Why can't I use OpenCV (C++) on my macOS after install? - c++

I installed OpenCV with Homebrew on my macOS. When I open a C++ project, I still cannot include its headers to the file.


VCPKG Pcl: Cannot open include file: 'pcl/io/vtk_lib_io.h': No such file or directory

I am trying to compile a project using Point Cloud Library (PCL) on Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2019.
I installed the PCL library via vcpkg (latest version 2020.07) both the pcl and pcl[vtk] version.
Vcpkg is connected to my program through its vcpkg integrate install function.
I am using the dynamic build in release mode.
When I compile my project I get the error
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'pcl/io/vtk_lib_io.h': No such file or directory
And indeed when searching through the vcpkg folder on my hard drive this file seems to be missing.
All other PCL headers and functions seem to be installed correctly.
Does somebody know how to correct</further debug this problem or install PCL in a way that includes all necessary files.
Vcpkg lists PCL as installed:
pcl:x64-windows 1.11.0#3
pcl:x64-windows-static 1.11.0#3
vtk:x64-windows-static 9.0.1#2
The visualization module in PCL is currently disabled within vcpkg since PCL currently does not support VTK 9.
You either have to use overlay ports to install VTK 8.2 or update PCL to use the PR adding support for VTK 9

OpenCV not found when I have it installed?

I am trying to compile a cpp file from the dlib library using cmake.
When I use the command cmake ..
It gives me this error OpenCV not found, so we won't build the webcam_face_pose_ex example.
I have OpenCV installed and to be sure I just reinstalled it using brew install opencv
Would like some help on what else I could do?
Download the opencv sources and follow the instructions to build and install the project using make. This will allow make to install opencv to where it can find it later.
When complete, re-compile the dlib project using cmake.

Cross compiling opencv project for ARM

How do I cross compile my opencv C++ program for ARM?
I have successfully compiled opencv for ARM, But I haven't run
make install
my understanding is that doing this will move the compiled opencv in my system directories. I already have opencv built and installed for my system. Will installing opencv compiled for ARM mess up my native opencv?
When I compile opencv project for my system I specify the opencv Library Path and header directories with -L and -I options. I want to compile the same project for arm, how do i go about doing this.
Doing a simple
make install
installs the OpenCV in the build directory inside a 'install' folder.
Works only for opencv versions above 2.4.x

cURLpp installation

I have downloaded, compiled and installed cURLpp.
When I try to compile the example, it says that the headers can't be found (curlpp/curlpp.hpp etc.) but they are present in /usr/local/include. How do I add the library to my project?
I am using Ubuntu 10.04.

Where does xcode keep its default paths to librarys and headers?

I have a C++ app/project under Linux Eclipse. I started porting to Mac OS X. I use 4 cross-platform C/C++ libraries such as OpenCV, OpenAL Boost etc.
First I installed C++ and Eclipse for Mac. When I opened the project in eclipse it did not find any of my Linux includes. When I opened the code in xcode it solved some - for example OpenAL.
Where does Xcode look for libraries and headers?
Off the top of my head I'd say try the following locations:
Probably in the first option.
For Xcode 6.4 and the OSX 10.10 SDK, look here:
Then expand the OpenAL.framework and double click on the Headers folder.