Shape doesn't always visually refresh on my Excel sheet - refresh

I've noticed that visually my shapes dont always go visible or in-visible when i press my Active-X Check Box:
Code goes like:
Private Sub CheckBox6_Click()
If CheckBox6.Value = True Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Group 6")).Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Group 6")).Visible = False
End If
End Sub
But if I example scroll away, reopen the document, hide another shape (with one of my other Check Box boxes) it suddenly goes visible or invisible...
The "Selection" tab are showing them as invisible/visible but i can see them on my screen! (sometimes)...


How to unfocus the user dialog while it is being displayed in matlab?

If, e.g, a script contains button or a list it seems that the user is unable to edit other objects (e.g like figures) while the button or list box is actively being displayed on the screen. Therefore I would like to ask if I can "unfocus" the button so that I can freely edit the desired object (e.g zoom in/out, add manuallly a legend etc.)?
while indx == 1
list = {[...
'The data file will be exported (with a total of_____'...
[indx] = listdlg('SelectionMode','single','ListString',list,'ListSize', [600 300]);
switch indx
case 1
% placeholder
case 2
source_1 ='D:\MyFile\Programm_alpha\Test.xls';
destination_1 ='D:\TargetEXPO\Programm_beta'
copyfile(source_1 , destination_1);
listdlg creates a modal dialog box, which means it disables interaction with everything else in MATLAB until the dialog box is closed. The same is true for inputdlg and questdlg.
If you want to have a non-modal window where the user can select things, you will have to build this yourself. You will need uicontrol for this. A good place to start is by looking at the code for listdlg (it used to be a plain M-file back in the day, not sure if it still is though).

MFC, Ribbons - CMFCRibbonButton with image: Always show the text

I've got an CMFCRibbonButton that displays a text and an icon. When I compact the ribbon, in the end only the small icon is shown.
Is there a way to tell the button not to get compacted into small icon state, but always show the text as well?
I tried pButton->SetCompactMode(FALSE); without success.
To be sure, CMFCRibbonButton::SetAlwaysLargeImage() is not what you are looking for? I ask, because when only an icon without text is displayed, it is usually the panel the button sits in that has collapsed. See CMFCRibbonPanel::IsCollapsed(). If you want to modify the behavior of the panel so that it won't collape, you could try to subclass CMFCRibbonPanel and play with overrides. The MFC Ribbon is not completely documented but my best bet is CMFCRibbonPanel::IsFixedSize():
class CMyPanel : public CMFCRibbonPanel
BOOL IsFixedSize() const { return TRUE; }
If this doesn't work you have to see yourself what happens in NotifyControlCommand or OnUpdateCmdUI when the panel collapses and modify the behavior as needed.

Python 2.7 Tkinter on close function

im making a small app which opens a box using Tkinter when a certain condition is reached.
I dont want to spam the user with theses boxes so i want tkinter to set a variable to True when it starts up, then as it closes set it back to False.
Im making a down website checker/notifier so once the website is back up you get a pop up box letting you know. Right now if you close the box the code will continue and the box will pop up again. However the real problem is the code wont continue in the background.
If i make the code continue to run in the background the every 5 seconds of the conditions being met, another box will pop up and eventually spam the user which is something i dont want.
is there a way to check if there is a tkinter box open, or set a value to false when the close button (or X button) is pressed ?
You can redefine what the close button does:
win = Toplevel()
win.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', close(win))
def close(window):
someboolean = False
Hope this helps!
You can register a callback function for the WM_DELETE_WINDOW (the window is about to be deleted)
top = Toplevel()
def on_close(t):
flag = False
t.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_close)
You can also override the destroy function:
class CustomToplevel(Toplevel):
def destroy(self):
# Add you code here

How can I add a context sensitive help button for a specific dialog control

I have an MFC app (10 year old app), which has context sensitive help for each dialog. I want to add help on a specific combobox, as well as a little question mark button next to this control. Users can either select the combobox and hit F1, or they can click on the button next to the combobox, and it will jump to a help page that is specifically about this combobox, rather than general help for the whole dialog.
In the dialog resource properties, I have set "Context Help" to True.
In the combobox properties, I've set "Help ID" to True.
In myapp.hpp, I have added "HIDC_MYCOMBOBOX = mycombobox_help.htm" to the [ALIAS] section, and included the file in the [MAP] section.
Again in app.hpp file, the dialog uses "HIDD_MYDIALOG =
Yet selecting the combobox and pressing F1 still brings up mydialog_help.htm, instead of mycombobox.htm.
What am I missing to use a separate help page for the control?
Is it possible to redirect the control to an anchor in the main page? Something, along the lines of...
HIDC_MYCOMBOBOX = mydialog_help.htm#mycombobox
I have added a "?" button to run the following code, but this also doesn't give the context for the control, and just opens the mydialog_help.htm.
HELPINFO lhelpinfo;
lhelpinfo.cbSize = sizeof(lhelpinfo);
lhelpinfo.iContextType = HELPINFO_WINDOW;
lhelpinfo.iCtrlId = IDC_BALANCING_METHOD;
lhelpinfo.hItemHandle = GetDlgItem(IDC_BALANCING_METHOD)->m_hWnd;
lhelpinfo.dwContextId = HIDC_BALANCING_METHOD;
lhelpinfo.MousePos = POINT();

CEdit control MFC, placing cursor to end of string after SetWindowText

I am using VC9, I've a CEdit control whose contents are reset to default test (say - "fill-in") at the click of a button and then I call SetFocus for the CEdit control. The problem is that the cursor blinks at the start of the default text, and i want it to blink an the end of the default string.
How can this be done?
You can use CEdit::SetSel to accomplish that.
CEdit* e = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
e->SetWindowText("hello world");
e->SetSel(0,-1); // select all text and move cursor at the end
e->SetSel(-1); // remove selection
You can use CEdit::SetSel to accomplish that:
CEdit* e = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
e->SetWindowText("hello world");
// e->SetSel(0,-1); // you don't need this line
It will place the cursor in the end of the string.
I had a strange finding but still relevant to it.
This solution did not work for me initially. Even after calling SetSel(-1) my cursor was moving to the top of the edit box.
Then I did some code reshuffle and it started working.
The learning was that if I update any other control after updating the edit control, the cursor will move to the top of the edit box. But if edit box is the last control updated, the cursor remains in the end of the edit box.
Like I had a code something like
Add text to edit & call SetSel(-1)
update static control
And the cursor would not stay in the end. But when I changed it to
update static control
Add text to edit & call SetSel(-1)
My cursor was displayed in the end of the edit box.
I had it on my mind since the day I had this finding to update the knowledge base here. Hope it helps some random soul whose cursor jumps to top of edit box even after calling the API.