Google account showing different available storage on Google drive vs Google photos - google-drive-shared-drive

My Google account exceeded the 15 gb limit a few days back so I deleted old photos from my photos account yesterday and it went down to 12 gb. But today again it's showing 14.5 gb while it's showing 12 gb in drive. Am I missing something or is there a bug? (The rest 500 mb is from deleting mails/ drive items).
P.s. no new photos have been backed up to that account.


Google Cloud project resources removed after trial periode

I used Google Cloud for 1 year and after that I stopped using it for almost a year.
Now I want to use it again, but the resources (VM'S, Snapshots, etc) are removed by Google. Accordering to Google, all resources will be removed after the trial periode has been exceeded by 30 day's.
Is is possible to file a restore request (whole project, or at least a VM or Snapshot? Paid, or unpaid restore doesn't matter for me.
Please advice.
Thank you.
upgraded my account to a paid account (pay as you go). But still no resources.
Only my project name is visible.
The GCP Free Tier documentation is very clear in this aspect, as it states in the "Recovering data" section:
Recovering Data
Contact Google Billing Support to export any data you stored in GCP services (other than on Compute Engine) during your trial period. Your data and resources are only available for 30 days after the free trial ends.
Maybe a couple days after the 30 days you would still have a chance to request it and have it done, but more than that is very unlikely. This kind of deadlines are in place to protect and free some of the shared resources of GCP.
Your only realistic possibility here is contacting GCP support, explain your situation and hope that something could be recovered, but understand that it's very unlikely.

Google Cloud Storage access after end of trial

I started a project using the free trial, and now that the trial is over I can't access the data in the bucket.
How can I download the data?
After your trial ends the following will happen (This is just the main points that concerns you for now):
All resources are stopped and becomes inaccessible.
Any data stored in Compute Engine is lost. (You try to access GCS bucket so the data is still there)
As soon as trial ends, you have 30 days to retrieve any data created during the trial period (except Compute Engine as stated in 2nd point).
What to do to recover the data:
Option A) Upgrading to a paid account
Option B) "Contact Google Billing Support to export any data you stored in GCP services" as stated in the documentation.
All these information can be found in the GCP Free Tier > Recovering data documentation.

AWS Ubuntu Server filling up, but why?

I'm currently on a free-tier AWS AmazonEC2 server with Ubuntu 16.04 installed. The main purpose is a web server running HTTP serving HTML/PHP pages and a MySQL database. The MySQL database is about 7GB large. It hasn't been inserting data for months so I don't believe the database is at fault here.
Currently Amazon is telling me my storage is at 27GB. About two days ago it was at 25GB. I haven't even touched the server in about a month and I absolutely have not been installing anything. I'm trying to find out what is taking up all this data.
I installed ncdu and switched to root, ran it and these are the results:
As you can see it's absolutely nowhere near 27GB, it's at just over 13GB. So where is this other 14GB of storage coming from? How do I find this out?
I'm afraid it's going to go over the 30GB free-tier limit and I don't know what will happen or how much I will be charged (I don't know how to find this out either).
You're misunderstanding the email. It has nothing to do with how much data you have stored.
It has to do with how much EBS storage you have used -- that is, how much you have provisioned over time. EBS doesn't bill based on what you store, it bills based on how big the disks are, regardless of what you put on them. Billing is in gigabyte-months.
A volume of size 1 gigabyte that exists for 30 days is said to "use" 1 gigabyte-month of EBS capacity.
1 gigabyte for 1 day is 1 day × 1 gb ÷ 30 days/mo =~ 0.333 gigabyte-month.
30 gigabytes for 30 days uses 30 gigabyte-months of EBS capacity.
So 30 gigabytes for 27 days would be 27 gigabyte-months, and 30 gigabytes for 25 days would be 25 gigabyte-months.
Currently Amazon is telling me my storage is at 27GB. About two days ago it was at 25GB.
So this is normal, exactly what you'd expect if you had a single 30 GB EBS volume. Your usage over time is growing because time is passing, not because usage is increasing.
AWS can't see¹ what you've stored on the volume -- they have no idea how full it is... only how large it is, which isn't a number that changes unless you resize the volume to make it physically larger.
¹ can't see may seem implausible but is true for multiple reasons, including the simple fact that they simply don't look. An EBS volume is a block storage device. Although typically the volumes are used for standards-based filesystems, there's no constraint on that. They can be used in any other way that you can use a block device. But even when used as a filesystem, the concept of "free space" is a concept only the filesystem itself understands -- not the raw, underlying device.
The issue had to do with an elastic IP being detached from a server while the server was down at one point for an amount of time.

How many photos should exist on my MBP?

I recently downloaded Google Photos Backup and let it run with default settings. It is currently telling me that I have 76,170 photos to back up. I definitely haven't taken 76K photos on a camera, could this number be correct?

Is switching over to Amazon S3 for Drupal 7 image hosting worth it?

So I just have a quick question with regards to using amazon s3.
I have a small Drupal 7 site hosted on a VPS with not too much storage space. I put together the site for members of my School's Photographic Arts Committee to upload photos of School events and projects.
The full-quality photos are stored in a private folder on the server, and the images displayed on the site are watermarked 2048px width ones stored publicly.
I'm worried that I'm going to blow my storage space very fast, and I fear that I'm going to blow my not-really-exsistant budget on using amazon s3 with the module in Drupal.
So, I would like to know if it is a worthy investment using amazon s3, I'll be willing to spend +/- $5 dollars on it.
My monthly usage will include 3gigs worth of uploads and probably 20 gigs max downloads. Obviously slowly increasing.
Also, a bit confused about storage billing, do I have to pay for say my 50gigs worth storage from uploads from previous months, or just the 3 gigs of storage I used this month
PS: I live in South Africa and will probably use the Ireland S3 servers as they have the best latency.
Any feedback much appreciated!
S3 may be a good option in your case, given your limited storage space.
You can calculate things fairly easily. Ignoring the 'requests' charge since it's tiny, here's the formula for Ireland:
(gb of storage * 0.3) + (avg image size * requests * 0.09) + (requests * 0.005/1000)
There are some volume discounts and some "first N transfer free", but this is a good ceiling, especially for a low-volume site as you mention. Also note storing the full-size images (and not downloading them) means only the first third of the formula matters. As an example, if you have 5gb in full-size images plus another 1gb in 350kb "2048px" images that sum to 10,000 image views per month:
full-size: 5*.03=.15
2048 hosting/downloads: (1*.03)+(0.00033*10000*.09)+(10000*.0004/10000)=0.3274
So, your monthly costs are about 50 cents.
What happens if your site is slashdotted? Imagine you get 10 million hits:
full-size: 5*.03=.15
2048 hosting/downloads: (1*.03)+(0.00033*10000000*.09)+(10000000*.004/10000)=301.03
So, your monthly cost is now over $300. (this is why billing alarms are important!)
Now, let's imagine you put cloudfront in front of S3 (which is a really good idea for several reasons) and look at the pricing in this scenario. (I've simplified the pricing here a little bit, and assuming nothing is loaded twice by the same browser, so no caching)
full-size: 5*.03=.15
2048 hosting/downloads: (1*.03)+(0.00033*10000000*.085)+(10000000*.009/10000)=289.53
so it saved about $10 but gave you better performance.
If you need more features (image resizing, for instance), you may want to consider a photo host like Flickr or Smugmug. They pay for bandwidth, which makes your costs more predictable.