How to filter by Regex in LibreOffice? - regex

I've got this string:
Now I want the value for median_price being displayed in a cell. HHow can I achive this with Regex?
With I've came to this solution:
But this one does not seem to be working in LibreOffice calc.

I'd advise to discard the Euro-symbol at first since you'd probably want to retrieve a value to calculate with, a numeric value. Therefor try:
Formula in B1:
The double unary will transform the result from the 1st capture group into a number. I then went ahead and formatted the cell to display currency (Ctrl+Shift+4).
Note: I went with a slightly different regular pattern. But go with whatever works for your data I supppose.


Regexmatch for multiple words in Sheets

I'm trying to write a REGEXMATCH formula for Sheets that will analyze all of the text in a cell and then write a given keyword into another cell.
I've figured out how to do this for a single keyword: for example,
=IF(REGEXMATCH(F3, "czech"),"CZ",IF(REGEXMATCH(F3, "african"),"AF",IF(REGEXMATCH(F3, "mykonos"),"MK")))
What I'm having trouble with though is writing one of these values only if two or more terms are matched in the reference cell.
If I were trying to match one of two words, I realize I could use | as in:
=IF(REGEXMATCH(F3, "czech|coin"),"CZC"
But in this instance I only want to produce CZC if the previous cell contains BOTH czech AND coin.
Can someone help me with this?
try like this:
=IF((REGEXMATCH(F3, "czech"))*(REGEXMATCH(F3, "coin")), "CZC", )
multiplication stands for AND

Excel- Extract Number from Cell

I have multiple cells that I am attempting to extract a number from, and need help finding a regex alternative.
The cells range in the following formats:
asdfs. Seat#29 asfddsa
asdfsa. Seat#5d
asdfasN/A . Seat#22 as789fsd
Seat#111 words33
The closest that I came to a solution is:
As you can see this will extract most of the numbers but for some it leaves a character at the end.
The only commonality is the # preceding the seat number. I am trying to extract only the seat number, no other numbers.
I cannot use VBA, this must be done using formulas. I have figured this out once before but stupidly pasted over the formulas with a values only paste.
This can be done utilizing a flash fill, but I was hoping for a more stable formula.
If you want just the numbers then use:
If you want the letter also then:
=MID(A1,FIND("#",A1)+1,FIND(" ",REPLACE(A1,1,FIND("#",A1),""))-1)
If you do not need the letter following the seat number, you can use
Edit for clarity: Excel does not have regex functions built in. You will either have to use a UDF (I can help with that if you'd like) or use a non-regex solution.
Here is a solution without VBA to extract all numbers inside the strings.
Sheet #3

REGEXMATCH and MATCH don't work when a cell contains a number

I am trying to use formulas to find a row in my google spreadsheet document, however I have got a weird problem.
I am not able to find values when a cell contains a number (without any other characters).
Consider the following case
I have got two values
A1 - 32323232323
A2 - 323-23232-323
When I use the following formula
It works fine, it successfully finds A2 value, however when I try to use the following formula
It doesn't match any row, and I also tried the following formula
It doesn't work either, it only works when I remove quotes like that
But this doesn't work with REGEXMATCH.
Is there any way I can match numbers using a regex expression (exact number, without wildcards) ?
to get both 323-23232-323 and 32323232323.
to get number 32323232323.
Converting to_text is a key here.
Change columns to yours.

Regular expression for a time format

I am trying to search for cells in a column containing a time in the format of 00:00 using the MATCH function. I have tried things similar to MATCH("??:??",A:A) and MATCH("?*:?*",A:A) with no luck. How can I form a regular expression of 2 digits, then a colon, then 2 digits?
Often times what is displayed to us in excel isn't the actual value. Time and Dates are one such time. Generally if you enter a time into excel 3:55 it will convert that automatically to excel's time format, which is a decimal number: 0.163194444444444, but it formats it automatically to "mm:ss" just like you entered it.
So... when you try to =MATCH() using a wildcard, you aren't going to find a hit since the value in the cell is actually that decimal number.
Instead you have to convert the value of the cells you are searching into a text format. You can do that with the =TEXT() formula. Assuming your data starts in A1 you can put in B1:
=Text(A1, "mm:ss")
Now the returned value from that formula still looks like the mm:ss format, but it's now text. The underlying value is actually 3:55. No funny business. You can now base your wild card search of "*:*" off of this column:
=Match("*:*", B1:B10, 0)
If you want to do this all in one formula you can use an Array formula (or CSE):
=Match("*:*", Text(A1:A10,"mm:ss"),0)
Using Ctrl+Shift+Enter (instead of Enter) when you enter the formula.

Check if cell contains numbers in Google Spreadsheet using RegExMatch

I want to check if specific cell contain only numbers.
I know I should use RegExMatch but I get an error.
This is what I wrote : =if(RegExMatch(H2,[0-9]),"a","b")
I want it to say : write 'a' if H2 contains only numbers, 'b' otherwise.
Thank you
Try this:
One reason your match isn't working also - is that it in interpreting your numbers as text. the is number function is a bit more consistent, but if you really need to use regex, then you can see in the second formula where im making sure the that source text is matching against a string.
Your formula is right, simple you forget the double quotes at regexmatch function's regular_expression .
This is the right formula: =if(RegExMatch(B20,"[0-9]"),"a","b")
It spits out the entire content but with the regular expression matched content replaced. =REGEXREPLACE(A2,[0-9],"a")
=REGEXREPLACE(A2,![0-9],"b")//not sure about not sign.
will fill a cell with the same text as A2, but with the 0-9 becoming an a!