Decrypt rotating XOR with 10-byte key across packet bytes in C++ - c++

Trying to figure out how to write something in C++ that will decrypt a rotating XOR to packet bytes that will be in varying sizes with a known 10 byte key (key can be ascii or hex, whatever is easier).
For example:
XOR 10-byte key in hex: 41 30 42 44 46 4c 58 53 52 54
XOR 10-byte key in ascii: A0BDFLXSRT
Here is "This is my message in clear text" in hex that needs to be decrypted with above key
15 58 2B 37 66 25 2B 73 3F 2D 61 5D 27 37 35 2D 3F 36 72 3D 2F 10 21 28 23 2D 2A 73 26 31 39 44
I need a way to apply my XOR key over the top of these bytes like this in a rotating fashion:
41 30 42 44 46 4c 58 53 52 54 41 30 42 44 46 4c 58 53 52 54 41 30 42 44 46 4c 58 53 52 54 52 54
15 58 2B 37 66 25 2B 73 3F 2D 61 5D 27 37 35 2D 3F 36 72 3D 2F 10 21 28 23 2D 2A 73 26 31 39 44
When I XOR these together, I get the data in readable format again:
"This is my message in clear text"
I've seen some examples that take the entire XOR key and apply it to each byte, but that's not what I need. It needs to somehow rotate over the bytes until the end of the data is reached.
Is there anyone who can assist?

Use the % (modulus) operator!
using byte_t = unsigned char;
std::vector< byte_t > xor_key;
std::vector< byte_t > cipher_text;
std::string plain_text;
plain_text.reserve( cipher_text.size( ) );
for( std::size_t i = 0;
i < cipher_text.size( );
++i )
auto const cipher_byte = cipher_text[ i ];
// i % xor_key.size( ) will "rotate" the index
auto const key_byte = xor_key[ i % xor_key.size( ) ];
// xor like usual!
plain_text += static_cast< char >( cipher_byte ^ key_byte );

You just use a loop, and a modulus operation, to XOR one byte of the key, with one byte of the cypher text.
void decrypt(char *cypher, int length, char* key) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) cypher[i] ^= key[i % 10];
By indexing the key with modulus (remainder) of 10, it will always have "rotating" values between 0 and 9.


Strange problem with decryption of AES using OpenSSL, Gets padded with same looking junk, Base64 padding issue

