AWS client VPN not connecting - amazon-web-services

I created an AWS client VPN endpoint with a VPC using google federated authentication and server certificate generated using open easy-rsa. I tried to connect the VPN, but I keep getting Error: app_not_configured_for_user on the browser. I have searched online but I haven't found a possible solution. Does anyhow know how I can fix this?
Thank you


connect to Amazon Connect service of AWS via API

I searched for documentation or example of request to connect Amazon Connect service of AWS via API http requests but I didn't find any relevant information .
My main issue is that I don't know how to generate base URL for it , I only found a documentation for Amazon connect requests in but it's not enough to connect Amazon Connect : .
There is anyone that know how to help me ?

AWS VPN not releasing tunnel connection

I am trying to setup a VPN client in AWS using Keycloak and Google OAUTH as my IDP. I can log into the VPN just fine and a connection is established but once I disconnect from the AWS VPN Client I am unable to log back in. The connection is stuck on "re-establishing" and it never seems to move from there. It almost seems like the connection to the AWS tunnel is not released as I am unable to access any AWS consoles. The only fix I have been able to find is to disconnect from my WIFI and re-connect. Has anybody encountered this before? As a side point we have separate VPN endpoint that uses user/password authentication and I can log on and off to my hearts content. There are no noticeable difference between the two VPN endpoint configurations

AWS Cognito failing to authenticate after adding istio sidecar to pods

I added istio to my eks cluster. Sidecars are getting added to every pod and my Kiali dashboard is also up.
But after that I am not able to authenticate my APIs. I checked all the logs, came out to be that my pods are not able to connect to Cognito Server. I am getting following error:
Unhandled rejection TypeError: Unable to generate certificate due to
RequestError: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
I went inside my pod to check if it can connect to any public DNS, I was able to ping but not to
To crossverify, I removed istio from my cluster and it started working.
Got a github issue somewhat matching my issue, but that has also been closed without any solution (
Can anyone help me with this issue.
Got the issue, my istio is trying to connect to aws cognito through ssl and it doesn't have certificates. Putting certificates in istio solved this.

AWS unable to connect to Java springboot API endpoints

I am trying to run my springboot API on AWS however when i try to connect to the endpoint the error Site cannot be reached IP refused to connect. This my first time working with AWS.
I created a linux instance and connected to it using filezilla. Afterwards i added my jar to a folder which i created on the linux instance using filezilla. I started the springboot project and its running but the problem is that i cannt seem to connect to the endpoints. Am i missing something, how do i connect to my endpoints.
The other thing to note is that i enabled https on my API and added swagger also.
You need to enable relevant ports in the instances' Security Group.
Look at this to create a new Inbound rule for the specific port.
You can go to the aws console, (here I am assuming you have deployed to us-east-1 if its something else, go to the relevant region.
Open up the relevant security group, and then click edit Inbound roles.

Getting client IP passing through AWS API gateway to EC2

I am using AWS API gateway to call my APIs from mobile devices.i Use http integration and connect it to my EC2 server.
i want to get the Client IP in ec2 .
I already found a solution to get client ip using lamda function enter link description here
But i need to get client ip in my EC2 Backend.
Please suggest any possible solution