Finding the non zero digit after mutiplying each element in array - c++

N = 4
arr = {3, 23, 30, 45}
Product of these numbers is 93150. Rightmost
non-zero digit is 5.
can u solve this question in c++ and run this code for input i give u.enter image description here
// my code for this question
int rightmostNonZeroDigit(int N,arr[])
// Write your code here.
long int t = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
t = t * arr[i];
while (t > 0)
if ((t % 10) != 0)
return (t % 10);
t = t / 10;
return -1;
// what changes should i make in this code

This is actually a nice little challenge. You are multiplying (based from a short estimation on your input image) about 500 numbers with 3 digits each. The product of all these number will never fit into any standard integer type provided by C++.
Suppose your variable t holds some four digit number "abcd". You can write it like
t = a * 1000 + b * 100 + c * 10 + d
Now if you multiply t with any other number x you get
t * x = a * x * 1000 + b * x * 100 + c * x * 10 + d * x
As you can see the last digit of t*x is only determined by d*x. All the other components have trailing zeros since they are some multiple of a power of ten. That means to get the last digit of any multiplication, you just have to multiply the two last digits of the numbers.
Now you are not interested in the last digit, but in the last non-zero digit. You will get the right result if you only ever keep the last non-zero digit in t while calculating the product of all the numbers. In your code you could do something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
t = t * arr[i];
// the following will remove all trailing zeros
while ( t != 0 && t % 10 == 0 ) {
t = t / 10;
// the following will remove all but the last digit
t = t % 10;
This works because trailing zeros in the intermediate result will never influence anything but the number of trailing zeros in the final result. And digits before the last non-zero digit will also never contribute to the last non-zero digit in the final result.
On godbolt you can find a live example with your test input arr = {3,23,30,45}.
Important Edit
As #MohammedfaizKhan pointed out there are cases where the above code fails. For example if we take the numbers arr = {15,2}. The code from above yields 1 because it truncates the 1 in 15 before multiplying it with 2. If we call D the operation that tuncates a number to the first non zero digit, the above program could be written like:
code from above produces
step one
t = D(1 * 15) = 5
step two
t = D(5 * 2 ) = 1
The correct result would be 3. Apparently we cannot remove all leading digits. We could try to increase the number of leading nonzero digits that are kept in each step. For example in the code above, we could use t = t % 100 instead of t = t % 10. There is however a counter example for each number of digits we are trying to keep:
The numbers 2^n and 5^n don't have trailing zeros because they are no multiple of ten because a multiple of 10 must have 2 and 5 in its prime factorization. Their product 2^n * 5^n = (2*5)^n = 10^n however has exactly n trailing zeros.
In conclusion we should keep as many leading nonzero digits as we can fit into our data type. For an 64bit unsigned int this would be for example 19 digits. However we also must not overflow while doing the multiplication with the array elements. Because your array elements are all no longer than 3 digits, we should be safe if we keep the leading 15 digits or something like that.
So in conclusion the following program should do the correct thing:
unsigned long long int t = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
t = t * arr[i];
// the following will remove all trailing zeros
while ( t != 0 && t % 10 == 0 ) {
t = t / 10;
// the following will remove all but the last 15 digits
t = t % 1000000000000000;

The trick is to retain only the final non-zero digit on each step.
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int arr[] = {3, 23, 30, 45};
int n = 1;
for (auto&& i : arr){
if (!(n *= i)) break; // Zero in input needs special treatment
for (; !(n % 10); n /= 10); // Remove trailing zeros
n %= 10; // Retain single digit
std::cout << n;
is one way.


How to compute first N digits of Euler number in c++? [duplicate]

