Check if cell contains numbers in Google Spreadsheet using RegExMatch - regex

I want to check if specific cell contain only numbers.
I know I should use RegExMatch but I get an error.
This is what I wrote : =if(RegExMatch(H2,[0-9]),"a","b")
I want it to say : write 'a' if H2 contains only numbers, 'b' otherwise.
Thank you

Try this:
One reason your match isn't working also - is that it in interpreting your numbers as text. the is number function is a bit more consistent, but if you really need to use regex, then you can see in the second formula where im making sure the that source text is matching against a string.

Your formula is right, simple you forget the double quotes at regexmatch function's regular_expression .
This is the right formula: =if(RegExMatch(B20,"[0-9]"),"a","b")

It spits out the entire content but with the regular expression matched content replaced. =REGEXREPLACE(A2,[0-9],"a")
=REGEXREPLACE(A2,![0-9],"b")//not sure about not sign.
will fill a cell with the same text as A2, but with the 0-9 becoming an a!


Regex matching either positive/negative floats, ints or string

I want to be able to match and parse some parameters read from a file such as :
"type:string,register_id:17,value:Test Set Data Register"
I've come up with the following Regex expression :
but I have issues where there are negative floats or ints, I can't get the hyphen sorted properly ...
Can someone point me in the right direction ?
Thanks !
Tried [\s\S] but it reads everything, tried -? as well
Given your example, this seems to work:
At least from the example, I didn't see why the \b are necessary. Apologies if I missed something.
Looking at what you try to achieve, I would actually consider moving away from regexes, as regexes by themselves add complexity. You will likely have an easier life if you approach it like this:
Split the line by "," to get the key value pairs
Split each key value pair by the first ":" to split key and value
Validate that all keys are present and that every value matches the format for the key (e.g. if the type is bool then the value should parse to a bool)
You can easily adjust every step to e.g. trim whitespaces.
Edit: Fixed typo

Regular Expression - Extract Words and number

So I'm using Regexextract in GoogleSheet to find the value for a big amount of data. I have 2 problems I don't know to extract or what I did wrong. Feel free to point out my mistakes and help me with a solution.
Require: I need to extract the part number which format is ABCD#### or ABCD-#### which is is Upper character and numbers follow after, with or w/o "-" , for example KTA1763 or SPD-4124
# I use this formula: =Regexextract(A1,"([A-Z]+-?[0-9]*)") .FYI, the values I'm extracting, it could appear either at the beginning, middle or last.
1.First problem, I have the value as below:
REACH TECH 223/224 list document for KTD2026BEWE-TR
=> Extract result : REACH
[What I need: KTD2026]
2.I have the value as:
information for Part number KTA1550EDS-TR
=> Extract result: P
[What I need: KTA1550]
Please let me know which part in the formula should I fix to have the final expected result. Or how should I alter my formula for that matter, big thanks
go for:
Try this in one cell.
=ArrayFormula(IF(A2:A="",,REGEXEXTRACT(REGEXEXTRACT(A2:A, ".+"&REGEXEXTRACT(A2:A, "[0-9]+")), ".+\s(.+)")))

How to put quotation marks around all parts of a Google Sheets formula that are not cell references

I want to be able to see my formulas with actual data in them to help with troubleshooting.
So I want to get a regular expression that will put quotation marks around all non-cell-reference items.
I tried
Original formula
(($Q10*24*Q$2)*($O10*$O$2)*( ($T10+$V10)*$S$2)*($P10*$P$2))/($R10*$R$2),"Spec missing")
Desired output
(("&$Q10&"*24*"&Q$2&")*("&$O10&"*"&$O$2&")*( ("&$T10&"+"&$V10&")*"&$S$2&")*("&$P10&"*"&$P$2&"))/("&$R10&"*"&$R$2&"),""Spec missing"")"
When I copy the output and paste as text, I want to get a formula in the cell that outputs text looks like this:
((0.363194444444444*24*1)*(17348*1)*( (4.096+18.874368)*1)*(2519*1))/(3*1),""Spec missing"")"
I can then copy that down and that helps me troubleshoot the formula (or the data) if something weird is happening.
Solution I found:
I copy the formula and paste it in F10 (with an ' in front of it so it comes up as a text string), then paste the following:
Description: i) The first regexreplace (going from innermost to outermost) I use to escape all the quotes in the formula by replacing all double quotes with two double quotes, so that quotes in the original formula won't mess things up. ii) The second REGEXREPplace finds things that match the "$A1" (or "A1" or "A$1") pattern, allowing up to two letters (eg. "AA1" will work as well). iii) I put "="""& before and &"""" and after to finish the formula.
One problem I still have with this setup is that it doesn't handle cell references in another worksheet, such as "Rankings!A1". I'm not sure what sort of regular expression I'd be able to use that could match everything before the "!" that could be part of a sheet name without starting to match other things . . .

Excel- Extract Number from Cell

I have multiple cells that I am attempting to extract a number from, and need help finding a regex alternative.
The cells range in the following formats:
asdfs. Seat#29 asfddsa
asdfsa. Seat#5d
asdfasN/A . Seat#22 as789fsd
Seat#111 words33
The closest that I came to a solution is:
As you can see this will extract most of the numbers but for some it leaves a character at the end.
The only commonality is the # preceding the seat number. I am trying to extract only the seat number, no other numbers.
I cannot use VBA, this must be done using formulas. I have figured this out once before but stupidly pasted over the formulas with a values only paste.
This can be done utilizing a flash fill, but I was hoping for a more stable formula.
If you want just the numbers then use:
If you want the letter also then:
=MID(A1,FIND("#",A1)+1,FIND(" ",REPLACE(A1,1,FIND("#",A1),""))-1)
If you do not need the letter following the seat number, you can use
Edit for clarity: Excel does not have regex functions built in. You will either have to use a UDF (I can help with that if you'd like) or use a non-regex solution.
Here is a solution without VBA to extract all numbers inside the strings.
Sheet #3

REGEXMATCH and MATCH don't work when a cell contains a number

I am trying to use formulas to find a row in my google spreadsheet document, however I have got a weird problem.
I am not able to find values when a cell contains a number (without any other characters).
Consider the following case
I have got two values
A1 - 32323232323
A2 - 323-23232-323
When I use the following formula
It works fine, it successfully finds A2 value, however when I try to use the following formula
It doesn't match any row, and I also tried the following formula
It doesn't work either, it only works when I remove quotes like that
But this doesn't work with REGEXMATCH.
Is there any way I can match numbers using a regex expression (exact number, without wildcards) ?
to get both 323-23232-323 and 32323232323.
to get number 32323232323.
Converting to_text is a key here.
Change columns to yours.