need to create multiple dynamic arrays in c++ - c++

I need to create a number of arrays of a certain object where the number I need is dependent on a separate variable the best way to explain it is with a psudo code example:
int num = 4;
for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
object_type arrayi [dynamic size];
So i need 4 arrays each with the names array0,array1,array2, and array3 and they must all be dynamic arrays.
Is there anyway to do this in C++?

std::array<std::vector<object_type>, 4> array;
for (auto & v : array)
The names are array[0], array[1], etc... instead of array1, array2, etc... But who cares? If you absolutely must have those names, then Cassio's answer is your best bet.
Pre C++11 alternative:
std::vector<object_type> array[4];
for (size_t i=0; i<4; ++i)
If you want a variable number of arrays, then you can use a vector of vectors, and actually, the initialization for that is even easier. It doesn't require a loop, you can do it in the constructor.
std::vector<std::vector<object_type>> array(num, std::vector<object_type>(dynamic_size));

Yes, use std::vector<object_type> instead. You can resize to an arbitrary size.
Otherwise for arrays you can use dynamic allocation with
ObjectType* myArray = new ObjectType[number];
but using std::vector instead is recommended.

If there is a way to dynamically create variables like the way you want within C++, I haven't heard of it.
If performance is an issue and you need to construct a bunch of 1-d arrays (rather than an array of arrays or a vector of arrays) then you could do code generation at build time to make as many as you want. That's outside of C++ though; it's a pre-build command that outputs a C++ text file.
If performance isn't an issue, then constructing a vector of arrays like Benjamin has done will work great.

Reading the OP again, it seems to me that the number of arrays is not known at compile time. In this case, you can use a std::vector<std::vector<object_type>>:
#include <vector>
// ...
// int num = ???, dynamic_size = ???;
std::vector<std::vector<object_type>> vs(num);
for (auto& v: vs)
then you can use vs[i][j] to get a reference to the j-th element of the i-th array (vector).
Piece of advise: Don't use this (std::vector<std::vector<double>>) for linear algebra matrices.
Bonus: In C++14 (actually this is a C99 feature that some compilers allow in C++ as an extension) you'll be able to do this:
#include <vector>
// ...
// int num = ???, dynamic_size = ???;
std::vector<object_type> vs[num];
for (auto& v: vs)
For more information see this post.


How to dynamically allocate a 2D std::array in C++ or why I should not use it?

I want to malloc an array in my code, and its size should be defined at runtime.
I tried like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
int main(){
int M=4,N=3,P=5;
std::array<std::array<double,M>,N> arr;
But MSVC told me:
a variable with non-static storage duration cannot be used as a non-type argument
I don't find the answer to this in stackoverflow.(The existing question seem not to solve my problem...)
How to dynamically allocate a 2D std::array in C++?
I know I could use std::vector to solve this. But the vector memory size needs to be organized by myself and this would be used many times in my project. And I want to use C++ type code rather than C type...Maybe there is a method to turn a 2D array in C type to std::array, but I can't find it by Google...
So I ask this question...
I mean the M and N should be got dynamically(not changed,but I can only know it in runtime...),like:
#include <iostream>
int main(){
int a=3;
int b=4;
int rowCount=a+b;
int colCout=b-a;
int** a = new int*[rowCount];
for(int i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i)
a[i] = new int[colCount];
I know where is my mistake. I fell into a logical question... If I don't use push_back,the vector works well. If I use it, the array doesn't work, too.
I think the capcity of vector is bigger than its size, I want to avoid this. But another question: How to limit the capacity of std::vector to the number of element show I should use my allocator or std::vector::shrink_to_fit() to avoid it...(There is no guarantee in C++17 if you use reserve(n))
The dynamically allocated array container in C++ is std::vector. std::array is for specifically compile-time fixed-length arrays. is your friend!
But the vector memory size needs to be organized by myself
Not quite sure what you mean with that, but you specify the size of your std::vector using the constructor.
std::vector<std::vector<int>> arr(N);
If you need some special allocator (not just new/malloc), then you can also specify a custom allocator.
Your whole program that you propose is not good C++. A C++ solution would look like:
#include <vector>
int main() {
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
unsigned int rowCount = a + b;
unsigned int colCount = b - a;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix(rowCount);
for (auto& row : matrix) {
std::array, like an actual array in C++, requires a constant size. It's what gives it any advantage at all over std::vector.
For a technical explanation as to how that requirement is implemented, remember that template parameters are required to be compile-time constants (since it changes how the code is generated, again at compile-time).
Anyway, you want to use std::vector here. If you know the size you want, give it as a constructor parameter.