Can anyone explain how this code for computing of e works? Looks very easy for such complicated task, but I can't even understand the process. It has been created by Xavier Gourdon in 1999.
int main() {
int N = 9009, a[9009], x = 0;
for (int n = N - 1; n > 0; --n) {
a[n] = 1;
a[1] = 2, a[0] = 0;
while (N > 9) {
int n = N--;
while (--n) {
a[n] = x % n;
x = 10 * a[n-1] + x/n;
printf("%d", x);
return 0;
I traced the algorithm back to a 1995 paper by Stanley Rabinowitz and Stan Wagon. It's quite interesting.
A bit of background first. Start with the ordinary decimal representation of e:
e = 2.718281828...
This can be expressed as an infinite sum as follows:
e = 2 + 1⁄10(7 + 1⁄10(1 + 1⁄10(8 + 1⁄10(2 + 1⁄10(8 + 1⁄10(1 ...
Obviously this isn't a particularly useful representation; we just have the same digits of e wrapped up inside a complicated expression.
But look what happens when we replace these 1⁄10 factors with the reciprocals of the natural numbers:
e = 2 + 1⁄2(1 + 1⁄3(1 + 1⁄4(1 + 1⁄5(1 + 1⁄6(1 + 1⁄7(1 ...
This so-called mixed-radix representation gives us a sequence consisting of the digit 2 followed by a repeating sequence of 1's. It's easy to see why this works. When we expand the brackets, we end up with the well-known Taylor series for e:
e = 1 + 1 + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + 1/5! + 1/6! + 1/7! + ...
So how does this algorithm work? Well, we start by filling an array with the mixed-radix number (0; 2; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; ...). To generate each successive digit, we simply multiply this number by 10 and spit out the leftmost digit.*
But since the number is represented in mixed-radix form, we have to work in a different base at each digit. To do this, we work from right to left, multiplying the nth digit by 10 and replacing it with the resulting value modulo n. If the result was greater than or equal to n, we carry the value x/n to the next digit to the left. (Dividing by n changes the base from 1/n! to 1/(n-1)!, which is what we want). This is effectively what the inner loop does:
while (--n) {
a[n] = x % n;
x = 10 * a[n-1] + x/n;
Here, x is initialized to zero at the start of the program, and the initial 0 at the start of the array ensures that it is reset to zero every time the inner loop finishes. As a result, the array will gradually fill with zeroes from the right as the program runs. This is why n can be initialized with the decreasing value N-- at each step of the outer loop.
The additional 9 digits at the end of the array are presumably included to safeguard against rounding errors. When this code is run, x reaches a maximum value of 89671, which means the quotients will be carried across multiple digits.
This is a type of spigot algorithm, because it outputs successive digits of e using simple integer arithmetic.
As noted by Rabinowitz and Wagon in their paper, this algorithm was actually invented 50 years ago by A.H.J. Sale
* Except at the first iteration where it outputs two digits ("27")

Find minimum number of digits required to make a given number

We have to find the minimum number of digits required to make a given number, for example: 14 => 95 (9 + 5 = 14) is two digits which is the minimum to form 14.
int moves(int n) {
int m = 0; // Minimum count
while (n-9 >= 0) { // To place maximum number of 9's
n -= 9;
if (n == 0) { // If only nines made up the number
return m;
else {
return m;
I am getting a TLE (runtime time limit exceeded) by an online judge. How can I improve it or is there a better approach?
Your code starts by looking at how many times 9 fits into that number. This can be done way more easily:
int m = n/9;
This suffices since we do an integer division, in which the remainder is thrown away. Note that if n would be float or another floating type, this would not work.
The question left is if it is divisible by 9 or not. If not, we have one additional digit. This can be done by the modulo operator (made it verbose for ease of understanding):
bool divisible_by_nine = (n % 9 == 0);
Assuming that you might not know the modulo operator, it returns the remainder of an integer division, 47 % 9 = 2 since 47 / 9 = 5 remainder 2.
Without it, you would go with
int remainder = n - 9*m;
bool divisible = (remainder == 0);
int required_digits(int number)
bool divisible = (number % 9 == 0);
return number/9 + (divisible ? 0 : 1);
Or in a single line, depending on how verbose you want it to be:
int required_digits(int number)
return number/9 + (number % 9 == 0 ? 0 : 1);
Since there isn't any loop, this is in Θ(1) and thus should work in your required time limit.
(Technically, the processor might as well handle the division somewhat like you did internally, but it is very efficient at that. To be absolutely correct, I'd have to add "assuming that division is a constant time operation".)
Your solution works fine. You can try the shorter:
return (n%9==0)? n/9 : n/9 +1 ;
Shorter, but less easy to read...
Or a compromise:
if (n%9==0) // n can be divided by 9
return n/9;
return n/9+1;
We know that every number a can be represented as
(a_n * 10 ^ n) + ... + (a_2 * 10 ^ 2) + (a_1 * 10) + (a_0)
where a_k are digits
and 10^n = 11...11 * 9 + 1 (n digits 1).
Meaning that number 10^n can be represented as the sum of 11...11 + 1 digits.
Now we can write a as (a_n * 11..11 * 9 + a_n) + ...
After grouping by 9 (help, I don't know English term for this. Factoring?)
(a_n * 11..11 + a_n-1 * 11..11 + ... a_1) * 9 + (a_n + a_n-1 + ... + a_1 + a_0)
Which I'll write as b_9 * 9 + b_1.
This means that number a can be represented as the sum of b_9 digits 9 + how much is needed for b_1 (this is recursive by the way)
To recapitulate:
Let's call function f
If -10 < digit < 10, the result is 1.
Two counters are needed, c1 and c2.
Iterate over digits
For every ith digit, multiply by i digit number 11..11 and add the result to c1
Add the ith digit to c2
The result is c_1 + f(c_2)
And for practice, implement this in a non-recursive way.
As you guess, you need to iterate on a lower number to a bigger one, like 111119 is fine, but we want the lowest one... Your answer is wrong. The lowest would be 59!
You can brute force and it will work, but for a bigger number you will struggle, so you need to guess first: How many minimum digits do I need to find my solution?
For instance, if you want to find 42, just add as much 9 you need to overflow the result!
9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 45. When you find the overflow, you know that the answer is lower than 99999.
Now how much do I need to decrease the value to get the correct answer, 3 as expected?
So 99996, 99969, etc... will be valid! But you want to lower, so you have to decrease the greatest unit (the left one of course!).
The answer would be 69999 = 42!
int n = 14;
int r = 0;
for (int i = i; i < 10 /*if you play with long or long long*/; i++)
if (i * 9 >= n)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
r = r * 10 + 9;
while (is_correct(r, n) == false)
// Code it yourself!!
return (r);
Now it correctly returns true or false. You can make it return the number that r is actually a decrease what you need to decrease! It's not the fastest way possible, and there is always a faster way, with a binary shift, but this algorithm would work just fine!

