How do I free up memory with a static array? - c++

I want to free up the memory of the array of pointers of type structNode.
struct structNode
int value;
typedef structNode * Node;
int main()
Node ListNodes[1000];
//Fill and Clear the array 100 times.
for(int j=0; j<100; j++)
//Add a pointers to the array
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
Node newNode = new structNode;
newNode->value = 3;
ListNodes[i] = newNode;
// Deleting each pointer
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
delete ListNodes[i];
// delete the array
delete [] ListNodes;
return 0;
Is this the correct way to clear the memory in each cicle?
I am asking this question because I watch the program when it runs with a task manager, and it only increments the memory usage instead of keeping the memory usage at a constant range.

Generally you cannot reclaim memory allocated for automatic variables on the stack until the allocating function exits, so only the pointers contained in the static array can have delete called on them. Since main does not exit until the completion of the lifetime of the program, the lifetime of the memory footprint that ListNodes utilizes will match the lifetime of the program.
Also using the host OS task manager to check for overall memory usage is not a good tool, as the host OS may still claim memory for your application after you've called delete on heap storage in order to avoid having to constantly go to the host OS for additional heap storage memory allocations. Going to the host OS for memory allocation is expensive...

No, the array is on the stack and you can't free it with a delete:
delete [] ListNodes;
Freeing memory not allocated (or freeing a different object in that place) is undefined behavior.
There's no need to delete that memory and you can't (without horrible low-level hacks) delete stack memory. If that proves to be a problem reduce the amount of stack-allocated memory and opt for a dynamic allocation.
I suggest reading the differences between heap and stack here.


C++ Memory leaks vectors(?)

In C++, the importance of deallocating memory when the program is either exiting or no longer serves a purpose is important. So if this is allocation of a dynamic array
char** dynamicArr = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
mapPtr[i] = new char[y];
and this is deallocation of a dynamic array
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
delete[] mapPtr[i];
delete[] mapPtr;
However, when it comes to vectors, I noticed that my global vector with 0 elements inside seems to be causing some memory leaks.
I've read up on this link, a user commented that
No. The std::vector will automatically de-allocate the memory it uses
Screenshot of my debugging.
I have also tried these steps to clear the vector as well as make sure the vector inside the struct citySummInfo has shrunk to fit and clear hopefully not getting any memory leak but to no avail. Is there any way that I'm doing it wrong?
As what #JohnFilleau have mentioned
_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() should be called at the point in the program where you want to see what is remaining on the heap. Since your
vectors are statically allocated, they will not have been destroyed at
the time you call this function.
_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() is meant to place right before the program terminates, and since my vectors are statically allocated, it has not been deallocated at the time when _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() has been called hence the "leaks".

How to deallocate a portion of a continuous memory block?

