cURLpp installation - c++

I have downloaded, compiled and installed cURLpp.
When I try to compile the example, it says that the headers can't be found (curlpp/curlpp.hpp etc.) but they are present in /usr/local/include. How do I add the library to my project?
I am using Ubuntu 10.04.


Why can't I use OpenCV (C++) on my macOS after install?

I installed OpenCV with Homebrew on my macOS. When I open a C++ project, I still cannot include its headers to the file.

Is it safe to run precompiled protobuf binaries on older environment ( Ubuntu 16.04 )?

I want to update the protobuf version my application uses. I see that protobuf have already precompiled binaries ( available but I don't really understand if that is safe to use them on my Ubuntu 16.04 environment as I think they might be compiled with newer gcc.
The version I'm using at the moment is 2.6.1 which comes from the official ubuntu repository. There is no available protobuf > 3.4.x in the repo.
From my understanding, there is protoc compiler that compiles *.proto file into the language-dependent definition and libraries used for linkage like (libprotobuf-dev). Is that possible that precompiled libraries or protoc binary are linking to a newer version of libc/smthg and that is not safe to use on my system?
Do I have to compile protobuf from sources?

Oracle instant client header files are missed

I'm using RedHat OS to build a C++ program that is using OCCI to connect with an Oracle DB.
I had to reinstall everything and I found that my make file is adding the header files from the following path
Which isn't available anymore
The only installation I remember I need is installing oracle-instantclient-basic
I've downloaded the rpm and installed using the command rpm -i ***.rpm
But the folder /usr/include/oracle isn't there
Note: The path /usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client/lib is found and all libraries I use for linking are there (only header files are missed).
This is my installation file
I could investigate and find the solution
The header files are not created by installing oracle-instantclient-basic but you should install oracle-instantclient-devel
/usr/include/oracle/18.3/client64 is the path for 64bit version and the path is /usr/include/oracle/18.3/client for 32bit versions.
All the tools can be downloaded from oracle website

fatal error: GL/gl.h: no such file or directory

So I am trying to get my first c++ app to run but i keep getting this error. The error originates from the freeglut_std.h file.
I have downloaded the freeglut 3.0.0 MinGW Package and placed the files inside their respective directories in my MinGW installation folder but there is no file called gl.h.
I have added the libraries to my project properties
I have checked the question that this should be a duplicate of but the solution given there, install Windows SDK, did not fix my problem.
Normally there's no need to download GL/gl.h; OpenGL is part of the Windows ABI contract, which means that every compiler toolchain that targets the Windows API must provision for compiling the OpenGL version that's specified for the Windows ABI. That would be OpenGL-1.1
If your MinGW installation lacks the GL/gl.h header, something is broken in your particular installation. Note that in some Linux distributions you may have to install the development support files separately. But with MinGW the OpenGL headers should be part of the standard installation.

Installing Armadillo c++ library on windows

I'm using windows 8, Code::Blocks IDE, and the gcc c++ compiler.
I downloaded the latest version of Armadillo (4.550.0) and followed the instructions in the readme file, I copied the \include\ folder to my codeblocks project directory and added it to search directories in compiler settings.
However, when I attempt to compile one of the example programs from the armadillo download, I get the "No such file or directory" error.
Any help would be appreciated.