Finding the smallest possible number which cannot be represented as sum of 1,2 or other numbers in the sequence

I am a newbie in C++ and need logical help in the following task.
Given a sequence of n positive integers (n < 10^6; each given integer is less than 10^6), write a program to find the smallest positive integer, which cannot be expressed as a sum of 1, 2, or more items of the given sequence (i.e. each item could be taken 0 or 1 times). Examples: input: 2 3 4, output: 1; input: 1 2 6, output: 4
I cannot seem to construct the logic out of it, why the last output is 4 and how to implement it in C++, any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is my code so far:
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 3;
int main()
//Lowest integer by default
int IntLowest = 1;
int x = 0;
//Our sequence numbers
int seq;
int sum = 0;
int buffer[SIZE];
//Loop through array inputting sequence numbers
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
cout << "Input sequence number: ";
cin >> seq;
buffer[i] = seq;
sum += buffer[i];
int UpperBound = sum + 1;
int a = buffer[x] + buffer[x + 1];
int b = buffer[x] + buffer[x + 2];
int c = buffer[x + 1] + buffer[x + 2];
int d = buffer[x] + buffer[x + 1] + buffer[x + 2];
for (int y = IntLowest - 1; y < UpperBound; y++)
//How should I proceed from here?
return 0;
What the answer of Voreno suggests is in fact solving 0-1 knapsack problem ( If you follow the link you can read how it can be done without constructing all subsets of initial set (there are too much of them, 2^n). And it would work if the constraints were a bit smaller, like 10^3.
But with n = 10^6 it still requires too much time and space. But there is no need to solve knapsack problem - we just need to find first number we can't get.
The better solution would be to sort the numbers and then iterate through them once, finding for each prefix of your array a number x, such that with that prefix you can get all numbers in interval [1..x]. The minimal number that we cannot get at this point is x + 1. When you consider the next number a[i] you have two options:
a[i] <= x + 1, then you can get all numbers up to x + a[i],
a[i] > x + 1, then you cannot get x + 1 and you have your answer.
you are given numbers 1, 4, 12, 2, 3.
You sort them (and get 1, 2, 3, 4, 12), start with x = 0, consider each element and update x the following way:
1 <= x + 1, so x = 0 + 1 = 1.
2 <= x + 1, so x = 1 + 2 = 3.
3 <= x + 1, so x = 3 + 3 = 6.
4 <= x + 1, so x = 6 + 4 = 10.
12 > x + 1, so we have found the answer and it is x + 1 = 11.
(Edit: fixed off-by-one error, added example.)
I think this can be done in O(n) time and O(log2(n)) memory complexities.
Assuming that a BSR (highest set bit index) (floor(log2(x))) implementation in O(1) is used.
1 create an array of (log2(MAXINT)) buckets, 20 in case of 10^6, Each bucket contains the sum and min values (init: min = 2^(i+1)-1, sum = 0). (lazy init may be used for small n)
2 one pass over the input, storing each value in the buckets[bsr(x)].
for (x : buffer) // iterate input
buckets[bsr(x)].min = min(buckets[bsr(x)].min, x)
buckets[bsr(x)].sum += x
3 Iterate over buckets, maintaining unreachable:
int unreachable = 1 // 0 is always reachable
for(b : buckets)
if (unreachable >= b.min)
unreachable += b.sum
return unreachable
This works because, assuming we are at bucket i, lets consider the two cases:
unreachable >= b.min is true: because this bucket contains values in the range [2^i...2^(i+1)-1], this implies that 2^i <= b.min. in turn, b.min <= unreachable. therefor unreachable+b.min >= 2^(i+1). this means that all values in the bucket may be added (after adding b.min all the other values are smaller) i.e. unreachable += b.sum.
unreachable >= b.min is false: this means that b.min (the smallest number the the remaining sequence) is greater than unreachable. thus we need to return unreachable.
The output of the second input is 4 because that is the smallest positive number that cannot be expressed as a sum of 1,2 or 6 if you can take each item only 0 or 1 times. I hope this can help you understand more:
You have 3 items in that list: 1,2,6
Starting from the smallest positive integer, you start checking if that integer can be the result of the sum of 1 or more numbers of the given sequence.
1 = 1+0+0
2 = 0+2+0
3 = 1+2+0
4 cannot be expressed as a result of the sum of one of the items in the list (1,2,6). Thus 4 is the smallest positive integer which cannot be expressed as a sum of the items of that given sequence.
The last output is 4 because:
1 = 1
2 = 2
1 + 2 = 3
1 + 6 = 7
2 + 6 = 8
1 + 2 + 6 = 9
Therefore, the lowest integer that cannot be represented by any combination of your inputs (1, 2, 6) is 4.
What the question is asking:
Part 1. Find the largest possible integer that can be represented by your input numbers (ie. the sum of all the numbers you are given), that gives the upper bound
UpperBound = sum(all_your_inputs) + 1
Part 2. Find all the integers you can get, by combining the different integers you are given. Ie if you are given a, b and c as integers, find:
a + b, a + c, b + c, and a + b + c
Part 2) + the list of integers, gives you all the integers you can get using your numbers.
cycle for each integer from 1 to UpperBound
for i = 1 to UpperBound
if i not = a number in the list from point 2)
i = your smallest integer
This is a clumsy way of doing it, but I'm sure that with some maths it's possible to find a better way?
EDIT: Improved solution
//sort your input numbers from smallest to largest
input_numbers = sort(input_numbers)
//create a list of integers that have been tried numbers
tried_ints = //empty list
for each input in input_numbers
//build combinations of sums of this input and any of the previous inputs
//add the combinations to tried_ints, if not tried before
for 1 to input
//check whether there is a gap in tried_ints
if there_is_gap
//stop the program, return the smallest integer
//the first gap number is the smallest integer

Optimizing algorithm to find number of six digit numbers satisfying certain property