let's assume I have a structure MyStruct and i want to allocate a "big" chunk of memory like this:
std::size_t memory_chunk_1_size = 10;
MyStruct * memory_chunk_1 = reinterpret_cast <MyStruct *> (new char[memory_chunk_1_size * sizeof(MyStruct)]);
and because of the "arbitrary reasons" I would like to "split" this chunk of memory into two smaller chunks without; moving data, resizing the "dynamic array", deallocating/allocating/reallocating memory, etc.
so I am doing this:
std::size_t memory_chunk_2_size = 5; // to remember how many elements there are in this chunk;
MyStruct * memory_chunk_2 = &memory_chunk_1[5]; // points to the 6th element of memory_chunk_1;
memory_chunk_1_size = 5; // to remember how many elements there are in this chunk;
memory_chunk_1 = memory_chunk_1; // nothing changes still points to the 1st element.
Unfortunately, when I try to deallocate the memory, I'm encountering an error:
// release memory from the 2nd chunk
for (int i = 0; i < memory_chunk_2_size ; i++)
delete[] reinterpret_cast <char *> (memory_chunk_2); // deallocates memory from both "memory_chunk_2" and "memory_chunk_1"
// release memory from the 1st chunk
for (int i = 0; i < memory_chunk_1_size ; i++)
memory_chunk_1[i].~MyStruct(); // Throws exception.
delete[] reinterpret_cast <char *> (memory_chunk_1); // Throws exception. This part of the memory was already dealocated.
How can I delete only a selected number of elements (to solve this error)?
Compilable example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct MyStruct
int first;
int * second;
void print()
cout << "- first: " << first << endl;
cout << "- second: " << *second << endl;
cout << endl;
MyStruct() :
first(-1), second(new int(-1))
cout << "constructor #1" << endl;
MyStruct(int ini_first, int ini_second) :
first(ini_first), second(new int(ini_second))
cout << "constructor #2" << endl;
cout << "destructor" << endl;
delete second;
int main()
// memory chunk #1:
std::size_t memory_chunk_1_size = 10;
MyStruct * memory_chunk_1 = reinterpret_cast <MyStruct *> (new char[memory_chunk_1_size * sizeof(MyStruct)]);
// initialize:
for (int i = 0; i < memory_chunk_1_size; i++)
new (&memory_chunk_1[i]) MyStruct(i,i);
// ...
// Somewhere here I decided I want to have two smaller chunks of memory instead of one big,
// but i don't want to move data nor reallocate the memory:
std::size_t memory_chunk_2_size = 5; // to remember how many elements there are in this chunk;
MyStruct * memory_chunk_2 = &memory_chunk_1[5]; // points to the 6th element of memory_chunk_1;
memory_chunk_1_size = 5; // to remember how many elements there are in this chunk;
memory_chunk_1 = memory_chunk_1; // nothing changes still points to the 1st element.
// ...
// some time later i want to free memory:
// release memory from the 2nd chunk
for (int i = 0; i < memory_chunk_2_size ; i++)
delete[] reinterpret_cast <char *> (memory_chunk_2); // deallocates memory from both "memory_chunk_2" and "memory_chunk_1"
// release memory from the 1st chunk
for (int i = 0; i < memory_chunk_1_size ; i++)
memory_chunk_1[i].~MyStruct(); // Throws exception.
delete[] reinterpret_cast <char *> (memory_chunk_1); // Throws exception. This part of the memory was already dealocated.
// exit:
return 0;
This kind of selective deallocation is not supported by the C++ programming language, and is probably never going to be supported.
If you intend to deallocate individual portions of memory, those individual portions need to be individually allocated in the first place.
It is possible that a specific OS or platform might support this kind of behavior, but it would be with OS-specific system calls, not through C++ standard language syntax.
Memory allocated with malloc or new cannot be partially deallocate. Many heaps use bins of different sized allocations for performance and to prevent fragmentation so allowing partial frees would make such a strategy impossible.
That of course does not prevent you writing your own allocator.
The simplest way I could think of by means of standard c++ would follow this idiomatic code:
std::vector<int> v1(1000);
auto block_start = v1.begin() + 400;
auto block_end = v1.begin() + 500;
std::vector<int> v2(block_start,block_end);
If a compiler is intelligent enough to translate such pattern to the most efficient low level OS and CPU memory management operations, is an implementation detail.
Here's the working example.
Let's be honest: this is a very bad practice ! Trying to cast new and delete and in addition call yourself destructor between the two is an evidence of low-level manual memory management.
The proper way to manage dynamic memory structures in contiguous blocks in C++ is to use std::vector instead of manual arrays or manual memory management, and let the library proceed. You can resize() a vector to delete the unneeded elements. You can shrink_to_fit() to say that you no longer need the extra free capacity, although it's not guaranteed that unneeded memory is released.
The use of C memory allocation functions and in particular realloc() is to be avoided, as it is very error prone, and it works only with trivially copiable objects.
Edit: Your own container
If you want to implement your own special container and must allows this kind of dynamic behaviour, due to unusual special constraints, then you should consider writing your own memory management function that would manage a kind of "private heap".
Heap management is often implement via a linked list of free chunks.
One strategy could be to allocate a new chunk when there's no sufficient contiguous memory left in your private heap. You could then offer a more permissive myfree() function that reinserts a freed or partially freed chunk into that linked list. Of course, this requires to iterate through the linked list to find if the released memory is contiguous to any other chunk of free memory in the private heap, and merge the blocks if adjacent.
I see that MyStruct is very small. Another approach could then be to write a special allocation function optimised for small fixed size blocks. There is an example in Loki's small object library that is described in depth in "Modern C++ Design".
Finally, you could perhaps have a look at the Pool library of Boost, which also offers a chunk based approach.