Can someone tell me whats wrong with my code?
It works fine in my test example.. but when I use it in production model it decrypts the string but adds a padded symbol to maintain some kind of block size or something.
I didn't post my encrypt/decrypt methods as they would make this post too big, plus they work fine as my test example decrypts and encrypts properly, ini.GetValue is a INI retrieval method there is nothing wrong with it, plus you can see the base64 size is the same as the example code, so I believe it works fine, I never had any problems with it before without encryption when I used it, it returns a const char*The problem is known as you can see the production code ciphertext has appended to it 2 null bytes which I find strange becasue both codes are pretty much identical, I'm not good at C++ so I'm probably overlooking some basic char array stuff
The encryption code I use is AES-256-CBC from OpenSSL 1.1.1
Look at my outputs to see whats wrong.
Good looking example code:
Ciphertext is:
000000: 7a e1 69 61 65 bb 74 ad 1a 68 8a ae 73 70 b6 0e z.iae.t..h..sp..
000010: 4f c9 45 9b 44 ca e2 be e2 aa 16 14 cd b1 79 7b O.E.D.........y{
000020: 86 a5 92 26 e6 08 3e 55 61 4e 60 03 50 f3 e4 c1 ...&..>UaN`.P...
000030: fe 5a 2c 0b df c9 1b d8 92 1f 48 75 0d f8 c2 44 .Z,.......Hu...D
Base64 (size=88):
000000: 65 75 46 70 59 57 57 37 64 4b 30 61 61 49 71 75 euFpYWW7dK0aaIqu
000010: 63 33 43 32 44 6b 2f 4a 52 5a 74 45 79 75 4b 2b c3C2Dk/JRZtEyuK+
000020: 34 71 6f 57 46 4d 32 78 65 58 75 47 70 5a 49 6d 4qoWFM2xeXuGpZIm
000030: 35 67 67 2b 56 57 46 4f 59 41 4e 51 38 2b 54 42 5gg+VWFOYANQ8+TB
000040: 2f 6c 6f 73 43 39 2f 4a 47 39 69 53 48 30 68 31 /losC9/JG9iSH0h1
000050: 44 66 6a 43 52 41 3d 3d DfjCRA==
b cip len = 64
a cip len = 16
plain b = 0
plain a = 3
Decrypted text is:
Decrypted base64 is:
000000: 77 74 66 00 wtf.
Bad production code example:
Base64 (size=88)
000000: 6a 7a 48 30 46 71 73 54 45 47 4d 76 2f 67 76 59 jzH0FqsTEGMv/gvY
000010: 4d 73 34 54 2f 39 58 32 6c 37 54 31 4d 6d 56 61 Ms4T/9X2l7T1MmVa
000020: 36 45 4f 38 52 64 45 57 42 6b 65 48 71 31 31 45 6EO8RdEWBkeHq11E
000030: 39 2b 77 37 47 4e 49 4a 47 4a 71 42 55 74 54 70 9+w7GNIJGJqBUtTp
000040: 30 36 58 46 31 4d 66 45 79 44 45 71 5a 69 58 54 06XF1MfEyDEqZiXT
000050: 79 45 53 6b 65 41 3d 3d yESkeA==
Ciphertext is:
000000: 8f 31 f4 16 ab 13 10 63 2f fe 0b d8 32 ce 13 ff .1.....c/...2...
000010: d5 f6 97 b4 f5 32 65 5a e8 43 bc 45 d1 16 06 47 .....2eZ.C.E...G
000020: 87 ab 5d 44 f7 ec 3b 18 d2 09 18 9a 81 52 d4 e9 ..]D..;......R..
000030: d3 a5 c5 d4 c7 c4 c8 31 2a 66 25 d3 c8 44 a4 78 .......1*f%..D.x
000040: 00 00 ..
b cip len = 65
a cip len = 17
crypt miss-match
plain b = 16
crypt write fail
plain a = 16
000000: 77 74 66 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 05 05 05 05 05 wtf.............
Here are my codes as you can see they both look very similar so I don't understand whats the problem.
Here is a little helper function for hexdump outputs I use.
void Hexdump(void* ptr, int buflen)
unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)ptr;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < buflen; i += 16) {
myprintf("%06x: ", i);
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
if (i + j < buflen)
myprintf("%02x ", buf[i + j]);
myprintf(" ");
myprintf(" ");
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
if (i + j < buflen)
myprintf("%c", isprint(buf[i + j]) ? buf[i + j] : '.');
char* base64(const unsigned char* input, int length) {
const auto pl = 4 * ((length + 2) / 3);
auto output = reinterpret_cast<char*>(calloc(pl + 1, 1)); //+1 for the terminating null that EVP_EncodeBlock adds on
const auto ol = EVP_EncodeBlock(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(output), input, length);
if (pl != ol) { myprintf("b64 calc %d,%d\n",pl, ol); }
return output;
unsigned char* decode64(const char* input, int length) {
const auto pl = 3 * length / 4;
auto output = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(calloc(pl + 1, 1));
const auto ol = EVP_DecodeBlock(output, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(input), length);
if (pl != ol) { myprintf("d64 calc %d,%d\n", pl, ol); }
return output;
Here is the test example that works fine.
/* enc test */
/* Message to be encrypted */
unsigned char* plaintext = (unsigned char*)"wtf";
* Buffer for ciphertext. Ensure the buffer is long enough for the
* ciphertext which may be longer than the plaintext, depending on the