Problem: "An algorithm to find the number of six digit numbers where the sum of the first three digits is equal to the sum of the last three digits."
I came across this problem in an interview and want to know the best solution. This is what I have till now.
Approach 1: The Brute force solution is, of course, to check for each number (between 100,000 and 999,999) whether the sum of its first three and last three digits are equal. If yes, then increment certain counter which keeps count of all such numbers.
But this checks for all 900,000 numbers and so is inefficient.
Approach 2: Since we are asked "how many" such numbers and not "which numbers", we could do better. Divide the number into two parts: First three digits (these go from 100 to 999) and Last three digits (these go from 000 to 999). Thus, the sum of three digits in either part of a candidate number can range from 1 to 27.
* Maintain a std::map<int, int> for each part where key is the sum and value is number of numbers (3 digit) having that sum in the corresponding part.
* Now, for each number in the first part find out its sum and update the corresponding map.
* Similarly, we can get updated map for the second part.
* Now by multiplying the corresponding pairs (e.g. value in map 1 of key 4 and value in map 2 of key 4) and adding them up we get the answer.
In this approach, we end up checking 1K numbers.
My question is how could we further optimize? Is there a better solution?
For 0 <= s <= 18, there are exactly 10 - |s - 9| ways to obtain s as the sum of two digits.
So, for the first part
int first[28] = {0};
for(int s = 0; s <= 18; ++s) {
int c = 10 - (s < 9 ? (9 - s) : (s - 9));
for(int d = 1; d <= 9; ++d) {
first[s+d] += c;
That's 19*9 = 171 iterations, for the second half, do it similarly, with the inner loop starting at 0 instead of 1, that's 19*10 = 190 iterations. Then sum first[i]*second[i] for 1 <= i <= 27.
Generate all three-digit numbers; partition them into sets based on their sum of digits. (Actually, all you need to do is keep a vector that counts the size of the sets). For each set, the number of six-digit numbers that can be generated is the size of the set squared. Sum up the squares of the set sizes to get your answer.
int sumCounts[28]; // sums can go from 0 through 27
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 28; ++i) {
count = sumCounts[i];
total += count * count;
EDIT Variation to eliminate counting leading zeroes:
int sumCounts[28];
int sumCounts2[28];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
int s = sumOfDigits(i);
for (int i = 100; i < 1000; ++i) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 28; ++i) {
count = sumCounts[i];
total += (count - sumCounts2[i]) * count;
Python Implementation
def equal_digit_sums():
dists = {}
for i in range(1000):
digits = [int(d) for d in str(i)]
dsum = sum(digits)
if dsum not in dists:
dists[dsum] = [0,0]
dists[dsum][0 if len(digits) == 3 else 1] += 1
def prod(dsum):
t = dists[dsum]
return (t[0]+t[1])*t[0]
return sum(prod(dsum) for dsum in dists)
Result: 50412
One idea: For each number from 0 to 27, count the number of three-digit numbers that have that digit sum. This should be doable efficiently with a DP-style approach.
Now you just sum the squares of the results, since for each answer, you can make a six-digit number with one of those on each side.
Assuming leading 0's aren't allowed, you want to calculate how many different ways are there to sum to n with 3 digits. To calculate that you can have a for loop inside a for loop. So:
firstHalf = 0
for i in xrange(max(1,n/3),min(9,n+1)): #first digit
for j in xrange((n-i)/2,min(9,n-i+1)): #second digit
firstHalf +=1 #Will only be one possible third digit
secondHalf = firstHalf + max(0,10-|n-9|)
If you are trying to sum to a number, then the last number is always uniquely determined. Thus in the case where the first number is 0 we are just calculating how many different values are possible for the second number. This will be n+1 if n is less than 10. If n is greater, up until 18 it will be 19-n. Over 18 there are no ways to form the sum.
If you loop over all n, 1 through 27, you will have your total sum.

Checking whether two numbers are permutation of each other?

