Facebook Graph API how to identify edited comment - facebook-graph-api

In Facebook Graph API, is there way to identify the comment or post is edited by the user?


Creating a User Post with the facebook graph API

I am trying to programmatically create user posts to my Facebook feed with the Facebook Graph API, How can I go about it pls. I have seen the procedure to create a post on a Facebook page but not on a user feed. Pls, help!!!

Facebook Graph API, share existing post

How can I mimic the "Share" button below a post (see image) using the Graph API to re-share an existing Post to a group without re-posting the link? Is it possible to do the same using the Facebook PHP SDK?

Instagram post's video link from share url

I'm making an android app that fetches the intagram post details from the post's share url.
For eg. for getting this https://www.instagram.com/p/Bjzikp0nQG0 post details I'm using Instagram api https://api.instagram.com/oembed/?url=https://www.instagram.com/p/Bjzikp0nQG0 to get the post details.
But if the post is video I'm only getting thumbnail. I searched a bit and found instagram deprecated the media endpoint. So I found instagram graph api's media endpoint https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/reference/media/#metadata can be used to get the information.
But the final problem is this above graph api require a numeric id of the post to get the details and nowhere in the documentation mentioned how to convert instagram post's share link to post id.

Is the a way to retrieve all of the comments my page was tagged in through the Facebook API?

I see that there is a way to retrieve the public posts where my Page has been tagged through the Facebook Graph API. Is there also a way to retrieve public comments that tag my Page?

Facebook Graph API does not return comments from a specific user

I am using the Graph API to retrieve the comments attached to a status update on a Facebook Page using a URL of this form:
The above URL does not return any of the comments from a specific user while comments from all other users posted before and after that user’s are returned. Any idea what could be the cause of this?
Thank you.
This user has modified their Facebook Privacy Settings in the section How people bring your info to apps they use so that while you can view their comments via Facebook directly, you cannot view that same info via a Facebook App.