* algorithm and mode.
unsigned char* ciphertext = new unsigned char[128];
/* Buffer for the decrypted text */
unsigned char decryptedtext[128];
int decryptedtext_len, ciphertext_len;
/* Encrypt the plaintext */
ciphertext_len = encrypt(plaintext, strlen((char*)plaintext), ciphertext);
/* Do something useful with the ciphertext here */
myprintf("Ciphertext is:\n");
Hexdump((void*)ciphertext, ciphertext_len);
myprintf("Base64 (size=%d):\n", strlen(base64(ciphertext, ciphertext_len)));
Hexdump((void*)base64(ciphertext, ciphertext_len), 4 * ((ciphertext_len + 2) / 3));
/* Decrypt the ciphertext */
decryptedtext_len = decrypt(ciphertext, ciphertext_len, decryptedtext);
/* Add a NULL terminator. We are expecting printable text */
decryptedtext[decryptedtext_len] = '\0';
/* Show the decrypted text */
myprintf("Decrypted text is:\n");
myprintf("%s\n", decryptedtext);
myprintf("Decrypted base64 is:\n");
myprintf("%s\n", decode64(base64(decryptedtext, decryptedtext_len), 4 * ((decryptedtext_len + 2) / 3)));
Hexdump(decode64(base64(decryptedtext, decryptedtext_len), 4 * ((decryptedtext_len + 2) / 3)), 4 * ((decryptedtext_len + 2) / 3));
/* enc test end */
Here is the bad production code:
//Decrypt the username
const char* b64buffer = ini.GetValue("Credentials", "SavedPassword", "");
int b64buffer_length = strlen(b64buffer);
myprintf("Base64 (size=%d)\n", b64buffer_length);
Hexdump((void*)b64buffer, b64buffer_length);
int decryptedtext_len;
int decoded_size = 3 * b64buffer_length / 4;
unsigned char* decryptedtext = new unsigned char[decoded_size];
//unsigned char* ciphertext = decode64(b64buffer, b64buffer_length); //had this before same problem as below line, this worked without initializing new memory I perfer to fix this back up
unsigned char* ciphertext = new unsigned char[decoded_size];
memcpy(ciphertext, decode64(b64buffer, b64buffer_length), decoded_size); //same problem as top line.
myprintf("Ciphertext is:\n");
Hexdump((void*)ciphertext, decoded_size);
/* Decrypt the ciphertext */
decryptedtext_len = decrypt(ciphertext, decoded_size - 1, decryptedtext);
/* Add a NULL terminator. We are expecting printable text */
decryptedtext[decryptedtext_len] = '\0';
Hexdump(decryptedtext, decryptedtext_len);
strcpy(password_setting, (char*)decryptedtext); //save decrypted password back
delete[] decryptedtext;
delete[] ciphertext;
In the example that works, you get ciphertext_len directly from the encryption function. When you display the ciphertext, you use this length.
In the "bad production code", you calculate decoded_size from the length of the Base64 data. However, Base64 encoded data always has a length that is a multiple of 4. If the original data size is not a multiple of 3, then there are one or two padding characters added to the string. In both of your examples, you have two of these characters, the '=' at the end of the Base64 data.
When calculating the length of the decrypted data, you need to account for these bytes. If there are no '=' characters at the end of the string, use the length that you calculated (3 * N / 4). If there is one '=' character, reduce that calculated length by 1, and if there are two '=' characters, reduce the calculated length by 2. (There will not be 3 padding characters.)
Edit: Here is my fix: (sspoke)
char* base64(const unsigned char* input, int length) {
const auto pl = 4 * ((length + 2) / 3);
auto output = reinterpret_cast<char*>(calloc(pl + 1, 1)); //+1 for the terminating null that EVP_EncodeBlock adds on
const auto ol = EVP_EncodeBlock(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(output), input, length);
if (pl != ol) { printf("encode64 fail size size %d,%d\n",pl, ol); }
return output;
unsigned char* decode64(const char* input, int* length) {
//Old code generated base length sizes because it didn't take into account the '==' signs.
const auto pl = 3 * *length / 4;
auto output = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(calloc(pl + 1, 1));
const auto ol = EVP_DecodeBlock(output, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(input), *length);
if (pl != ol) { printf("decode64 fail size size %d,%d\n", pl, ol); }
//Little bug fix I added to fix incorrect length's because '==' signs are not considered in the output. -sspoke
if (*length > 3 && input[*length - 1] == '=' && input[*length - 2] == '=')
*length = ol - 2;
else if (*length > 2 && input[*length - 1] == '=')
*length = ol - 1;
*length = ol;
return output;

