How to maintain a constant number of PEDESTRIANS in SUMO - veins

I am using SUMO 0.30.0 and I want to simulate an scenario with a constant number of pedestrians walking on the streets. I checked SUMO's FAQ, specifically How do I generate random routes? and I managed to maintain a constant number of vehicles using rerouters or the --max-num-vehicles option in the sumo.cfg file. However, rerouters are not yet implemented for persons in SUMO.
Is there any way of maintain a fixed number of pedestrians?
I want to use this scenario with Veins and OMNeT++, so maybe there's a way of maintaint the number of pedestrians using Veins (?)


Preserve Order for Cross Validation in Weka

I am using the Weka GUI for classifying sensor data.
I have measures of 10 people, the data is sorted. So the first 10% correspond to participant 1, the second 10% to participant 2 etc.
I would like to use 10 fold cross validation to build a model on 9 participants and test it on the remaining participant. In my case I believe I could accomplish this by simply not randomizing the data splits.
How would I best go about doing this?
I don't know how to do this in the Explorer.
In the KnowledgeFlow GUI, there is a CrossValidationFoldMaker used to create cross-validation folds. This has an option to Preserve instances order, which says it preserves the order of instances rather than randomly shuffling.
There's a video describing the KnowledgeFlow interface here:

Storm and stop words

I am new in storm framework(,
I test locally with my code and I think If I remove stop words, it will perform well, but i search on line and I can't see any example that removing stopwords in storm.
If the size of the stop words list is small enough to fit in memory, the most straighforward approach would be to simply filter the tuples with an implementation of storm Filter that knows that list. This Filter could possibly poll the DB every so often to get the latest list of stop words if this list evolves over time.
If the size of the stop words list is bigger, then you can use a QueryFunction, called from your topology with the stateQuery function, which would:
receive a batch of tuples to check (say 10000 at a time)
build a single query from their content and look up corresponding stop words in persistence
attach a boolean to each tuple specifying what to with each one
+ add a Filter right after that to filter based on that boolean.
And if you feel adventurous:
Another and faster approach would be to use a bloom filter approximation. I heard that Algebird is meant to provide this kind of functionality and targets both Scalding and Storm (how cool is that?), but I don't know how stable it is nor do I have any experience in practically plugging it into Storm (maybe Sunday if it's rainy...).
Also, Cascading (which is not directly related to Storm but has a very similar set of primitive abstractions on top of map reduce) suggests in this tutorial a method based on left joins. Such joins exist in Storm and the right branch could possibly be fed with a FixedBatchSpout emitting all stop words every time, or even a custom spout that reads the latest version of the list of stop words from persistence every time, so maybe that would work too? Maybe? This also assumes the size of the stop words list is relatively small though.

machine learning in c++

I am working on vision project using ( c++ and opencv )
I need to classify 5 number of double , so Is there function in opencv to classify vector of double ?
and if not exist like this function , What is the easiest way to classify vector of double in c++ ?
I extracted 5 points from the edges of the human body, head and hands
and feet and I need to train a neural network in order to identify if
the object is a human being or not
For that purpose would be better to use a Viola-Jones classificator, I think. However, OpenCV provides Multi-Layer-Perceptron (MLP) which you can easily use for this.
You have to create a big (>1000) training set which contains five doubles for each item. Then you have to use each time 5% or 10% elements of that set to create a test set.
See Multi-Layer-Perceptron here for more information about theory and implementation.
However I warn you that with such classifier you probably won't get good results as 5 points are probably not sufficient and you may have many false positives.

Face Recognition Using Backpropagation Neural Network?

I'm very new in image processing and my first assignment is to make a working program which can recognize faces and their names.
Until now, I successfully make a project to detect, crop the detected image, make it to sobel and translate it to array of float.
But, I'm very confused how to implement the Backpropagation MLP to learn the image so it can recognize the correct name for the detected face.
It's a great honor for all experts in stackoverflow to give me some examples how to implement the Image array to be learned with the backpropagation.
It is standard machine learning algorithm. You have a number of arrays of floats (instances in ML or observations in statistics terms) and corresponding names (labels, class tags), one per array. This is enough for use in most ML algorithms. Specifically in ANN, elements of your array (i.e. features) are inputs of the network and labels (names) are its outputs.
If you are looking for theoretical description of backpropagation, take a look at Stanford's ml-class lectures (ANN section). If you need ready implementation, read this question.
You haven't specified what are elements of your arrays. If you use just pixels of original image, this should work, but not very well. If you need production level system (though still with the use of ANN), try to extract more high level features (e.g. Haar-like features, that OpenCV uses itself).
Have you tried writing your feature vectors to an arff file and to feed them to weka, just to see if your approach might work at all?
Weka has a lot of classifiers integrated, including MLP.
As I understood so far, I suspect the features and the classifier you have chosen not to work.
To your original question: Have you made any attempts to implement a neural network on your own? If so, where you got stuck? Note, that this is not the place to request a complete working implementation from the audience.
To provide a general answer on a general question:
Usually you have nodes in an MLP. Specifically input nodes, output nodes, and hidden nodes. These nodes are strictly organized in layers. The input layer at the bottom, the output layer on the top, hidden layers in between. The nodes are connected in a simple feed-forward fashion (output connections are allowed to the next higher layer only).
Then you go and connect each of your float to a single input node and feed the feature vectors to your network. For your backpropagation you need to supply an error signal that you specify for the output nodes. So if you have n names to distinguish, you may use n output nodes (i.e. one for each name). Make them for example return 1 in case of a match and 0 else. You could very well use one output node and let it return n different values for the names. Probably it would even be best to use n completely different perceptrons, i.e. one for each name, to avoid some side-effects (catastrophic interference).
Note, that the output of each node is a number, not a name. Therefore you need to use some sort of thresholds, to get a number-name relation.
Also note, that you need a lot of training data to train a large network (i.e. to obey the curse of dimensionality). It would be interesting to know the size of your float array.
Indeed, for a complex decision you may need a larger number of hidden nodes or even hidden layers.
Further note, that you may need to do a lot of evaluation (i.e. cross validation) to find the optimal configuration (number of layers, number of nodes per layer), or to find even any working configuration.
Good luck, any way!

C++ Random Graph Generator Library

I wanted to ask if you know a reliable library to generate random graphs in C++. I have some restrictions like a maximum number of nodes and a maximum connections per node.
Construct a random set of edges (node-node pairings). You can apply restrictions by, e.g., removing a node from the set of available nodes when it reaches its quota of connections.
I have a similar interest of generating some random graphs. I found this Boost graph toolkit that can generate an Erdos-Renyi graph, which might answer part of your question, I haven't tried it out yet.