AWS Client VPN Client-Client Communication - amazon-web-services

I have an AWS Client VPN set up using certificate auth. I'm setting this up for a client-client access system, essentially as is described in this AWS scenario/example. It's all working, and I can ping from one client to another if I know their IP address.
My question is: in actual use, what use is this system if clients get assigned a random IP address every time they connect to the VPN, and there's no way to tell which clients are connected or what their IP addresses are without checking the AWS console or using the describe-client-vpn-connections CLI (which requires IAM credentials)?
Is there any way to:
Assign static IP addresses to specific clients, so they receive the same one every time they connect to the VPN?
Get a list of connected clients (with their CommonName and IP address)?
Use a connected client's host name / computer name instead of their random VPN IP address?
Any other way to connect from one client to another without having to use the AWS Console or describe-client-vpn-connections CLI to get a list of connected clients?

Much of what you're asking for is not possible. In many organizations, client-to-client communication is not the norm. For client-to-server communication, AWS Client VPN works well.
There is no way to assign static IP addresses to specific clients.
You can get a list of current connections and client IP addresses with the following AWS CLI command:
aws ec2 describe-client-vpn-connections --client-vpn-endpoint-id (endpoint ID)
You might be able to get your clients to register via a shared DNS server to get their VPN IP address.
I suspect you'll have better luck rolling your own VPN solution with something like OpenVPN, which much of the AWS Client VPN is built off of.


How connect a client to a remote Windows Server 2019 AWS EC2

We have a very difficult problem here, we have a Windows Server 2019 Base x64 on Amazon EC2, connected through RDP and setup-ed forest and activated AD DS , also activated DNS. But whenever we try to connect we are not allowed to.
We have opened all the relevant ports on inbound traffic rules.
We have added users.
We have tried searching internet and various tutorials.
In Server Manager=:
Added the public ipv4 address to our ipv4 settings of the adapter.
Went to the computer setting in computer domain entered the domain but no fun.
Disabled the firewall in server manager.
We want to connect our clients on different network to connect to the server hosted else-where on AWS.
We are really new into this can some one guide through this?
Please make sure there is network connectivity between your client and you DC which is set up on EC-2 Instance.
[1] In case your clients are on AWS (meaning different EC-2 Instances), and in a different network, you need to create VPC peering or use Transit Gateway, so that it has proper network connectivity.
[2] In case your clients are not on AWS, and in an On-prem Environment, you need to have a VPN connection between your client and your DC.
So in Summary, you need to have network connectivity between your client and DC so that clients can join your Domain.
What do you mean whenever we try to connect we are not allowed to?
What are you trying to connect to, the Windows EC2 instance?
Are you saying that the instance is joined to AWS Directory Service domain but you can't connect to the instance using one of the users in your AWS directory?
Edit: This should have been a comment but couldn't post comments at the time of answering.

Funneling Proxy Server through AWS Workspaces

I use RETSConnector to diagnose RETS server feeds. Some are IP restricted. I am trying to access these feeds through an AWS Windows 7 Workspace. You can connect with a proxy server, but it doesn't seem to affect the IP the space is reporting. So my question is, is there anyway I can get AWS Workspace/Windows 7 to reports the proxy server IP internally, thus allowing me to utilize the IP that is already stored in various vendor accounts.
This is really a networking issue, you would need to setup a VPN in one of the whitelisted networks.

Restrict the access to aws instance from specific IP

I want to set the security groups for the web server running in aws instance.My website should be accessible to through http/https. But file modification access to be set to particular IP address.I am currently connected to a Wifi router, and as I know IP that my PC assigned changes everytime.
Can someone please guide me on how to get a static IP address that I can allow access to my website.Thanks in advance.
You would need to see if you ISP can sell you a static IP - it's not always possible. I can't get one from my ISP when working from home, your ISP may be different for example.
However, if it is just you that needs static IP address (i.e. you as the developer/admin as opposed to users in the public), it is only a few clicks of the mouse to update the security rule thru the aws console each time you need elevated access. I do this for several servers running on EC2 which I keep locked down, and when I need to RDP into them, I open up the security groups to just my (dynamic) IP, and remove the rule when I am done - this will work if you only occasionally need access. You could also automate this process using a little scripting and/or lambda function.
Other option that I also do: I have an service that I need to access continually from a static IP - I use an another EC2 instance (with fixed IP) as the whitelist IP for this, and then I connect to that services by first connecting via RDP to the EC2 instance - and the EC2 instance with the fixed IP then accesses the service using its static IP.
You first have to know if your external IP changes if so you have to ask your ISP to change your IP to a static one
If it's the internal IP the one that changes but the external IP is the same you will have no problem accessing the aws.

