group columns adding a row number - row

Could someone help how can I add a column with row number based on the question no criteria: question ID starts in 1 and ends in 54.
criteria is: if question no is from 1 to 54, then group 1 and so on
the data is something like
the desired is:
Tks a lot


Google Sheets - IF columns contains text and another columns contains number return total value of number column

I am trying to see if I am able to get the hours from one column only if it matches a word that is another column.
For example in the sheet link attached, if the word is Operations (Column A) I want to get the sum of all the hours (Column B) that correlate with that word.
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance.
you can use:
Cell E1 has the word selection in the sample here

How to add leading Zero's to make location number in Power BI so it returns 3 digit #

Loc1= FORMAT('Table'[LOC],"000") Any suggestion would be helpful? The original Column LOC is a text field with returns 3 characters with leading Zero's. I need it in numeric form to be able to join and use it in calculated columns.
Found a work around to fix my problem, I came up with a solution to keep Loc column as text and add concatenate column with Business Unit ID and Loc & convert concatenated col to numeric field so I can use for filtering and joining.

Count Number of Consecutive Occurrence of values in Google sheets

This is the original data, all the data are of two kinds: red and black. And then, I want to study the occurrence of all the blocks. The result will be like this:
It means the first streak of red(from index 1 to 3) has a length of 3, and the second streak which is black(from index 4 to 5) has a length of 2...
I want to find out an elegant way to calculate it but in sheets, it's very hard. COUNTIF and ROWS all can't perfectly resolve this problem.
Do you have an elegant way?
VLOOKUP(ROW(B2:B20), QUERY((B2:B20<>B1:B19)*ROW(B2:B20),
"where Col1 <>0"), 1, 1), "000000")&"×"&B2:B20},
"select Col1,count(Col1) group by Col1 label count(Col1)''")&"", "(.+×)", ),
"where Col1 is not null"))
Not sure it's elegant, but you could add two helper columns, the first column checks if the record has changed, and the second counts until the next change using a MATCH. Note you'd need an extra "TRUE" below the last record to catch the last streak. Then you can use FILTER to show the blocks and occurances.

Regex for values that are in between spaces

I am new to regex and having difficulty obtaining values that are caught in between spaces.
I am trying to get the values "field 1" "abc/def try" from the sameple data below just using regex
Currently im using (^.{18}\s+) to skip the first 18 characters, but am at at loss of how to do grab values with spaces between.
A1234567890 field 1 abc/def try
02021051812 12 test test 12 pass
3333G132021 no test test cancel
any help/pointers will be appreciated.
If this text has fixed-width columns, you can match and trim the column values knowing the amount of chars between start of string and the column text.
For example, this regex will work for the text you posted:
See the regex demo.
So, Column 2 starts at Position 19, Column 3 starts at Position 34 and Column 4 (end of string here) is at Position 46.
However, this regex is not that efficient, and it would be really great if the data format is fixed on the provider's side.
Given the not knowing if the data is always the same length I created the following, which will provide you with a group per column you might want to use:
Regex demo

I'm not gettnig row number from grepl - doing this in R

I'm trying to determine which is the first row with a cell that contains only digits, "," "$" in a data frame:
Assessment Area Offices Offices Deposits as of 6/30/16 Deposits as of 6/30/16 Assessment Area Reviews Assessment Area Reviews Assessment Area Reviews
2 Assessment Area # % $ (000s) % Full Scope Limited Scope TOTAL
3 Ohio County 1 50.0% $24,451 52.7% 1 0 1
4 Hart County 1 50.0% $21,931 47.3% 1 0 1
5 OVERALL 2 100% $46,382 100.0% 2 0 2
This code does find the row:
But the code returns:
I only want to know the row.
Your data could use some cleaning up, but it's not entirely necessary in order to solve your problem. You want to find the first row that contains a dollar sign and an appropriate value. My solution does the following:
Iterates over rows
In each row, asks if there's at least one cell that starts with a dollar sign followed by a specific combination of digits and commas (to be explained in greater detail below)
Stops when we reach that row
Prints the ID of the row
The solution involves a for loop, an if statement, and a regular expression.
First of all, here's my attempt to reproduce a data frame. Again the details don't matter too much. I just wanted to make the "money row" the second row which is kind of how it seems to appear in your example
df<- data.frame(
Assessment_Area = c(2,3,4,5),
Offices = c("#",1,1,2),
Dep_Percent_63016 = c("#","50.0%","50.0%","100.0%"),
Dep_Total_63016 = c("$ (000s)", "$24,451", "$21,931","$46,382"),
Assessment_Area_Rev = rep("Blah",4)
Assessment_Area Offices Dep_Percent_63016 Dep_Total_63016
1 2 # # $ (000s)
2 3 1 50.0% $24,451
3 4 1 50.0% $21,931
4 5 2 100.0% $46,382
1 Blah
2 Blah
3 Blah
4 Blah
Here's the for loop:
for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
if (any(str_detect(df[i,],"^\\$\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*"))) {
The key is the line with the if statement. any returns TRUE if any element of a logical vector is true. In this case the vector is created by applying stringr::str_detect to a row of the df which is indexed as df[i,]. str_detect returns a logical vector - you supply a character vector and an expression to match in the elements of that vector. It returns TRUE or FALSE for each element in the vector which in this case is each cell in a row. So the crux of this is the regular expression:
This is the pattern we're searching for (the money cell) in each row. ^\\$ indicates we want the string to start with the dollar sign. The two backslashes escape the $ character because it's a metacharacter in regular expressions (end anchor). We then want 1-3 digits. This will match any dollar value below $1,000. Then we specify that the expression can contain any number (including 0) of , followed by three more digits. This will cover any dollar value.
Finally, if we encounter a row which contains one of these expressions, the for loop will print the number of the row and end the loop so it will return the lowest row number containing one desired cell. In this example the output is 2. If no appropriate rows are encountered, nothing will happen.
There may be more you want to do once you have that information, but if all you need is the lowest row number containing your money expression then this is sufficient.
A less elegant regular expression which only looks for dollar signs, commas, and digits would be:
which is what you asked for although I don't think that's what you really want because that will match something like ,56$,,$$78