how to achieve cell level lock in guava table - concurrency

I am using guava table as in memory cache. I want do not want to lock the whole table for update rather want to lock only that cell.
private Table<String, String, State> cache = HashBasedTable.create();
public void updateStateCache(String switchOid, String entityOid, State state) {
synchronized ((switchOid+entityOid).intern()) {
this.cche.put(switchOid, entityOid, state);
will it guarantee cell level lock or I have to lock the whole table
while updating?
is this the right way to do as string.itern() is not recommended?

private Map<C, V> getOrCreate(R rowKey) {
Map<C, V> map = backingMap.get(rowKey);
if (map == null) {
map = factory.get();
backingMap.put(rowKey, map);
return map;
public V put(R rowKey, C columnKey, V value) {
return getOrCreate(rowKey).put(columnKey, value);
Thread safety is compromised in the handling of the map == null case. Namely, two or more threads [ example (switch1 + interface1) and (switch1 + interface2) if we use (switOid+enityOid).intern() to synchronise ] in same time. could enter that block and create a new entry for the columnKey and the last one to perform a backingMap.put(rowKey, map) would ultimately override the entry for the columnKey in the backingMap, which would lead to the loss of put operations performed by other threads. In particular the result of this operation in a multithreaded environment is non-deterministic, which is equivalent to saying that this operation is not thread safe
Is a Guava Table thread safe when its backing maps are thread safe?


accessing to map in multithreaded environment

In my application, multiple threads need to access to a map object for inserting new items or reading the existing items. (There is no 'erase' operation).
The threads uses this code for accessing map elements:
struct PayLoad& ref = myMap[index];
I just want to know do I still need to wrap this block of this code inside of mutex ? Or is it safe to not using mutex for this purpose ?
Since there is at least one write operation, i.e. an insert, then you need to have thread synchronization when accessing the map. Otherwise you have a race condition.
Also, returning a reference to the value in a map is not thread-safe:
struct PayLoad& ref = myMap[index];
since multiple threads could access the value, and at least one of them could involve a write. That would also lead to a race condition. It is better to return the value by value like this:
Payload GetPayload(int index)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
return myMap[index];
where mutex is an accessible std::mutex object.
Your insert/write operation also needs to lock the same mutex:
void SetPayload(int index, Payload payload)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
myMap[index] = std::move(payload);

