complete SDL 1.2 documentation? - sdl

I've been trying to find complete documentation for SDL 1.2. I can't use SDL 2 for several reasons which I don't want to go over right now, but basically, I can't find any wiki backups for SDL 1.2 other than a rather incomplete snapshot on, this tutorial, and the man pages, and none of which contain information on how to use SDL_RWops.
So, I guess I need one of two things, a man page or simple outline of SDL_RWops and its associated functions, or, preferably, a complete backup of the wiki pre-2.0. I'm sure somewhere there's a backup of the wiki, but I just haven't found it.


Split screen map and streetview

Google’s 2017 map documentation does not say how to specify a split screen, lower part map, upper part streetview. Please, is this possible within a Google-map URL, and if it is, how?
Since you haven't give any more information about the language you use, im just gonna link the documentation from google.
Since its still usable, the realtime examples work and they haven't said a word in changelog or else, I would assume its still working.
Here you can get to the overall Google API Documentation
As an exmaple for the question, Google made a realtime Example with documentation, here in JS.
Also, even if its not possible to do in a short way, you can simply build two synchronized boxes. It just would take more effort.

How to embed Chromium Embbeded Framework into GLFW

I am trying to do as the title implies. I am looking for a tutorial or an existing github project that will show me how to make this possible. As far as what I have or haven't tryed: nothing. I have been at a lose of documentation on CEF and don't know where to begin. I am aware of the alternatives (librocket, awesomium, and berkelium). If any of these have been embbeded in GLFW successfully link appropriately. As far as finding no documentation, I have looked on CEF's website and wiki and found installation instructions and an example that uses #include <window.h> instead of opengl.
It took a bit of massaging to get it to work, as the file is too big to be stored on github and the cef implementation is a few years old, however, I've posted a few "issues" with fixes and suggestions here to assist you. The software here is pretty good however it's completely lacking of decent documentation, and it depends greatly upon what directory you launch it from. Big hint: Launch the software from the base directory of this git.
Hope this helps.
I think this is a bit too much for a novice programmer. GLFW is a down-to-the-absolute-minium framework for creating OpenGL applications. CEF on the other hand depends on many utilities provided by the application it's built into. GLFW doesn't offer them, so you have to implement them in a way that CEF can live within GLFW. That's feasible, but requires some expierience. If you look at there's one short paragraph "Off-Screen Rendering". This is what you want to integrate it into a OpenGL project. Render off-screen and present the result through a textured quad (either viewport space aligned).

Reference on Tutorial on CMFCToolbar customization?

I have looked through all possible MSDN articles, and have browsed a lot of web content in order to find tutorial on usage of the class CMFCToolbar.
There is very little information, and it almost is about basic features of the class.
I am looking for the following info:
General question:
How to implement a toolbar with custom images (bitmaps that are loaded from a file) that is based on the CMFCToolbar.
What methods I need to overload, what other classes I need to use
(do I need CMFCToolBarButton, CMFCToolBarImages).
Could you please give me references on tutorials, or provide information based on your experience.
Thank you in advance!
The Feature Pack controls (CMFCToolbar) are part of the BCG toolkit. You oshould be able to find information and samples at their web site.

What are some resources for Linux developers learning OpenAL Effects Extension (EFX)?

What are some resources for Linux developers learning OpenAL Effects Extension (EFX)? Creative's site and google did not seem to offer much in the way of documentation or tutorials. Any pointers to references are greatly appreciated.
The only kind of good source that I know is the "Effects Extension Guide" which comes as a PDF with the SDK (no official documentation is available on the internet otherwise, many attempts to find something have been futile, you also cannot download the Effects Extension Guide separately, it's only available with the SDK).
The SDK also comes with some mildly helpful EFX examples about how to query and initialize EFX, and a reverb example (which cynically needs OpenAL Soft on my computer, since it doesn't run properly with the Creative implementation).
While rather detailled, the Effects Extension Guide is unluckily (at least partly) written in a way that is not immediately comprehensive for someone not being an audio engineer.
Other than that, there exist about half a dozen master thesis papers (some in German) which contain a lot of blah blah but don't tell you much, and there are a few very basic usage examples on the net, such as this one.
Most of it, you'll sadly have figure yourself from the Effects Extension Guide.

Is it possible to add/remove core functionalities of dotCMS?

I've jumped into a project that uses dotCMS. The problem is that there is only one book about this cms (which is pretty incomplete as far as I concern) and..even their official documentation is incomplete as well.
as far as I now, dotCMS is opensource, but I can't find any .java files.
Anyone knows if I can add/remove core functionalities of dotCMS?
I'm trying to add a new field to categories.
Sure you can. The dotCMS plugin architecture can provide 90% of most functionality you would be looking to add and have the added benifit of not breaking your upgrade path. If you want to modify the source (and the core), you also have access to the community code here:
for instructions on how to download the source files and see:
on how to get it running from source.