Add multiple suffixes to AWS Lambda? - amazon-web-services

I am configuring a Lambda function that should take .png and .pdf files from my bucket.
How can I provide Lambda config with multiple suffixes?
Here is what I want to do:
Please advise how to do it?

As it may seen from the tooltip description; you can't set multiple suffixes on aws console.
Enter a single optional suffix to limit the notifications to objects with keys that end with matching characters.
What you may do is to create multiple triggers and define each suffix in a separate s3 trigger.
The documentation has some sample xml configuration to support multiple/non-overlapping suffix/prefix options but i think it is not possible to set them on web console.


Update data in csv table which is stored in AWS S3 bucket

I need a solution for entering new data in csv that is stored in S3 bucket in AWS.
At this point we are downloading the file, editing and then uploading it again in s3 and we would like to automatize this process.
We need to add one row in a three column.
Thank you in advance!
I think you will be able to do that using Lambda Functions. You will need to programmatically make the modifications you need over the CSV but there are multiple programming languages that allow you to do that. One quick example is using python and the csv library
Then you can invoke that lambda or add more logic to the operations you want to do using an AWS API Gateway.
You can access the CSV file (object) inside the S3 Bucket from the lambda code using the AWS SDK and append the new rows with data you pass as parameters to the function
There is no way to directly modify the csv stored in S3 (if that is what you're asking). The process will always entail some version of download, modify, upload. There are many examples of how you can do this, for example here

Is it possible to specify multiple prefixes and suffixes to S3 Lambda Event trigger for object uploads

I have a lambda function that needs to be invoked when an object is uploaded to a bucket. It needs to be invoked only if the object is uploaded with prefixA/ or prefixB/.
But, I can see that it only supports a single prefix and a single suffix:
Is it possible to specify multiple prefixes and suffixes?
I have just figured out that I can create 2 separate triggers, each with their own prefixes, i.e prefixA and prefixB. So, I can specify as many prefixes as I want, with separate triggers.

List all LogGroups using cdk

I am quite new to the CDK, but I'm adding a LogQueryWidget to my CloudWatch Dashboard through the CDK, and I need a way to add all LogGroups ending with a suffix to the query.
Is there a way to either loop through all existing LogGroups and finding the ones with the correct suffix, or a way to search through LogGroups.
const queryWidget = new LogQueryWidget({
title: "Error Rate",
logGroupNames: ['/aws/lambda/someLogGroup'],
view: LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,
queryLines: [
'fields #message',
'filter #message like /(?i)error/'
Is there anyway I can add it so logGroupNames contains all LogGroups that end with a specific suffix?
You cannot do that dynamically (i.e. you can't make this work such that if you add a new LogGroup, the query automatically adjusts), without using something like AWS lambda that periodically updates your Log Query.
However, because CDK is just a code, there is nothing stopping you from making an AWS SDK API call inside the code to retrieve all the log groups (See and then populate logGroupNames accordingly.
That way, when CDK compiles, it will make an API call to fetch LogGroups and then generated CloudFormation will contain the log groups you need. Note that this list will only be updated when you re-synthesize and re-deploy your stack.
Finally, note that there is a limit on how many Log Groups you can query with Log Insights (20 according to
If you want to achieve this, you can create a custom resource using AwsCustomResource and AwsSdkCall classes to do the AWS SDK API call (as mentioned by #Tofig above) as part of the deployment. You can read data from the API call response as well and act on it as you want.

Amazon S3 Object Lifecycle Management via header

I've been searching for an answer to this question for quite some time but apparently I'm missing something.
I use s3cmd heavily to automate document uploads to AWS S3, via script. One of the parameters that can be used in s3cmd is --add-header, which I assume allows for lifecycle rules to be added.
My objective is to add this parameters and specify a +X (where X is days) to the upload. In the event of ... --add-header=...1 ... the lifecyle rule would delete this file after 24h.
I know this can be easily done via the console, but I would like to have a more detailed control over individual files/scripts.
I've read the parameters that can be passed to S3 via s3cmd, but I somehow can't understand how to put all of those together to get the intended result.
Thank you very much for any help or assistance!
The S3 API itself does not implement support for any request header that triggers lifecycle management at the object level.
The --add-header option for s3cmd can add headers that S3 understands, such as Content-Type, but there is no lifecycle header you can send using any tool.
You might be thinking of this:
If you make a GET or a HEAD request on an object that has been scheduled for expiration, the response will include an x-amz-expiration header that includes this expiration date and the corresponding rule Id
This is a reaponse header, and is read-only.

Does emrfs support custom query parameters in s3 url?

Is it possible to add customer query parameters in s3 url?
We would like to add some custom meta data to S3 objects, but would like it to be transparent to EMRFS
Something like:
Then in our PySpark or hadoop job, we would like to write:
Trying this on the emrfs shows that it treats "object-name?x-amz-meta-tag=magic-tag" as the entire object name instead of ignoring the query parameters.
I can't speak for the closed source EMRFS, but for the ASF s3 connectors, the answer is "no". Interesting proposal though; maybe you should think about contributing it to the ASF. Of course, that adds a new problem: what if existing users are creating files with ? in their names —how to retain compatibility.