QtCreator + cygwin + Boost: is debugging possible - c++

I'm trying to use QtCreator as an IDE for Windows platform. So far I have managed to create a "kit" that uses cygwin's gcc compiler, and to build a non-qt "hello world" project. When I try to debug the project, I get
"The debugger could not load the debugging helper library."
error and can see only assembler code. I have installed QtCreator as a standalone application, so I don't have either qt lib or mingw. If anybody knows how to make QtCreator debug projects using cygwin's gdb, I would really appreciate it.
P.S: The reason why I want to use QtCreator as an IDE is that Eclipse's indexer fails on parsing boost sources, it eats up way too much memory and I have to turn it off to make the IDE operable. And neither autocomplete or navigation of the class hierarchy works without the indexer.


QtCreator how do I NOT step into Qt library source?

I'm looking for advice on QtCreator debugging.
My OS is Ubuntu 18.04 64bit and QtCreator 4.12.4. Qt version 5.12.4.
My issue is that when I run my code in debug mode, the debugger steps into and breaks inside Qt source library code. My question is how do I prevent stopping at breakpoints within Qt source library code because I have no interest in Qt source outside of my linking to the library.
I just want to be able to set breakpoints within my own code but QtCreator debug breaks within Qt library source and this is very distracting, making the debugger unusable.
Thanks in advance for your advice!

deploy QML-using, QBS-built Qt application to windows

I have made an application in QtCreator
I use QML for the GUI, and I use QBS as the build system
I want to be able to deploy the application to windows (and maybe to Linux and MacOS, but right now, I'm only concerned with Windows)
I tried following the deployment tutorial for Qmake with a minimal example(using QBS to build the binary on windows, and with the MSVC2017 compiler, as of 2018-05-23 3:38 PM GMT-6 I've been trying to install MinGW with the Qt Maintenance tool for the last 6 hours, and it's still only at 5%, so I will try with MinGW once that finishes), but I have the following problem
using the Qt Quick Application - Swipe template, the release version with the MSVC2017 compiler, after using windeployqt.exe --release --qmldir ../src example.exe to get the dlls and other libraries
and trying to execute example.exe, I get a message saying
"Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!"
in a cmd window, right before the actual application starts
and even if I try to disable that in the build step of the project, it doesn't get disabled
it still shows the cmd with the message, is there a way to completely make sure the build settings will work? am I missing a QtCreator configuration to make sure the settings I set actually do what they're intended? do I need to restart Qtcreator or Windows for them to work?
Update: still happens, even with MinGW
This is a bug that will be fixed in Creator 4.7. See https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-20377.

Build (compile) a basic standalone .exe application using Qt-creator on Windows 8

I have installed Qt-5.7 on windows 8 because I couldn't build my released .exe from Linux (my favorite) in order to be used on Windows OS even after searching a lot on internet (Where there have to be cross-compilation...). After the installation, I just want to make sure that I can build/run a first application (one of the examples provided by default by Qt-creator "filesystembrows") and I have follow the official guide in order to build Qt as shared libraries, but the issue is that when I type the first command line I get: 'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command' Also it still show the same message even though a update the variable environment of the system with C:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\bin which one is the default path set-up when installing Qt on windows. Any help just to make a stand alone .exe for Windows (as shared libraries ) please
Why not build your project by using qtcreator ?
Did you test your build environnement by making a test application with qtcreator ?
P.S.: If you want, I can explain how to build application using Visual Studio as a compiler and QtCreator as an IDE.
nmake is a build tool provided with Visual Studio and with Windows SDK. You don't have it, apparently.
It seems you're using a mingw build of Qt; it comes with a bundled copy of mingw. There, the build tool is simply called make.

How do I build a Windows GUI Application in Eclipse using C++ (a non console application)

I can't seem to figure out how build a windows GUI application in Eclipse with C++ . I can only build to a console. When I create a new project it doesn't give me the option for a Windows Application. I'm using Eclipse IDE for C/C++. Am I downloading the wrong flavor of Eclipse?
What am I doing wrong?
Here is an example to get you started with creating a simple window:
compiled with mingw this will open a console + the created window.
To hide the console, just add this linker flag: -mwindows
Unlike Visual Studio, Eclipse CDT does not have a built-in wizard or options for automatically configuring compiler settings and libraries for building Windows GUI applications. You will need to know what you are doing. Do you intend to build the GUI using Win32/MinGW, or perhaps using some other GUI library, like Qt or wxWidgets? There are many options.
If you are new to C++ and/or GUI development on windows, then there are easier options to get started with.

Can I use Eclipse CDT to debug a prebuilt C++ executable?

On Linux, I have some C++ programs built with my own makefiles, and I'm looking for some GUI debuggers to debug them at source level.
Previously I use KDbg(2.5.2) on openSUSE(12.3). It works but with some very annoying limitation, e.g., I cannot set a breakpoint when the debugged program is not trapped by Kdbg -- I mean, in order to set a new breakpoint, I have to set it before the program is launched or the program pauses on hitting an already set breakpoint.
Now I try to use Eclipse CDT. I got eclipse-cpp-juno-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz but find that I don't know how to load my executable so to start debugging.
I googled with words like 『eclipse debug pre-built C binary』, but few seems to care about this feature.
Can Eclipse CDT really do that? If Eclipse CDT can't, is there any better alternatives to KDbg? Please help.
According to hint from this answer, https://stackoverflow.com/a/248119/151453 , I finally figure out how to do it.
The key point is: In the Eclipse CDT project, create/edit a Launch Configuration so to tell the debugger what executable to load.
Now I have to admit, Eclipse CDT does quite well in C++ code debugging far better than KDbg.
Some screen shot below, on openSUSE 12.3 .
Now we can Run -> Debug (F11)
Debugger automatically pauses the program at main()'s first statement.
The Stand-alone Debugger is an Eclipse application which packages the Eclipse plug-ins from the CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) project into an application that can be started from a command-line script:
bash /path/scripts/cdtdebug.sh -e executable [args]