QtCreator how do I NOT step into Qt library source? - c++

I'm looking for advice on QtCreator debugging.
My OS is Ubuntu 18.04 64bit and QtCreator 4.12.4. Qt version 5.12.4.
My issue is that when I run my code in debug mode, the debugger steps into and breaks inside Qt source library code. My question is how do I prevent stopping at breakpoints within Qt source library code because I have no interest in Qt source outside of my linking to the library.
I just want to be able to set breakpoints within my own code but QtCreator debug breaks within Qt library source and this is very distracting, making the debugger unusable.
Thanks in advance for your advice!


Qmake on Windows

I have a project written in Qt that I have no problems compiling and running on Linux. The command line is:
qmake ../trunk/GSDTesting.pro
The process on Linux was really simple: install a few dependencies using apt and you are off.
My task is to recompile the same program on Windows using Visual Studio C++ compiler, but the problem is I don't know how to start. There is no such thing as qmake for Windows.
Can someone give me a few hints where to start. Please note that I don't know QT almost at all, my task is just to debug some issue unrelated to QT.
Are you using terminal exclusively on Windows? If so, maybe this image of example build steps straight from Qt Creater 4.14.2 may help you:
As you can see the image of the default Qt creator build steps list the file path where 'qmake.exe' can be located on a local installation of the toolchain.
If you can use a machine with a display I find using the Qt creator GUI is not all that bad.
Here is a link to the base get started page:
Here is a link to the installer download page:
You will need to make a Qt account, login to your account, and then download the open-source version of the API. The commercial version of the same source is acquired differently/seperately.
Otherwise, if you cannot use the GUI, can I request some clarification on why you cannot use Qt creator on your Windows installation?

Can i set a breakpoint inside Qt itself?

As a sub-question to this, I want to know, since Qt5 is distributed with full source code, is it possible to set up debugger break-points inside Qt itself?
Is there a symbol file shipped with Qt5 for the binary build? Do I have to build my own Qt to do this?
What is the fastest way to have breakpoints inside Qt5 working with QtCreator on Ubuntu?
You need to configure and build qt yourself with debug symbols. (-debug)
Then in QtCreator you can go to Options > Debugger > General and "Add the Qt-Sources".

QStrings not showing when debugging with Qt Creator on Windows

I'm debugging a Qt 5.5 application with Qt Creator on Windows 10 using MSVC 2013 compiler.
CDB Debugger is set up in Qt Creator and I can start the debug session. However variable contents of Qt objects (QStrings...) can not be inspected, I just get the memory location, size etc.
I expect I'm missing for debugging helpers or the debugger extension mentioned here.
Any clues what to do?
I temporarily deleted qtcreatorcdbext.dll, started debugger (forcing to diplay an error) and moved the dll back. Now everything works.
It seems there was a problem with the setup procedure, maybe because debugging tools were installed after Qt Creator.
I had to update qtcreatorcdbext.dll in /lib/qtcreatorcdbext32 folder. My Qt creator installed separatly from the Qt pack so I copied the dll from the Qt installation/tools/qtcreator/lib/qtcreatorcdbext32 to the separatly installed qtcreator

How to connect QT with VLC player

In my QT GUI application I need playback some video files. I tried the MediaPlayer component (qtmultimedia 5.0), but it cannot read the video containers (mp4/mkv) that I'm using, which VLC player runs without any problem. So I found an library called vlc-qt (http://projects.tano.si/vlc-qt) and downloaded the windows binaries (which seem to be compiled using MSVC 11.0), but it fails to link on QT Creator MinGW (it shows 16 lines of undefined reference), maybe because vlc-qt is compiled with a different compiler than the one used to build the QT app.
I can't find any working references or documentation on this topic, so does anybody know how can I make this?
More details:
Windows 8.1 x64
QT Creator 3.0.1 | QT 5.2.1
vlc-qt 0.9.0
Thank you.
The library is compiled using MSVC so it can not be liked to your application with a MinGW compiler. You can get the code from Here and compile it with MinGW compiler. After that you can link it to your app.
You can download and install CMake from Here. Next open the file named "CMakeLists.txt" from the root of the VLC_Qt source code with Qt Creator. Click "Next" and then after selecting the desired Generator click "Run CMake". WHen everything completes click finish. Now you can build the entire VLC-Qt with Qt Creator.

QtCreator + cygwin + Boost: is debugging possible

I'm trying to use QtCreator as an IDE for Windows platform. So far I have managed to create a "kit" that uses cygwin's gcc compiler, and to build a non-qt "hello world" project. When I try to debug the project, I get
"The debugger could not load the debugging helper library."
error and can see only assembler code. I have installed QtCreator as a standalone application, so I don't have either qt lib or mingw. If anybody knows how to make QtCreator debug projects using cygwin's gdb, I would really appreciate it.
P.S: The reason why I want to use QtCreator as an IDE is that Eclipse's indexer fails on parsing boost sources, it eats up way too much memory and I have to turn it off to make the IDE operable. And neither autocomplete or navigation of the class hierarchy works without the indexer.