I don't understand how can optimistic concurrency be implemented in C++11

I'm trying to implement a protected variable that does not use locks in C++11. I have read a little about optimistic concurrency, but I can't understand how can it be implemented neither in C++ nor in any language.
The way I'm trying to implement the optimistic concurrency is by using a 'last modification id'. The process I'm doing is:
Take a copy of the last modification id.
Modify the protected value.
Compare the local copy of the modification id with the current one.
If the above comparison is true, commit the changes.
The problem I see is that, after comparing the 'last modification ids' (local copy and current one) and before commiting the changes, there is no way to assure that no other threads have modified the value of the protected variable.
Below there is a example of code. Lets suppose that are many threads executing that code and sharing the variable var.
* This struct is pretended to implement a protected variable,
* but using optimistic concurrency instead of locks.
struct ProtectedVariable final {
ProtectedVariable() : var(0), lastModificationId(0){ }
int getValue() const {
return var.load();
void setValue(int val) {
// This method is not atomic, other thread could change the value
// of val before being able to increment the 'last modification id'.; + 1);
size_t getLastModificationId() const {
return lastModificationId.load();
std::atomic<int> var;
std::atomic<size_t> lastModificationId;
ProtectedVariable var;
* Suppose this method writes a value in some sort of database.
int commitChanges(int val){
// Now, if nobody has changed the value of 'var', commit its value,
// retry the transaction otherwise.
if(var.getLastModificationId() == currModifId) {
// Here is one of the problems. After comparing the value of both Ids, other
// thread could modify the value of 'var', hence I would be
// performing the commit with a corrupted value.
// Again, the same problem as above.
// Return 'ok' in case of everything has gone ok.
return 0;
} else {
// If someone has changed the value of var while trying to
// calculating and commiting it, return error;
return -1;
* This method is pretended to be atomic, but without using locks.
void modifyVar(){
// Get the modification id for checking whether or not some
// thread has modified the value of 'var' after commiting it.
size_t currModifId = lastModificationId.load();
// Get a local copy of 'var'.
int currVal = var.getValue();
// Perform some operations basing on the current value of
// 'var'.
int newVal = currVal + 1 * 2 / 3;
if(commitChanges(newVal) != 0){
// If someone has changed the value of var while trying to
// calculating and commiting it, retry the transaction.
I know that the above code is buggy, but I don't understand how to implement something like the above in a correct way, without bugs.
Optimistic concurrency doesn't mean that you don't use the locks, it merely means that you don't keep the locks during most of the operation.
The idea is that you split your modification into three parts:
Initialization, like getting the lastModificationId. This part may need locks, but not necessarily.
Actual computation. All expensive or blocking code goes here (including any disk writes or network code). The results are written in such a way that they not obscure previous version. The likely way it works is by storing the new values next to the old ones, indexed by not-yet-commited version.
Atomic commit. This part is locked, and must be short, simple, and non blocking. The likely way it works is that it just bumps the version number - after confirming, that there was no other version commited in the meantime. No database writes at this stage.
The main assumption here is that computation part is much more expensive that the commit part. If your modification is trivial and the computation cheap, then you can just use a lock, which is much simpler.
Some example code structured into these 3 parts could look like this:
struct Data {
std::mutex lock;
volatile const Data* value; // The protected data
volatile int current_value_version = 0;
bool modifyProtectedValue() {
// Initialize.
int version_on_entry = current_value_version;
// Compute the new value, using the current value.
// We don't have any lock here, so it's fine to make heavy
// computations or block on I/O.
Data* new_value = new Data;
compute_new_value(value, new_value);
// Commit or fail.
bool success;
if (current_value_version == version_on_entry) {
value = new_value;
success = true;
} else {
success = false;
// Roll back in case of failure.
if (!success) {
delete new_value;
// Inform caller about success or failure.
return success;
// It's cleaner to keep retry logic separately.
bool retryModification(int retries = 5) {
for (int i = 0; i < retries; ++i) {
if (modifyProtectedValue()) {
return true;
return false;
This is a very basic approach, and especially the rollback is trivial. In real world example re-creating the whole Data object (or it's counterpart) would be likely infeasible, so the versioning would have to be done somewhere inside, and the rollback could be much more complex. But I hope it shows the general idea.
The key here is acquire-release semantics and test-and-increment. Acquire-release semantics are how you enforce an order of operations. Test-and-increment is how you choose which thread wins in case of a race.
Your problem therefore is the .store(lastModificationId+1). You'll need .fetch_add(1). It returns the old value. If that's not the expected value (from before your read), then you lost the race and retry.
If I understand your question, you mean to make sure var and lastModificationId are either both changed, or neither is.
Why not use std::atomic<T> where T would be structure that hold both the int and the size_t?
struct VarWithModificationId {
int var;
size_t lastModificationId;
class ProtectedVariable {
private std::atomic<VarWithModificationId> protectedVar;
// Add your public setter/getter methods here
// You should be guaranteed that if two threads access protectedVar, they'll each get a 'consistent' view of that variable, but the setter will need to use a lock
Оptimistic concurrency is used in database engines when it's expected that different users will access the same data rarely. It could go like this:
First user reads data and timestamp. Users handles the data for some time, user checks if the timestamp in the DB hasn't changes since he read the data, if it doesn't then user updates the data and the timestamp.
But, internally DB-engine uses locks for update anyway, during this lock it checks if timestamp has been changed and if it hasn't been, engine updates the data. Just time for which data is locked smaller than with pessimistic concurrency. And you also need to use some kind of locking.

