G Suite Directory API: Fetch an access token from SAML bearer assertion - google-admin-sdk

From the Google Doc, I see below are the options to fetch an access token for the directory API
Web server applications i.e Client Credentials
Installed applications (Mostly same as Client Credentials approach
which we currently support but with the use of applications
Client-side (JavaScript) applications (For JavaScript applications
that run in a browser)
Applications on limited-input devices (For Limited-input devices such
as TV, game consoles, video cameras, and printers)
Service Account
Reference Doc:
Is there any API to Fetch an access token from SAML bearer assertion for the directory API and if yes then what information does this API needs and is there any Doc to do so
Example Directory API for which I am looking to connect -
Directory API used for user creation: https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/users

Unfortunately, at current Google doesn't support client authorization and authentication for their APIs via SAML 2.0 Profiles.
More Information:
As you've already pointed out, the only supported methods of fetching an access token at the present time are those mentioned in the documentation page titled "Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs".
Feature Request:
You can however let Google know that this is a feature that is important for access to their APIs, and that you would like to request they implement it.
Google's Issue Tracker is a place for developers to report issues and make feature requests for their development services, I'd urge you to make a feature request there. While there is no component for general OAuth2 or Authentication methods, given your requirements I would suggest filing it under the Admin SDK component which you can find here
Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs | Google Identity Platform
Further Reading:
RFC 7522 - Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 Profile
for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants


How OAuth authorization works via API

It is clear how to get a token from Google(or any other OAuth provider). But I do not understand where shoud I do it - server part or client part.
For example: I have a backend on Flask with unified API for Android, iOS and web(js/react) apps.
Where do I need to get a token? On the client (Android for example) part and send it to server or in my Flask app after request from client? Where should I get data from provider? How at all works interaction between client and server while using OAuth?
Would be pleased for some explanations or links on some guides
Your UIs will manage redirecting the user to authenticate - after which the UI is given an access token to call the API with.
The OAuth provider is the entry point for authentication and issues an access token afterwards.
The API uses the access token to identify the user and authorize access to resources.
A good way to understand OAuth is the HTTP messages - my blog post highlights these, and they are largely the same for SPAs and mobile.
There are also some code samples on my blog which you can run, in case useful.

OAuth Endpoint Type in WSO2 API

I have a secured API with OAuth and I have no other authorization mechanism (Basic Auth/ Digest Auth).
Based on article https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/learn/design-api/endpoints/endpoint-types/:
"You cannot call backend services secured with OAuth through APIs created in the API Publisher. At the moment, you can call only services secured with username/password (Basic Auth/ Digest Auth)."
Are there any plans to implement this feature in WSO2?
Although this feature is not available OOB, you can get this done via a mediation extension. Please check this article [1] where it explains on how to invoke a backend that is secured by OAuth2.
Currently, this feature is under development and will be adding to the product in the next release.
[1] - https://medium.com/#menakajayawardena/wso2-how-to-using-oauth2-protected-back-ends-with-api-manager-5d7e234c61c

Web API authentication using OAuth 2.0 token and Azure Active Directory (Without Authentication Server)

Is there a way to authenticate the Microsoft or google OAuth token in active directory without using an authentication server?
Here is the scenario:
A client app gets an Microsoft access_token from some external service.
Client app will make a call to some secured web API and pass that access_token along with the request header
If the access_token passed by client is valid then API will provide response to the client.
Is there a way to validate that access_token on API side?
My normal understanding about OAuth 2.0 is there needs to be an authentication server to which both the client and API would talk to as shown in the figure below:
But if the token is provided by some external service, Can we use it to validate our web API. Are there any ways to implement such authentication?
You can learn more about AAD Signing Keys and handling Key Rollover using this page: Signing key rollover in Azure Active Directory
Validation of the token, once you have the signing key, can be done using existing libraries like OWIN. You can also try following instructions like this (although it seems the document isn't 100% complete yet): Manually validating a JWT access token in a web API
This library is also available, but I think OWIN is supposed to have replaced it in general.
Also check out this blog post, which has a pretty great deep dive into token validation.

Bluemix, SSO: Calling REST service from mobile app (public client, native application)

