What would an EAS local build do? - expo

From what I can tell it does
build the credentials.json or equivalent (needs Expo token if the data needs to be in Expo)
In a temp folder... expo prebuild
magic happens
I get an IPA, APK. AAB
The #3 is what I was wondering about.
For Android I presume it's ./gradlew but I'm not sure what about iOS`
#3 should also include something that sets the build number and other meta data from app.json


Why is `eas` ignoring my `package.json` when building my project? Specifically, the `bundleIdentifier` is not being found

When running eas build --platform ios from Expo, I get the following error your project must have a bundleidentifier set in the expo config (app.json or app.config.js)., but I do have a bundleIdentifier set in app.json, under expo.ios.bundleIdentifier.
This guide was helpful in debugging.
In my case, it turned out my app.json file was in my .gitignore (because it's code genned from other files in my project so I don't want it committed), and eas doesn't upload files that are .gitignored.
I therefore solved it by introducing a .easignore in the root of my directory that did not exclude app.json.

Nix: Building `waf` produces a file, but I seem to need a folder

I've cloned the nixpkgs repo. From the top of that repo, I can run nix-build -A waf to build waf, and nix-env -f . -iA waf to make waf part of my user environment. Neither complains -- but afterward I am still unable to call waf:
[jeff#jbb-dell:~/nix/nixpkgs]$ waf
waf: command not found
Most packages, when I build them using nix-build -A, produce a symlink called result that goes to a folder containing the executable in question. Strangely, though, in waf's case the symlink is to a file, not a folder.
I'm running NixOS. If I add waf to environment.systemPackages in my configuration, upon building I get an error that seems to be a result of the strangeness described in the previous paragraph:
[jeff#jbb-dell:~/nix/jbb-config]$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch
building Nix...
building the system configuration...
these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/s618gllra3g2vn62c92advg9ks2swkz1-system-path.drv'...
The store path /nix/store/f1ylicjswpfx1wbvxapsnwy987qnlxl6-waf-2.0.18 is a file and can't be merged into an environment us ing pkgs.buildEnv! at /nix/store/kncarzyhspzsplkcmmyiqg2cavrwr373-builder.pl line 96.
builder for '/nix/store/s618gllra3g2vn62c92advg9ks2swkz1-system-path.drv' failed with exit code 2
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/yj3lfyv5sbp751xzy9jdw1d06n9gdiin-nixos-system-jbb-dell-19.09.1889.692a8cabbcc.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
error: build of '/nix/store/yj3lfyv5sbp751xzy9jdw1d06n9gdiin-nixos-system-jbb-dell-19.09.1889.692a8cabbcc.drv' failed
This looks like an implementation error to me. waf, as a top-level Nixpkgs package, should put its binary in $out/bin.
I've checked for usages of waf in nixpkgs and it seems to be used inside derivations only via wafHook.
If you only need waf inside a derivation, I recommend going with wafHook, following the example of other packages. If you need to install it in your user profile, ideally you can send a PR to make waf a proper package or you can work around it with a custom derivation.

Radish Test Framework

I am new to the Radish Test Framework and got confused by the way of executing the test using feature files. Please clarify on:
I have installed radish module(pip install radish-bdd) already. Is there any other step to follow?
In the example, it shows to execute like "radish calculator.feature" (sample eg)
How radish behaves as the command, instead i have got it as a directory "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radish" after pip install.
I'm not entirely sure what the question is. If I understand you, you're having trouble executing tests. With radish installed you'll want to run radish <path_to_feature_file> So for example, lets say that we have a feature file called test.feature which is located in the same directory as we are, we have a few options...
Run only that feature file
radish test.feature
Run every feature file in the current directory
radish .

linking ember-cli master causes merge errors

I have followed the ember-cli instructions for referencing the master branch in development.
It works fine when I use a new ember project.
However when I try linking to an existing ember project i get this kind of error:
Merge error: file "bootstrap/.bower.json" exists in vendor and vendor - pass option { overwrite: true } to mergeTrees in order to have the latter file win
I have tried everything to get rid of this (i.e. clone repository, and initialize things one step at a time.
The occurs once I install stefanpenner/loader.js#1.0.1
Fundamental problem is that vendor directory has changed to bower_components directory.
this leaves the .bowerrc file pointing to "vendor" which seems to cause the problem.
make sure to - delete .bowerrc file or update it so it points to bower-components
This will happen as long as you do everything in the right order
go to directory containing your working copy (master) of ember-cli
npm link
go to your code directory
npm link ember-cli
ember init (make sure to update .bowerrc, and update/merge .gitignore, bower.json, package.json)
you should be good to go
The problem I was having was running bower install BEFORE ember init (per the ember-cli web page)
This was installing stuff in the vendor directory, so you end up with duplicates.

Set specified build system as default for a file type on sublime text 2

I have packages SASS and SCSS installed. SCSS provides the syntax highlight while SASS provides the build system i need for scss. My problem is, if build is set to automatic, it wont build the scss files if i press ctrl+b, so i have to always go back and reselect that option. Is there a way to make that build system to be the automatic one for scss?
Set it up using a build system and fire off with F7:
http://readthedocs.org/docs/sublime-text-unofficial-documentation/en/latest/file_processing/build_systems.html?highlight=build for more information about setting that up.
Copy the following:
"cmd": ["sass", "--update", "$file:${file_path}/${file_base_name}.css", "--stop-on-error", "--no-cache"],
"selector": "source.sass, source.scss",
"line_regex": "Line ([0-9]+):",
"path": "/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
"shell": "true"
In Sublime Text, go Tools > Build System > New Build System > Paste
Give it a name. Bingo.
Simpler Way
SASS Support in Sublime
Adding Support for near everything.
Simplest Way
Why DIY when you do not need to.
Want to have the site update in an open browser every time you save?
Generally a good must to have Ruby Git and Python installed.
Install Nodejs.
(win) the .msi download from main site works well and includes npm
Now you have access to the 'gem' and 'npm' package managers.
Things get easy now, although I may as well write it out longwinded.
gem update --system
gem install compass
// can now use this command to build a sass-based project
compass create myFirstWebsite
// ..installs in "/myFirstWebsite"..
Install the Grunt client (global flag)
npm install grunt-cli -g
now have access to the wealth of Grunt automation packages ie:
npm grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev
"dev" flagged - applies to your local project only (current and sub folders)
also, listed as a "devDependency" in package.json, which means it'll not be
packed with your project on a distro/prod build
Time for some simple awesome... Yeoman
npm install yo -g
installs yeoman (yo commands) a heap of other essentials
and Bower - twitter's response to Node / Gem etc
Bower looks after package dependencies.
// make a new folder. cd into it, and type:
yo webapp
// There are multiple 'generators' you can install with yo.
// webapp is the one most suitable for front-end dev / web app building
// other things you might want before you start.. maybe underscore:
bower install underscore
// adds '_' to the set-up as a dependency
// These commands will brighten your day:
grunt test
// comprehensive testing of app
grunt server
// This part you'll love! Starts server and launches app in browser
// - includes live-refreshing... save a file, and all required builds etc
// are preformed (damn fast) and automatically refreshes browser.
// Yup, 'grunt server' = project-wide equiv to 'compass watch'
// Build application for deploy. Not only do you get minification and concatenation;
// also optimize all your image files, HTML, compile your CoffeeScript and Compass files,
// if you're using AMD, will pass those modules through r.js so you don't have to.