Updating cache without blocking

I currently have a program that has a cache like mechanism. I have a thread listening for updates from another server to this cache. This thread will update the cache when it receives an update. Here is some pseudo code:
void cache::update_cache()
cache_ = new std::map<std::string, value>();
if(recv().compare("update") == 0)
std::map<std::string, value> *new_info = new std::map<std::string, value>();
std::map<std::string, value> *tmp;
//Get new info, store in new_info
tmp = cache_;
cache_ = new_cache;
delete tmp;
std::map<std::string, value> *cache::get_cache()
return cache_;
cache_ is being read from many different threads concurrently. I believe how I have it here I will run into undefined behavior if one of my threads call get_cache(), then my cache updates, then the thread tries to access the stored cache.
I am looking for a way to avoid this problem. I know I could use a mutex, but I would rather not block reads from happening as they have to be as low latency as possible, but if need be, I can go that route.
I was wondering if this would be a good use case for a unique_ptr. Is my understanding correct in that if a thread calls get_cache, and that returns a unique_ptr instead of a standard pointer, once all threads that have the old version of cache are finished with it(i.e leave scope), the object will be deleted.
Is using a unique_ptr the best option for this case, or is there another option that I am not thinking of?
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
I believe I made a mistake in my OP. I meant to use and pass a shared_ptr not a unique_ptr for cache_. And when all threads are finished with cache_ the shared_ptr should delete itself.
A little about my program: My program is a webserver that will be using this information to decide what information to return. It is fairly high throughput(thousands of req/sec) Each request queries the cache once, so telling my other threads when to update is no problem. I can tolerate slightly out of date information, and would prefer that over blocking all of my threads from executing if possible. The information in the cache is fairly large, and I would like to limit any copies on value because of this.
update_cache is only run once. It is run in a thread that just listens for an update command and runs the code.
I feel there are multiple issues:
1) Do not leak memory: for that never use "delete" in your code and stick with unique_ptr (or shared_ptr in specific cases)
2) Protect accesses to shared data, for that either using locking (mutex) or lock-free mecanism (std::atomic)
class Cache {
using Map = std::map<std::string, value>();
std::unique_ptr<Map> m_cache;
std::mutex m_cacheLock;
void update_cache()
if(recv().compare("update") == 0)
std::unique_ptr<Map> new_info { new Map };
//Get new info, store in new_info
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{m_cacheLock};
using std::swap;
swap(m_cache, new_cache);
Note: I don't like update_cache() being part of a public interface for the cache as it contains an infinite loop. I would probably externalize the loop with the recv and have a:
void update_cache(std::unique_ptr<Map> new_info)
{ // This inner brace is not useless, we don't need to keep the lock during deletion
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{m_cacheLock};
using std::swap;
swap(m_cache, new_cache);
Now for the reading to the cache, use proper encapsulation and don't leave the pointer to the member map escape:
value get(const std::string &key)
// lock, fetch, and return.
// Depending on value type, you might want to allocate memory
// before locking
Using this signature you have to throw an exception if the value is not present in the cache, another option is to return something like a boost::optional.
Overall you can keep a low latency (everything is relative, I don't know your use case) if you take care of doing costly operations (memory allocation for instance) outside of the locking section.
shared_ptr is very reasonable for this purpose, C++11 has a family of functions for handling shared_ptr atomically. If the data is immutable after creation, you won't even need any additional synchronization:
class cache {
using map_t = std::map<std::string, value>;
void update_cache();
std::shared_ptr<const map_t> get_cache() const;
std::shared_ptr<const map_t> cache_;
void cache::update_cache()
if(recv() == "update")
auto new_info = std::make_shared<map_t>();
// Get new info, store in new_info
// Make immutable & publish
std::shared_ptr<const map_t>{std::move(new_info)});
auto cache::get_cache() const -> std::shared_ptr<const map_t> {
return std::atomic_load(&cache_);

Minimize lock contention c++ std::map

I have an std::map<int, Object*> ObjectMap. Now I need to update the map and update can happen via multiple threads. So, we lock the map for updates. But every update leads to a lengthy computation and hence leads to lock contention.
Let's consider a following scenario.
class Order //Subject
{ double _a, _b,_c;
std::vector<Customer* > _customers;
void notify(int a, int b. int c)
//update all customers via for loop. assume a for loop and iterator i
_customers[i] ->updateCustomer(a,b,c)
class SomeNetworkClass
std::map<int, Order*> _orders;
void updateOrder(int orderId, int a, int b, intc)
//lock the map
Order* order = _orders[orderId];
//release the lock
class Customer
void updateCustomer(int a,int b, int c)
//some lengthy function. just for this example.
//assume printing a, b and c multiple times
Every Customer is also updated with some computation involved.
Now this is a trivial Observer Pattern. But with large number of observers and huge calculation in each observer is a killer for this design. The lock contention goes up in my code. I assume this to b a practical problem but people use smarter ways and I am looking for those smarter ways. I hope I am a little clear this time
Since update is happening on the element of the map, and does not take the map as an argument, I assume the map is unchanging.
I visualise the structure as a chain of Objects for each map id. Now if chain contains distinct entries (and update doesn't access any elements outside its chain, or any global elements) you can get away with adding a lock to the root element of each chain.
However if objects down the chain are potentially shared then you have a more difficult problem. In that case adding a lock to each object should be enough. You can show that if the chains behave correctly (each node has one child, but children can be shared) then locks must be acquired in a consistent order, meaning there is no chance of a deadlock.
If there is other sharing between chains, then the chance of encountering deadlocks is large.
Assuming you have case 2, then your code will look roughly like this
class Object
Object * next;
Lock l;
Data d;
void update(Data d_new)
d = d_new;

How do I use an arbitrary string as a lock in C++?

