Mutt: Search/limit for messages from the same sender as currently selected message - mutt

When browsing my mail in mutt, I frequently want to look at all messages sent from a particular address. I can accomplish this by using limit and the search pattern: ~f
I am trying to create a binding/macro from the index and/or pager view where I perform this search using the sender of the currently selected message. So something like this:
macro index "<limit>~f {sender-address-of-current-email}<enter>"
But I can't find any documentation on how to dynamically specify the sender of the current message in a search pattern. Is this possible?


MailGun: Stored Message API: How to separate forwarded email from original email?

i'm using mailgun ROUTING to post emails into my app when received at
Similar to the [Retrieving Stored Messages] API.(
The documentation says:
Note: Do not rely on the body-plain, stripped-text, and stripped-signature fields for HTML sanitization. These fields merely provide content from the text/plain portion of an incoming message. This content may contain unescaped HTML.
I have been using bod-plain to retrieve the thread, but it includes the entire email thread without separation context.
I'm like to show a single message. There's no documentation for recommended parsing and separating the thread into multiple messages.
So far I have found that all forwarded messaged have retained headers, and thus start with From:.
Using Regexp I have been able to split the thread into multiple messages.
The positive lookbehind regular expression allows me to keep the delimiter in the split up chunks.

OTRS search via deep link possible?

I want to link to our OTRS (version 5) -- is it possible to create a URL in such a way that a special parametrized search is performed within OTRS?
I'd like to link from a webpage to something like:
and that should display all tickets in the queue XYZ and customeruser ==
Unfortunately that's not possible out of the box - at least in the way you probably intend to use it. All real search functions in OTRS (that I'm aware of) use HTTP-POST. Parameterized POST request using an URL is in principle possible, but strongly discouraged and wouldn't really work if you intend to store those searches as bookmarks or something like that.
The good news - you can create a saved search and trigger that via a URL like this:;Subaction=Search;TakeLastSearch=1;SaveProfile=1;Profile=current%20Changes
In this case the Profile=current%20Changes would be replaced by the name of the search profile (Special Characters must be encoded).

How to filter mobile devices by list of e-mail address

I'm working with the Google Admin SDK Directory API, more specifically with Mobile Devices. I already used the tool provided by Google here and also created a program using the .Net client library to get all devices with success.
The problem is, I need now to get all the mobile devices filtered by a list of emails. I was able to filter using a single email address like:
But I couldn't find a way to filter using multiple email values like:
query email:,,
The documentation provided here on the Search string format does not specify nor give examples for this case.
EDIT: The documentation on the Search String Format does say this:
To Search within a specific field: enter an operator followed by an
argument. For example, user:joesabia. You can use single words or
quoted lists of words as an argument when running an operator query.
So, I tried doing something like this in the query box:
There is no OR in the query format. You'll need to either use multiple API calls with one email query per call or just list all devices and filter by email locally.
You can combine multiple fields search in query string separated by space for example name:Test. But in your case just give it a try doing this

Opening a carbon c++ program from a custom url on OSx

I have been able to set the plist for my project to open the project with a given url. However, I can't get it to pass params to the application (custom urls are built based on the user)
Is there a way to pass the params as command line arguments?
the scheme is essentially
I need to be able to get the user id in the application.
Is there a way to do this? I know with cocoa you can create an app delegate to handle this but I need a carbon way to do it.
Thanks in advance!
Install an Apple Event handler to recognize URLs (both the suite and the event name have the same four-character code, 'GURL').
The event's direct object is a URL string. I would expect that string to contain the entire original URL, including any parameters that were encoded into it (e.g. if your custom scheme was xyz://some/data?param1=abc&param2=def, you should receive all of that).
Another important step is to register as a handler for that URL type in your Info.plist file. Read up on CFBundleURLTypes for more.

Is there any way to modify the default protocol schemes recognized by the Rich Edit control when using EM_AUTOURLDETECT?

I'm trying to determine if there is any way to modify the default set of protocol schemes that the Rich Edit Control when using EM_AUTOURLDETECT as described here:
In other words, when the EM_AUTOURLDETECT message is sent to the controland LPARAM is NULL, the following set of protocol schemes are recognized and displayed as a hyperlink:
My question is if it is possible to alter (add to) this list?
Is it hard coded or might it be stored in the registry somewhere?
I realize that it is possible to specify the list explicitly via LPARAM, but I am looking for a way to accomplish this without modifying the existing code (which is passing NULL for LPARAM).
More specifically, I'm trying to find a way to get TortoiseSVN's log view dialog to recognize a URL protocol which isn't on this list, without modifying the code. Here's a link to the related code:
This may be more of a SuperUser question, but since it relates to the way EM_AUTOURLDETECT works, I'm hoping someone here might know the answer.
Does anyone know if the source for the Rich Edit control is available anywhere?