/page.asp?id=PI83048203 to PT3904

How to remove whitespaces from string in Redshift?

I've been trying to join two tables 'A' and 'B' using a column say 'Col1'. The problem I'm facing is that the data coming in both columns are in different format. For example : 'A - Air' is coming as 'A-Air', 'B - Air' is coming as 'B-Air' etc.
Therefore, I'm trying to remove white spaces from data coming in Col1 in A but i'm not able to remove it using any function given in AWS documentation. I've tried Trim and replace, but they wont work in this case. This might be achieved using regular expressions but i'm not able to find how. Below is the snippet of how I tried using regex but didn't work.
select Col1, regexp_replace( Col1, '#.*\\.( )$')
from A
date = TO_DATE('2020/08/01', 'YYYY/MM/DD')
limit 5
Please let me know how can I possibly remove the spaces from a string using regular expressions or any other possible means in Redshift.
Col1, regexp_replace( Col1,'\\s','')
This worked for me.

Regular Expression in redshift

I have a data which is being fed in the below format -
2016-006-011 04:58:22.058
This is an incorrect date/timestamp format and in order to convert this to a right one as below -
2016-06-11 04:58:22.058
I'm trying to achieve this using regex in redshift. Is there a way to remove the additional Zero(0) in the date and month portion using regex. I need something more generic and not tailed for this example alone as date will vary.
The function regexp_replace() (see documentation) should do the trick:
'2016-006-011 04:58:22.058' -- use your date column here instead
, '\-0([0-9]{2}\-)0([0-9]{2})' -- matches "-006-011", captures "06-" in $1, "11" in $2
, '-$1$2' -- inserts $1 and $2 to give "-06-11"
And so the result is, as required:
2016-06-11 04:58:22.058
(1 row)