call and print function which return array in c++

I have this functions which return a random array in c++:
int* randomArray(int countOfRows){
int test1 [countOfRows] = {};
int insertValue;
int check;
for (int n=0; n < countOfRows; ++n){
srand(time (NULL) );
while (test1[n] == NULL){
insertValue = (rand () %100 + 1 );
for(int i = 0; i < countOfRows; i++){
if (test1[i] == insertValue){
check = 1;
check = 0;
if (check == 0){
test1[n] = insertValue;
return test1;
How can I call that array?
what is the difference between int* and int[]
thank you :)
Your code has four significant problems, one of them critical, one non-standard and implementation dependent, and two general algorithmic problems.
First, the most important, you're returning the address of an automatic variable, which means it is both useless and will invoke undefined behavior to dereference by the caller. Declared at the top of your function is:
int test1 [countOfRows] = {};
which itself brings up the second point, this non-standard for two reasons: variable-length arrays are not supported by the C++ standard, and by inference, initialization of said-same is likewise not supported. Then later...
return test1;
The caller of your function will receive an address, but that address is useless. It no longer addresses anything concrete, as test1 no longer exists once the function returns. This is remedied a number of ways, and considering this is C++, the easiest is using a std::vector<int>, which supports value-return.
The two significant algorithm problems are
Your seeding of srand should not be in the for loop. In fact, if you're using srand and rand, the seeding should be done once in your entire process.
The process of exhaustive searching to see if a current random pick has already been used to avoid duplicates is needless if you simply use a different algorithm, which I'll cover later.
Therefore, the simplest fix for your code will be to do this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
std::vector<int> randomArray(int countOfRows)
std::vector<int> test1(countOfRows);
int check = 0;
for (int n=0; n < countOfRows; ++n)
while (test1[n] == 0)
int insertValue = (rand () %100 + 1 );
for(int i = 0; i < countOfRows; i++)
if (test1[i] == insertValue){
check = 1;
check = 0;
if (check == 0){
test1[n] = insertValue;
return test1;
int main()
std::vector<int> vec = randomArray(20);
for (auto x : vec)
std::cout << x << ' ';
Output (varies, obviously)
8 50 74 59 31 73 45 79 24 10 41 66 93 43 88 4 28 30 13 70
A Finite Set Algorithm
What you're really trying to generate here is a finite set of integers in the range of 1..100. I.e., there are no duplicate values used, and the number of items being returned could be anything from 1..100 as well. To do this, consider this algorithm:
Generate a sequence of 1..100 in a std::vector<int>
Using a pseudorandom generator from the standard library, shuffle the sequence using std::shuffle
Resize the resulting vector to be the number of elements you want to return.
Regarding #3 from above, consider a small example, suppose you wanted just ten elements. Initially you build a sequence vector that looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13... ...99 100
Now you shuffle this vector using a std::shuffle and a pseudorandom generator like std::mt19937 : (the first twenty elements shown for brevity):
48 39 31 44 68 84 98 40 57 76 70 16 30 93 9 51 63 65 45 81...
Now, you simply resize the vector down to the size you want, in this case ten elements:
48 39 31 44 68 84 98 40 57
And that is your result. If this sounds complicated, you may be surprised to see how little code it actually takes:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
std::vector<int> randomSequence100(std::size_t count)
if (count > 100)
count = 100;
static std::random_device rd;
std::vector<int> result(100);
std::iota(result.begin(), result.end(), 1);
std::shuffle(result.begin(), result.end(), std::mt19937(rd()));
return result;
int main()
// run twenty tests of random shuffles.
for (int i=0; i<20; ++i)
auto res = randomSequence100(20);
for (auto x : res)
std::cout << x << ' ';
27 71 58 6 74 65 56 37 53 44 25 91 10 86 51 75 31 79 18 46
6 61 92 74 30 20 91 89 64 55 19 12 28 13 5 80 62 71 29 43
92 42 2 1 78 89 65 39 37 64 96 20 62 33 6 12 85 34 29 19
46 63 8 44 42 80 70 2 68 56 86 84 45 85 91 33 20 83 16 93
100 99 4 20 47 32 58 57 11 35 39 43 87 55 77 51 80 7 46 83
48 39 31 44 68 84 98 40 57 76 70 16 30 93 9 51 63 65 45 81
32 73 97 83 56 49 39 29 3 59 45 89 43 78 61 5 57 51 82 8
21 46 25 29 48 37 77 74 32 56 87 91 94 86 57 67 33 9 23 36
27 46 66 40 1 72 41 64 53 26 31 77 42 38 81 47 58 73 4 11
79 77 46 48 70 82 62 87 8 97 51 99 53 43 47 91 98 81 64 26
27 55 28 12 49 5 70 94 77 29 84 23 52 3 25 56 18 45 74 48
95 33 25 80 81 53 55 11 70 2 38 77 65 13 27 48 40 57 87 93
70 95 66 84 15 87 94 43 73 1 13 89 44 96 10 58 39 2 23 72
43 53 93 7 95 6 19 89 37 71 26 4 17 39 30 79 54 44 60 98
63 26 92 64 83 84 30 19 12 71 95 4 81 18 42 38 87 45 62 70
78 80 95 64 71 17 14 57 54 37 51 26 12 16 56 6 98 45 92 85
89 73 2 15 43 65 21 55 14 27 67 31 54 52 25 72 41 6 85 33
4 87 19 95 78 97 27 13 15 49 3 17 47 10 84 48 37 2 94 81
15 98 77 64 99 68 34 79 95 48 49 4 59 32 17 24 36 53 75 56
78 46 20 30 29 35 87 53 84 61 65 85 54 94 68 75 43 91 95 52
Each row above was a set of twenty elements take from the sequence of 1..100. No single row has duplicates (check if you want).
This technique works wonderfully for either small domains or large result sets from larger domains. But it has its limits to consider.
For example: Once your potential domain reaches the point significant size (say, numbers in 1...1000000) and you want only small result sets (say, no larger than 100 elements), you're better off using a std::unordered_set and iterative probing similar to what you're doing now. The technique you use depends entirely on your performance goals and your usage patterns.
Counterexample: If you wanted a half-million unique elements shuffled from a million-element domain, the load/shuffle/resize technique will work well.
Ultimately you have to decide, and measure to confirm.
Some useful links about some of the things used here (bookmark this site, as it is absolute gold for information about C++):
From my view this function has problems.
It return the point of test1, which is allocated in the stack, which is invalid out of the scope of randomArray.
So if you change to malloc, this is allocated in heap, then it still valid when out of the scope of randomArray.
int *test1 = (int*) malloc(countOfRows* sizeof(int));
And you can using test1[x] to get the value of each int, for sure you should know the length of test1 is countOfRows.
Please don't forget to delete this point when it is not used...
Call this array is simple
int* values = randomArray(1000);
In the function randomArray() declare test1[] as a static int[].
return the array using pointers,
" return test1 "
in the main function use a pointer to access the return value
" int *ptr=randomArray(n) "