Given two numbers a, b such that 1 <= a , b <= 10000000000 (10^10). My problem is to check whether the digits in them are permutation of each other or not. What is the fastest way of doing it? I was thinks of using hashing but unable to find any suitable hash function. Any suggestions?
For e.g -
123 is a valid permutation of 312
Also I don't want to sort the digits in the numbers.
If you mean the characters of the numbers (such as 1927 and 9721), there are (at least) a couple of approaches.
If you were allowed to sort, one approach is to simply sprintf them to two buffers, sort the characters in the buffers, then see if the strings are equal.
However, given your desire to not sort the digits, another alternative is to set up a ten-element array, with all elements initially set to zero, then process each digit in the first number, incrementing the relevant element.
Then do the same with the second number but decrementing.
If, at the end, it's still all zeros, the numbers were a permutation of each other.
This is efficient in that it's an O(n) algorithm where n is the number of digits in the two numbers. The pseudo-code for such a beast would be something like:
def arePermutations (num1, num2):
create array count, ten elements, all zero.
for each digit in num1:
increment count[digit]
for each digit in num2:
decrement count[digit]
for each item in count:
if item is non-zero:
return false
return true
In C, the following complete program illustrates how this can be done:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FALSE (1==0)
#define TRUE (1==1)
int hasSameDigits (long num1, long num2) {
int digits[10];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) // Init all counts to zero.
digits[i] = 0;
while (num1 != 0) { // Process all digits.
digits[num1%10]++; // Increment for least significant digit.
num1 /= 10; // Get next digit in sequence.
while (num2 != 0) { // Same for num2 except decrement.
num2 /= 10;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (digits[i] != 0) // Any count different, not a permutation.
return FALSE;
return TRUE; // All count identical, was a permutation.
int main (int c, char *v[]) {
long v1, v2;
if (c != 3) {
printf ("Usage: %s <number1> <number2>\n", v[0]);
return 1;
v1 = atol (v[1]);
v2 = atol (v[2]);
if (hasSameDigits (v1, v2)) {
printf ("%d and %d are permutations\n", v1, v2);
} else {
printf ("%d and %d are not permutations\n", v1, v2);
return 0;
Simply pass it two (positive) numbers and, assuming they fit in a long, it'll tell you whether they have the same digit counts.
a and b are anagrams if they have the same number of each digit. So basically the fastest way seems to be, counting the digits for a and b:
int c[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
while (a) { c[a%10]++; a/=10; }
while (b) { c[b%10]--; b/=10; }
int res=1;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) res &= c[i]==0;
Is it homework?
Calculate number of appearances of each digit and compare them, if they are same then one number can be converted to other using permutation.
Create an array:
int digitOccurances[2][10];
In digitOccruances[X][N] store the number of times that the digit N appears in the number X. So if you were comparing 8675309 to 9568733, the array would end up looking like:
{ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } , { 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } }
If the two arrays are equal, then the numbers are permutations.
This is an O(n) algorithm, so asymptotically speaking this is the most efficient it's going to get (you can't solve this problem without examining all of the digits at least once.
You can immediately return false if the numbers have different lengths, so assume that both of are of length n. It will take 2n operations to fill the array, and then exactly 10 comparisons to read the array. 2n + 10 is O(n).
I've found this rather efficient solution on I hope you'll forgive me for writing it in Java (I'm not comfortable with C) but the syntax should be more or less the same.
The code first checks to see if the numbers have the same number of digits, then sums up the digits by bit shifting them into a total. Except the shift distance is multiplied by a factor 6. This makes it impossible for smaller digits to compose the same value as a larger digit. For instance one '9' would require 64 times '8' to match its value, which obviously isn't possible.
This code assumes non-negative input.
boolean haveSameDigits(long n1, long n2) {
long nn1 = n1, nn2 = n2;
while (nn1 > 0 && nn2 > 0) {
nn1 /= 10;
nn2 /= 10;
if (nn2 != nn1) // not the same length
return false;
long total1 = 0, total2 = 0;
while (n1 != 0) {
total1 += 1L << ((n1 % 10) * 6);
total2 += 1L << ((n2 % 10) * 6);
n1 /= 10;
n2 /= 10;
return total1 == total2;
If what i understood from your question correctly a permutation is a combination of the elements, which do not repeat. So if 123 is a valid permutation of 312 then so does
and so on.
So based on this assumption lets say you got two integers 123456789 and 129837456. (For simplicity i am also assuming that both numbers have equal length). If you understood the point then you might be able to check for different permutations and combination as well.
for that all you need to do is to get the integers of units out of the given number, e.g:
Number 123456789 is
1 * 100000000 +
2 * 10000000 +
3 * 1000000 +
4 * 100000 +
5 * 10000 +
6 * 1000 +
7 * 100 +
8 * 10 +
1 * power(10, 8) +
2 * power(10, 7) +
3 * power(10, 6) +
4 * power(10, 5) +
5 * power(10, 4) +
6 * power(10, 3) +
7 * power(10, 2) +
8 * power(10, 1) +
9 * power(10, 0)
i have literally given you algorithmic hint of how to do that so this can easily be done. once done you will end up with separate integers (better save these values in an array)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
do the same for the other given integer so you will end up with another array of integers
1, 2, 9, 8, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6
so now all you need to check is that if all of the integers of the second array are present in the first array of integers, if yes then they are a permutation of the integers of the first array or the first number.
I hope this helps.
Well if you can build an 80GB table, you could always do:
int64 table[10000000000] = {0, blah blah..., 9999999999};
if (table[a] == table[b]) ...
{Edited to add additional test)
Assuming you are in the domain of digits, how about
('1' ^ '2' ^ '3' == '3' ^ '1' ^ '2') &&
('1' + '2' + '3' == '3' + '1' + '2')
cout << "Yes\n";
cout << "No\n";
Not sure why you don't want to sort, unless that was a condition of your homework assignment. For anyone stumbling on this question just looking for the fastest (and most pythonic!) way to test if two integers are permutations in Python:
def arePermutations(a, b):
return sorted([d for d in str(a)]) == sorted([d for d in str(b)])
This solution runs slightly faster in Python, relying, of course, on the numbers tested to be relatively small integers. It works quite well for Project Euler problem 52.