I have a Bluemix web application (Liberty for Java), which implements some web services. These web services should be called from a mobile application (Android). I have now secured this web application by binding it to the Bluemix Single Sign On service (SSO) with a cloud directory created in the SSO service. Using the web app from a web browser works fine; but, I have problems obtaining an access token from the SSO service, which would allow the mobile application to invoke the services.
From the OAuth2 specification (IETF RFC 6749), I figured that the appropriate way of doing this would be the "native application" profile with a "public client" (as specified in Clause 2.1 of the OAuth2 Spec) using the "password" grant type (OAuth2 spec, Clause 4.3 "Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant").
I used the Spring for Android framework for this purpose, and code for this would look like this:
ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails resourceDetails =
new ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails();
OAuth2RestTemplate restTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(resourceDetails);
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
UserPosition newPosition = restTemplate.postForObject(
POST_POSITION_SERVICE_URI, position, UserPosition.class);
But, I don't think that this code matters, and ultimately made my experiments with obtaining access tokens directly with curl:
Actually, I tried using two different clients with different OAuth2 token endpoints:
I created a client (and client credentials) in the Cloud directory, that I had created in the Bluemix SSO service. And I tried the OAuth2 Token Endpoint URI and the created client credentials. But it appears that this endpoint does not support the grant type "password" at all. It appears that this client is not considered a public client by the endpoint.
I also tried the credentials and OAuth Token Endpoint URI for the Web application itself (which I looked up in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable). This end point seems to support the grant type "password"; but all variants of requests I could think of, kept responding: invalid_resource_owner_credential.
As I said, I used curl to try out many different variations of requests to these
token endpoints:
used the token endpoint URI of both the SSO services with the web app credentials
as well as the one created in the cloud directory API Access
tried GET and POST (did not make any difference)
tried Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded and
Content-Type: application/json (both of them seemed to work with the same effect)
providing the client_id only (which always was unsuccessful)
providing the client credentials in the body or parameters, as well as
authenication information in the header (actually, I do not like the idea
of providing the client secret to the Android app, but I tried that too);
as user name, I tried the name as I had created it in the web browser redirection
when registering a new user; but I also tried the user name which the Principal of
the security context of a request would provide (when successfully invoking
a service from a web browser with the user logged in); I even tried the principal's
accessId (non of these worked, I always got: invalid_resource_owner_credential)
used different scopes, and none at all
None of the above (and different combinations of that) would result in a successful
response and an access token for the user. The "best" I could get was a response
invalid_resource_owner_credential (making me believe that at least the client was
accepted in some situations).
Unfortunately, I did not find many things that could be configured concerning client
access (and public clients, in particular), and I did not find much documentation on
which subset of the OAuth2 protocol (grant types and profiles) is supported by the
Bluemix SSO service and the attached cloud directory.
Can anyone could tell me how to authenticate with a Bluemix web application
(Liberty for Java) from a mobile app (Android) as a public client or how to set
up the Bluemix web app and the SSO service to which it is bound so that this is
possible. In case it would matter, I am working with Bluemix in the "US South"
region and under an IBM Academic Initiative membership account for Bluemix.
I would prefer a solution, where the mobile app would not need to know the client
secret, but if this is the only way to make this work for now, adding the client
credentials to the mobile app would be OK.
I would appreciate any help with this problem, thanks in advance,
Bluemix has a mobile-specific service called Mobile Client Access that could help to facilitate security for your mobile app. To read about it, log into Bluemix and look for it under the Mobile category. To ask questions about it here, use or search using the [bluemix-mobile-services] tag.

Does Google Apps Email Migration API v2 support 2 legged oAuth1?

Does the Google Apps Email Migration API v2 support 2 legged oAuth1?
I've looked at this answer, but I believe it refers to the older version of the Email Migration API: Does Google Apps Email Migration API support 2 legged oAuth?
I have been able to authenticate an Email Migration API request using OAuth1 w/ tokens, but all of my 2 legged OAuth 1 attempts have failed. I have tried including xoauth_requestor_id and it has not had an effect.
There is some hinting in the docs that OAuth1 w/ tokens may be required, but I was hoping to confirm that that is the case.
For example the docs say: "If your application has certain unusual authorization requirements, such as logging in at the same time as requesting data access (hybrid) or domain-wide delegation of authority (2LO), then you cannot currently use OAuth 2.0 tokens. In such cases, you must instead use OAuth 1.0 tokens and an API key."
It seems clear there that "tokens" are referenced, however the word "token" is also used to describe the Authorization request header, so it is less clear that this means OAuth1 request tokens.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The section you are referring to doesn't seem up to date. You can have domain-wide delegation of authority using OAuth 2.0. It's called Service Account. Once authenticated, you do exactly the same that you used to do with 2-legged OAuth 1.0.
Here are the steps you need to get started:
Go to Google Developer Console
Create a project if you don't already have one
Go to APIs & auth --> APIs and activate the Admin SDK
Go to APIs & auth --> Credentials and click CREATE NEW CLIENT ID
Select Service Account and click Create Client ID
Download the p12 private key file (and keep it safe !)
Go to your Google Apps Admin Panel
Go to Security --> Advanced Settings --> Manage OAuth Client Access (Direct URL: https://admin.google.com/AdminHome?#OGX:ManageOauthClients)
Enter the Client Id you just created along with the scopes you'll need, separated with commas (In your case, https://www.googleapis.com/auth/email.migration)
Go to your favorite language client library documentation and find how to authenticate using the private key file you downloaded earlier and also impersonate your domain users.
Hope that helps.