Get 5 last array objects C++

A simple task, but I don't remember the syntax for C++.
int array[n];
I need to get the last 5 objects of the array.
array.slice(array.length - 5, 1)??
In short
Algorithms will be your friends:
int last[5];
std::copy(array+n-5, array+n, last);
More details
First, the variable length array is not standard C++. So the following code is only portable and valid if n is a constant expression:
int array[n];
So the better approach would be to use vectors of int. The advantage is that their size may evolve dynamically when needed:
vector<int> varray(n);
If really you want to use variable raw arrays, you could use memory allocation, but this is cumbersome since you have to take a lot of precautions (e.g. deleting the allocated object in the end):
int *array = new int[n];
The solution with raw arrays is displayed above. I leave it up to you to generalize it to the k last elements.
The vector variant is very similar:
vector<int> vlast(5);
copy(varray.end()-vlast.size(), varray.end(), vlast.begin());
Note that the copy is more dynamic, since the number of elements will depend on the size of the output vector.
Attention - risk of UB: I leave you as an exercise to adapt the code for both solutions to the case where the size of the array would be smaller than 5.
Now if you like algorithms, it's worth also to look at iterators, because they allow you to do cool tricks like:
copy(vlast.begin(), vlast.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," ")); // display
Online demo
Still not convinced by vectors ? Then have a look at these two other vector variants:
vector<int> vlast2(varray.end()-5, varray.end()); // powerful constructor
vector<int> vlast3(varray.rbegin(), varray.rbegin()+5); // and in reverse order

create a Dynamic std::array of std::array

My task requires me to create an array of arrays to store some data , where the number of row is fixed and the columns are to be decided at run-time.
If I was using a simple int array then this would've been a simple task but because I have to use std::array , I am lost .
My attempt so far
using std::array;
int main(){
array<array<int,1>*,3> x;
for(size_t i=0;i<3;i++)
which leads to the error
array1.cpp:12:29: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type
~~~~~~~~~~~~^ 1 error generated.
when using clang++
I have read that an std::array is equivalent to a normal array ,
I know i can use vectors but since i know how many rows i have from the beginning , I feel it to be a waste to use vectors , while I would love the added functionality of std::array when compared to a traditional array. How do I implement this .
std::array<std::vector<int>,3> is the type you want.
std::vector is a dynamicly sized array.
int main(){
std::array<std::vector<int>,3> x;
for(std::size_t i=0;i<3;i++)
this creates a 3 "major" element array of 22 "minor" size.
Note that column-major and row-major (which is first and which is second) is a matter of convention. So std::vector<std::array<3,int>> is another equally valid interpretation of the requirements.
If you are banned from using std::vector, you will have to figure out an alternative solution, possibly rolling your own. I'd advise against unique_ptr<int[]> (or worse, raw pointers) as they don't store the size of the element.
A std::array< std::array< cannnot be dynamic in either dimension. std::array is fixed size.
My task requires me to create an array of arrays to store some data , where the number of row is fixed and the columns are to be decided at run-time.
It sounds like your task requires using a matrix class. Like boost::numeric::ublas::matrix.
The benefit of using a matrix class is that internally it uses one dynamic array to minimize storage overhead.
If you are coding this as an exercise create your own matrix class. Otherwise use an existing one.

How to create variable name with integer appended to the end?

I want to create a for loop that will fill a bunch of arrays with data in c++. Now to save space and in the future once more arrays are added which they will, I have the for loop. Each array for demonstration purposes is called Array# (# being a number) The point of the for loop would be to set a constant with maximum arrays, then cycle through each array filling by appending i to the end of the Array name.
For example in pseudo code:
for (i = 1; i < numberofarrays; i++)
{ fill (Array & i) with ("Array" & i & "-default.txt")}
It is impossible to generate Variable Names by any type of code.
(Meaning it is impossible to generate dynamic variable names on Runtime or on Compiletime)
The best solution possible would be a array of arrays:
int Arrays[][];
Calling Arrays[0] would give you the first array.
If you want to determine the number of arrays during Runtime you need to use pointers!
That would look like that:
(int[])* Arrays = new (int[])[numberofarrays];
Accessing the arrays in the array would work the same!
An alternative would be using the container vector from std.
The code would the look like this:
// More includes
// Optional
using namespace std;
// Somewhere in your code
vector<vector<int>> Arrays;
You still would acces the elements by using your standard array method (Arrays[15][78] e.g.)
You don't really need the name. You can use an std::vector of arrays. This will not work out of the box, see Correct way to work with vector of arrays
Another approach would be to have an std::map of arrays. You could have the name as the key, if that is what you really want. You will still have to use the same workaround as before to have an array as a value. See Character Array as a value in C++ map for example.

C++11 iterate over jagged array?

I'm trying to initialise a jagged array.
Why doesn't this work:
int *arr[10];
for (int *row : arr)
row = new int[10];
it runs but then arr is unreadable.
How can I use this form of "for" properly in this situation?
Otherwise how can I just initialise a jagged array of X rows, each row is Y elements and set all to zero?
int* arr[10];
for (int*& row : arr)
row = new int[10];
Since you are changing the value in the array inside of the loop you need to iterate over references instead of values (which are only copies of what was in the array). This is very similar to function call semantics.
for(auto&row:arr) // note the &. also note the auto
row = new int[10];
the compilers should really warn about this stupid error. Happened to me many times.
The provided answer by filmor is correct, but as others have already stated in the comments: If you really want to learn C++11 you should use a container like std::vector.
For example:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> list;
And you're done. You can add as many ints as you like. If you want to have a fixed size list of dynamic int-lists, consider using std::array:
std::array<std::vector<int>, 10> arr;
Although I would always recommend using std::vector if performance or memory is not an issue. You have to make sure you're not exceeding the maximum number of elements anyway.
Concerning the for-loop, I would always try to use it this way:
for (auto &item : list)
If you don't want to modify the list, add const:
for (const auto &item : list)
Even if you don't want to modify the list, you're not making copies as you progress through it.