ftp access from AWS VPC private subnet behind a NAT instance

I have created a VPC with public and private subnets on AWS. All app servers are in private subnets and all outbound requests have to be through an internet-facing NAT instance.
At the moment, our project requires the app servers to access a ftp server provided by a service provider.
I have tried several ways to manage that, but all no luck. What I have done was to open a port range, let's say (40000 - 60000) on both NAT and APP security groups, also standard ftp ports 20 - 21 as well.
The user authentication can be passed, but I could not list contents from app servers.
I am able to access the ftp server from NAT, not problem at all.
So what should I do to make it work?
#JohnRotenstein is absolutely correct that you should use Passive FTP if you can. If, like me, you're stuck with a client who insists that you use Active FTP because their FTP site that they want you to connect to has been running since 1990 and changing it now is completely unreasonable, then read on.
AWS's NAT servers don't support a machine in a private subnet connecting using Active FTP. Full stop. If you ask me, it's a bug, but if you ask AWS support they say it's an unsupported feature.
The solution we finally came up with (and it works) is to:
Add an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) in a public subnet on to your EC2 instance in the private subnet
So now your EC2 instance has 2 network adapters, 2 internal IPs, etc.
Let's call this new ENI your "public ENI"
Attach a dedicated elastic IP to your new public ENI
Let's assume you get and the new public ENI's internal IP address is
Add a route in your operating system's networking configuration to only use the new public ENI
In windows, the command will look like this, assuming the evil active ftp server you're trying to connect to is at
route add mask metric 2
This adds a route for all traffic to the FTP server at using subnet mask (ie. this IP and only this IP) should go to the internet gateway using ethernet adapter 2 (your second NIC)
Fed up yet? Yeah, me too, but now comes the hard part. The OS doesn't know it's public IP address for the public EIN. So you need to teach your FTP client to send the PORT command with the public IP. For example if using CURL, use the --ftp-port command like so:
curl -v --ftp-port --user myusername:mypass
And voila! You can now connect to a nightmare active FTP site from an EC2 machine that is (almost entirely) in a private subnet.
Try using Passive (PASV) mode on FTP.
From Slacksite: Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation:
In active mode FTP the client connects from a random unprivileged port (N > 1023) to the FTP server's command port, port 21. Then, the client starts listening to port N+1 and sends the FTP command PORT N+1 to the FTP server. The server will then connect back to the client's specified data port from its local data port, which is port 20.
Thus, the traffic is trying to communicate on an additional port that is not passed through the NAT. Passive mode, instead, creates an outbound connection, which will then be permitted through the NAT

Installing SSL Cert on an EC2 Server without any dedicated ip address

I have an EC2 server which houses the api currently setup to accept connections from several iPads. I do not wish for network sniffers to see the JSON requests that are being exchanged between the servers and the devices. The idea is to have a secure protocol in place so that communication will be secured.
I have been told purchasing a SSL certificate is the way forward. The Amazon server instance I have running has an address in this format:
this is where my web root is with all the appropriate web service files. My webservice urls look something similar to this:
so on so forth. There is no hosting plan whatsoever (in the case that information is necessary).
I have been recommended to buy an SSL Cert from and have thought about getting the up to 5 multiple domains SSL certificate package.
Question: 1
What things do I need to be made aware of in order to make sure nothing fails?
I have recently read that I may need to associate an elastic IP address to my instance, otherwise the IP of my instance will change on reboots? And if that is the case, that means that the SSL certificate that was used for this: domain would no longer work since the ip address would have changed upon reboot and therefor me losing my secure domain?
Question: 2
If my thoughts in question 1 stands true, then my question would then be what is the most user friendly way or lets say, the way for beginners to create a dedicated url for my server instance (so that 1) the domain name doesnt randomly change upon server reboot (not sure when i would reboot anyway) and 2) does this mean I can have easier webservice urls that one can remember? such as.... instead of the long ec2 ugly url?!
Any easy to follow tutorials would be very helpful. I have looked at a few articles that spoke about elastic ip address, SSL certificates, and other articles about renaming ec2 url, but I'm in a position where I dont actually know which one applies to me. lol
Hope someone can help. thanks
What you want to do is to get an elastic IP address. This lets you bind your instance to a particular IP address when you start it up. You can then register a hostname in DNS (Amazon don't help you with this part) and state that that hostname has the IP address that is the elastic IP address that you have registered.
The final piece is to get a server certificate (strictly, a keypair where the public part is the server certificate) that has the hostname in the CN field of its Distinguished Name, and to install that server keypair on the instance. (This is another part that Amazon don't help you with, and is in fact the same process as if you were hosting the hardware yourself.) Like that, the client
looks up the hostname and gets the elastic IP address,
connects and gets the server certificate, and
checks the server certificate and sees that the hostname it is for is the hostname that they expected. (There's a few other checks as well, such as whether the certificate was signed by a trusted certificate authority and whether the certificate is within its validity period.)
That allows the client to trust that who they have securely connected to is who they expected to securely connect to, which is a key part of establishing trust.
What you do not do is use the AWS machine names (internal or external) in the certificate you apply for. Those change and you really do not want to trust other people's VMs.
Donal's answer is the way to go. You need to explicitly register a domain and generate the SSL certificate containing the CN as that domain. Elastic IP addresses definitely are your friends in this issue. You will need them.
I added another answer in order to give another point of view: if you ever want to scale your backend solution, going that way will be more difficult. If you ever thought about adding more servers to host your web service, you should definitely set up an Elastic Load Balancer, add your instances to it, and point the domain you just registered to your Elastic Load Balancer. Then, you can purchase the SSL certificate and install it directly on your ELB, configuring SSL termination on the ELB. You will also configure the ELB so that connections arriving at port 443 will map to port 80 (or whatever port) on your servers. Don't worry, this is plain easy to set up.
Whenever you want to add more servers to your web service, it will just be a matter of setting up another EC2 instance (this process can - and should - be automated) and adding it to the ELB.
With this setup, you get rid of the need for Elastic IP addresses. All the connections go through the ELB.