Parsing .csv files with CR LF EOL structure

I'm trying to parse a CSV file and getline() is reading the entire file as one line. On the assumption that getline() wasn't getting what it expected, I tried \r, \n, \n\r, \r\n, and \0 as arguments with no luck.
I took a look at the EOL characters and an seeing CR and then LF. Is getline() just ignoring this or am I missing something? Also, what's the fix here?
The goal of this function is a general purpose CSV parsing function that stores the data as a 2d vector of strings. Although advice on that front is welcome, I'm only looking for a way to fix this issue.
vector<vector<string>> Parse::parseCSV(string file)
// input fstream instance
ifstream inFile;;
// check for error
if ( { cerr << "Cannot open file" << endl; exit(1); }
vector<vector<string>> data;
string line;
while (getline(inFile, line))
stringstream inputLine(line);
char delimeter = ',';
string word;
vector<string> brokenLine;
while (getline(inputLine, word, delimeter)) {
word.erase(remove(word.begin(), word.end(), ' '), word.end()); // remove all white spaces
return data;
Here's the hexdump. I'm not sure what exactly this is showing.
0000000 55 4e 49 58 20 54 49 4d 45 2c 54 49 4d 45 2c 4c
0000010 41 54 2c 4c 4f 4e 47 2c 41 4c 54 2c 44 49 53 54
0000020 2c 48 52 2c 43 41 44 2c 54 45 4d 50 2c 50 4f 57
0000030 45 52 0d 31 34 32 34 31 30 35 38 30 38 2c 32 30
0000040 31 35 2d 30 32 2d 31 36 54 31 36 3a 35 36 3a 34
0000050 38 5a 2c 34 33 2e 38 39 36 34 2c 31 30 2e 32 32
0000060 34 34 34 2c 30 2e 38 37 2c 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 4e
0000070 6f 20 44 61 74 61 2c 4e 6f 20 44 61 74 61 0d 31
0000080 34 32 34 31 30 35 38 38 35 2c 32 30 31 35 2d 30
0000090 32 2d 31 36 54 31 36 3a 35 38 3a 30 35 5a 2c 34
00000a0 33 2e 39 30 31 33 35 2c 31 30 2e 32 32 30 34 31
00000b0 2c 31 2e 30 32 2c 30 2e 36 33 39 2c 30 2c 30 2c
00000c0 4e 6f 20 44 61 74 61 2c 4e 6f 20 44 61 74 61 0d
00000d0 31 34 32 34 31 30 35 38 38 38 2c 32 30 31 35 2d
00000e0 30 32 2d 31 36 54 31 36 3a 35 38 3a 30 38 5a 2c
00000f0 34 33 2e 39 30 31 34 38 2c 31 30 2e 32 32 30 31
The first two lines of the file
1424105808,2015-02-16T16:56:48Z,43.8964,10.22444,0.87,0,0,0,No Data,No Data
UPDATE Looks like it was \r. Im not sure why it didn't work earlier, but I learned a few things while exploring. Thanks for the help guys.
A simple fix would be to write your own getline
For example one that ignores any combination of \n,\r
in the beginning of the line, and breaking on any too.
That will work on any platform, but wont preserve empty lines.
After looking at the hex-dump, the delimiter is 0d (\r)
Did you try to switch the order of the \r\n to \n\r?

