Creating a User Post with the facebook graph API - facebook-graph-api

I am trying to programmatically create user posts to my Facebook feed with the Facebook Graph API, How can I go about it pls. I have seen the procedure to create a post on a Facebook page but not on a user feed. Pls, help!!!


Facebook Login - What data does Facebook collect from my app/my users on my app?

I am curious about Facebook Login, does Facebook collect user data from my app/my users after they login using Facebook Login? I know I can apply to receive user data from Facebook (ie: user demographic data, or user friends, etc), but does Facebook collect any data from my app/site in return? I feel like I have read the facebook login dev support pages a few times and can't seem to find an answer to this question. Thanks!

how can i get data insights from pages facebook without have role admin or analyst in this page with graph api?

I need to get data insights from pages facebook without have role admin or analyst in this page with graph api, just with application registration.
Before your app can make calls to read, update, or post to Pages you need to get a page access token. With this token you can view Page settings, make updates to page information and manage a Page.
Graph API Doc :

Facebook Graph API how to identify edited comment

In Facebook Graph API, is there way to identify the comment or post is edited by the user?

Posting on facebook user wall a custom field

Using facebook graph API and user access token(and cURL), I am posting message, photos to the user wall. Can anybody guide me, I want to post a photo, its description and along with this RATING(custom parameter/field). What I mean is, is there a way to add a custom field and publish/post on user's wall.

Facebook Graph API does not return comments from a specific user

I am using the Graph API to retrieve the comments attached to a status update on a Facebook Page using a URL of this form:
The above URL does not return any of the comments from a specific user while comments from all other users posted before and after that user’s are returned. Any idea what could be the cause of this?
Thank you.
This user has modified their Facebook Privacy Settings in the section How people bring your info to apps they use so that while you can view their comments via Facebook directly, you cannot view that same info via a Facebook App.