Let's say I have a multithreaded C++ program that handles requests in the form of a function call to handleRequest(string key). Each call to handleRequest occurs in a separate thread, and there are an arbitrarily large number of possible values for key.
I want the following behavior:
Simultaneous calls to handleRequest(key) are serialized when they have the same value for key.
Global serialization is minimized.
The body of handleRequest might look like this:
void handleRequest(string key) {
KeyLock lock(key);
// Handle the request.
Question: How would I implement KeyLock to get the required behavior?
A naive implementation might start off like this:
KeyLock::KeyLock(string key) {
internal_lock_ = global_key_map[key];
if (internal_lock_ == NULL) {
internal_lock_ = new Lock();
global_key_map[key] = internal_lock_;
KeyLock::~KeyLock() {
// Remove internal_lock_ from global_key_map iff no other threads are waiting for it.
...but that requires a global lock at the beginning and end of each request, and the creation of a separate Lock object for each request. If contention is high between calls to handleRequest, that might not be a problem, but it could impose a lot of overhead if contention is low.
You could do something similar to what you have in your question, but instead of a single global_key_map have several (probably in an array or vector) - which one is used is determined by some simple hash function on the string.
That way instead of a single global lock, you spread that out over several independent ones.
This is a pattern that is often used in memory allocators (I don't know if the pattern has a name - it should). When a request comes in, something determines which pool the allocation will come from (usually the size of the request, but other parameters can factor in as well), then only that pool needs to be locked. If an allocation request comes in from another thread that will use a different pool, there's no lock contention.
It will depend on the platform, but the two techniques that I'd try would be:
Use named mutex/synchronization
objects, where object name = Key
Use filesystem-based locking, where you
try to create a non-shareable
temporary file with the key name. If it exists already (=already
locked) this will fail and you'll
have to poll to retry
Both techniques will depend on the detail of your OS. Experiment and see which works.
Perhaps an std::map<std::string, MutexType> would be what you want, where MutexType is the type of the mutex you want. You will probably have to wrap accesses to the map in another mutex in order to ensure that no other thread is inserting at the same time (and remember to perform the check again after the mutex is locked to ensure that another thread didn't add the key while waiting on the mutex!).
The same principle could apply to any other synchronization method, such as a critical section.
Raise granularity and lock entire key-ranges
This is a variation on Mike B's answer, where instead of having several fluid lock maps you have a single fixed array of locks that apply to key-ranges instead of single keys.
Simplified example: create array of 256 locks at startup, then use first byte of key to determine index of lock to be acquired (i.e. all keys starting with 'k' will be guarded by locks[107]).
To sustain optimal throughput you should analyze distribution of keys and contention rate. The benefits of this approach are zero dynamic allocations and simple cleanup; you also avoid two-step locking. The downside is potential contention peaks if key distribution becomes skewed over time.
After thinking about it, another approach might go something like this:
In handleRequest, create a Callback that does the actual work.
Create a multimap<string, Callback*> global_key_map, protected by a mutex.
If a thread sees that key is already being processed, it adds its Callback* to the global_key_map and returns.
Otherwise, it calls its callback immediately, and then calls the callbacks that have shown up in the meantime for the same key.
Implemented something like this:
LockAndCall(string key, Callback* callback) {
if (global_key_map.contains(key)) {
iterator iter = global_key_map.insert(key, callback);
while (true) {
iter = global_key_map.find(key);
if (iter == global_key_map.end()) {
} else {
global_key_map.insert(key, callback);
This has the advantage of freeing up threads that would otherwise be waiting for a key lock, but apart from that it's pretty much the same as the naive solution I posted in the question.
It could be combined with the answers given by Mike B and Constantin, though.
* StringLock class for string based locking mechanism
* e.g. usage
* StringLock strLock;
* strLock.Lock("row1");
* strLock.UnLock("row1");
class StringLock {
* Constructor
* Initializes the mutexes
StringLock() {
pthread_mutex_init(&mtxGlobal, NULL);
* Lock Function
* The thread will return immediately if the string is not locked
* The thread will wait if the string is locked until it gets a turn
* #param string the string to lock
void Lock(string lockString) {
TListIds *listId = NULL;
TWaiter *wtr = new TWaiter;
wtr->evPtr = NULL;
wtr->threadId = pthread_self();
if (lockMap.find(lockString) == lockMap.end()) {
listId = new TListIds();
listId->insert(listId->end(), wtr);
lockMap[lockString] = listId;
} else {
wtr->evPtr = new Event(false);
listId = lockMap[lockString];
listId->insert(listId->end(), wtr);
* UnLock Function
* #param string the string to unlock
void UnLock(string lockString) {
TListIds *listID = NULL;
if (lockMap.find(lockString) != lockMap.end()) {
listID = lockMap[lockString];
if (!(listID->empty())) {
TWaiter *wtr = listID->front();
Event *thdEvent = wtr->evPtr;
} else {
delete listID;
struct TWaiter {
Event *evPtr;
long threadId;
StringLock(StringLock &);
void operator=(StringLock&);
typedef list TListIds;
typedef map TMapLockHolders;
typedef map TMapLockWaiters;
pthread_mutex_t mtxGlobal;
TMapLockWaiters lockMap;