Write raw memory to file

I am trying to dump the memory (made with malloc) to a file. I want to dump the raw data because I don't know what's inside the memory (int float double) at the point that I want to dump the memory.
What's the best way to do this?
I have tried a few thing already but non of them worked as i wanted.
In C, it's quite trivial, really:
const size_t size = 4711;
void *data = malloc(size);
if(data != NULL)
FILE *out = fopen("memory.bin", "wb");
if(out != NULL)
size_t to_go = size;
while(to_go > 0)
const size_t wrote = fwrite(data, to_go, 1, out);
if(wrote == 0)
to_go -= wrote;
The above attempts to properly loop fwrite() to handle short writes, that's where most of the complexity comes from.
It's not clear what you mean by "not working".
You could reinterpret_cast the memory to a char * and write it to file easily.
Reading it back again is a different matter.
The "C++ way" of doing it would probably involve using std::ostream::write with a stream in binary mode.
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
bool write_file_binary (std::string const & filename,
char const * data, size_t const bytes)
std::ofstream b_stream(filename.c_str(),
std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary);
if (b_stream)
b_stream.write(data, bytes);
return (b_stream.good());
return false;
int main (void)
double * buffer = new double[100];
reinterpret_cast<char const *>(buffer),
delete[] buffer;
return 0;
If this is C++, this might help you, as part of serializing and deserializing,
I write the raw memory array to a file (using new[] is essentially the same
as malloc in the C world):
#include "hexdump.h"
auto elems = 128;
static void serialize (std::ofstream out)
auto a = new char[elems];
for (auto i = 0; i > bits(a);
hexdump(a, elems);
128 bytes:
0000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f |................|
0010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f |................|
0020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f | !"#$%&'()*+,-./|
0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f |0123456789:;?|
0040 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f |#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO|
0050 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f |PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_|
0060 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f |`abcdefghijklmno|
0070 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f |pqrstuvwxyz{|}~.|

c++ XOR string key hex

I am trying to XOR some already encrypted files.
I know that the XOR key is 0x14 or dec(20).
My code works except for one thing. All the '4' is gone.
Here is my function for the XOR:
void xor(string &nString) // Time to undo what we did from above :D
const int KEY = 0x14;
int strLen = (nString.length());
char *cString = (char*)(nString.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
*(cString+i) = (*(cString+i) ^ KEY);
Here is part of my main:
ifstream inFile;"ExpTable.bin");
if (!inFile) {
cout << "Unable to open file";
string data;
while (inFile >> data) {
cout << data << endl;
Here is a part of the encypted file:
$y{bq //0 move
%c|{ //1 who
&c|qfq //2 where
'saufp //3 guard
x{wu`}{z //4 location
But x{wu}{z` is returning //location. Its not displaying the 4.
Note the space infront of the X. thats supposed to be decoded to 4.
What am I missing? Why is it not showing all the 4? <space> = 4 // 4 = <space>
This is the list of all the specific conversions:
HEX(enc) ASCII(dec)
20 4
21 5
22 6
23 7
24 0
25 1
26 2
27 3
28 <
29 =
2a >
2b ?
2c 8
2d 9
2e :
2f ;
30 $
31 %
32 &
33 '
35 !
36 "
37 #
38 ,
39 -
3a .
3b /
3c (
3d )
3e *
3f +
40 T
41 U
42 V
43 W
44 P
45 Q
46 R
47 S
48 \
49 ]
4a ^
4b _
4c X
4d Y
4e Z
4f [
50 D
51 E
52 F
53 G
54 #
55 A
56 B
57 C
58 L
59 M
5a N
5b O
5c H
5d I
5e J
5f K
60 t
61 u
62 v
63 w
64 p
65 q
66 r
67 s
68 |
69 }
6c x
6d y
6e z
6f {
70 d
71 e
72 f
73 g
75 a
76 b
77 c
78 l
79 m
7a n
7b o
7c h
7d i
7e j
7f k
1d /tab
1e /newline
Get rid of all casts.
Don't use >> for input.
That should fix your problems.
// got bored, wrote some (untested) code
ifstream inFile;"ExpTable.bin", in | binary);
if (!inFile) {
cerr << "Unable to open ExpTable.bin: " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
char c;
while (inFile.get(c)) {
cout.put(c ^ '\x14');
Are you sure that it is printing '//location'? I think it would print '// location' -- note the space after the double-slash. You are XORing 0x34 with 0x14. The result is 0x20, which is a space character. Why would you want to xor everything with 0x14 anyway?
** edit ** ignore the above; I missed part of your question. The real answer:
Are you entirely sure that the character before the x is a 0x20? Perhaps it's some unprintable character that looks like a space? I would check the hex value.