How memory will be deleted?

Let's say I have structure
struct Foo {
int whatever;
int whatever2;
And I have this type of array
Foo **array = new Foo*[128];
Then, to every pointer I assign new structure
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
array[i] = new Foo;
Then, after a while I deallocate:
delete[] array;
How memory will be deallocated?
Only the space for pointers will be freed
Space for pointer + the objects pointed by those pointers themselves?
Your code leaks memory. You need to call delete once for every new call (assuming the new doesn't fail and either return NULL or throw bad_alloc). So, in this case, you'll need to have a similar loop to the one that calls array[i] = new Foo; that does delete array[i];
I think this is one of points in Scott Meyers book, Effective C++ have read long back. But basic idea is, to avoid memory leak when you use new. make sure to call delete as many times as new is called and map new with delete and new[] with delete[] accordingly. so in your case new is called 128 times in for loop and new[] is called once, so similarly delete should be called same way to array[i] 128 times and delete[] should be called once for array. Hope this helps.

Ways to tell if you have successfully released dynamic allocated memory

This is how i allocate dynamic memory for a 2D array
char **twod;
twod=new char*[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
twod [i] = new char [MAX];
This is how i release the memory for a 2D array
for (int i=0; i<count;i++)
delete [] twod [i];
delete [] twod;
How do i know i have successfully released everything and there is no memory leak???
Ways to tell if you have successfully released dynamic allocated memory
Run the code in valgrind or any such memory leak detection tool.
If you want you could also overload the new and delete operators for your class and do the bookeeping yourself but that it too much effort so you are much better off setting with a memory leak detection tool.
Ofcourse I consider the example only an sample example and not the code one will usually go for because:
You are better off avoiding dynamic allocations, use automatic variables instead.
If you must then use smart pointers with RAII and not raw pointers.

Why does calling 'delete' in a specific way on a dynamic array not work?

I'm wondering why this code doesn't work:
void KeyValueList::Release()
//(m_ppKeyValueList is a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap)
if (m_ppKeyValueList) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
if (m_ppKeyValueList[i]) {
delete m_ppKeyValueList[i];
/*delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;*/
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
delete (m_ppKeyValueList + i);
Why can't we iterate the dynamic array and delete it in this way?
A dynamic array is more than just a sequence of elements. It contains information about the array size as well. Moreover, there is just one chunk of memory known to the allocator. So just like with any dynamic memory, you can only free what you allocated, not smaller subsets of it.
That's why the language requires that you only invoke delete[] on a pointer obtained from a new[] expression, and that that is the only way to deallocate that memory.
Simple answer: because the language specifications say that you do that with a delete[].
Better answer: because after all for the heap manager the array pointed by m_ppKeyValueList is a single large allocation, not m_iCapacity consecutive small allocations, so you just have to tell it where the allocated block begins and it will deallocate it as a whole (after calling the single destructors if needed); if it kept each element as a single separated allocation into the allocated block lists it would be a stupid waste of resources (and if it used a bitmap for this it probably wouldn't have enough granularity to support this silly allocation scheme).
Because new int[5] allocates one contiguous block big enough to hold 5 ints. new int 5 times allocates 5 small blocks, each big enough to hold a single int. The number of deallocations must equal the number of allocations.
Case 1: m_ppKeyValueList is "a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap"
In this case you do need to delete m_ppKeyValueList piece by piece. If this is what you meant, your declaration will be of the form SomeType ** m_ppKeyValueList; Your allocation and deallocation should like
m_ppKeyValueList = new SomeType*[m_iCapacity];
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
m_ppKeyValueList[ii] = new SomeType;
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
delete m_ppKeyValueList[ii];
delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;
However, that your code fails suggests that you do not have "a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap."
Case 2: m_ppKeyValueList is a dynamic array of objects on the heap
Here your declaration will be of the form SomeType * m_ppKeyValueList; Instead of allocating this piece by piece your allocation and deallocation take on a much simpler form:
m_ppKeyValueList = new SomeType[m_iCapacity];
delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;
Bottom line:
Your allocations and deallocations need to match one another in number and in form. If you allocate something with new you need to destroy it with delete. If you allocate it with new[] you need to destroy it with delete[].