I am not finding "Launch Automatic Page Generator" - github-pages

I am not finding "Launch Automatic Page Generator" in setting option of github(version 2.26.0.windows.1) how to get it

There is no automatic page generator button in GitHub anymore, I am not able to find it in any of my repos. GitHub now uses Jekyll to make the pages.
Instead, you can do the following to create a GitHub webpage: Go to github.com/YOUR_REPO_NAME/settings/ then scroll down to the GitHub Pages section and select the "Choose a theme" button. Then choose a theme and select the green "Chose theme" button. Now create an index.html in the master branch and create your page there.

Even the "Choose a theme" button might disappear, from Aug. 2022:
GitHub Pages: Deprecating the theme picker
Today (Aug. 22, 2022), we are deprecating the theme picker we introduced in 2012 for GitHub Pages.
While this experience allowed users to preview a theme in the user interface, we are doing this to increase the security of github.com.
You can of course continue to use any Jekyll theme you want with Pages, and publish beautiful sites with a small configuration change.


Publish again unpublished github pages project

I un-published a repo in my account which was hosting using GitHub pages.
Now I want to publish it again, I cannot find any related option in GitHub pages settings.
You can re-publish your GitHub Pages website by navigating to the Actions tab of your repository, click on the Pages build and deployment workflow, then click the Re-run all jobs button located in the upper right corner of the page. After the workflow run has completed, your site will be published.
It might be a side-effect of the recent (Aug. 22, 2022) decision to Deprecate the theme picker for GitHub Pages:
That means there is no more "Choose a theme" button, and GitHub pages are now supposed to be published through a GitHub Actions workflow, using one of the starter workflow for GitHub Pages publication.
if u lost the republish button . don't worry go to actions. click pages build and deployment , then re-run all jobs pages.your site is published again
github screenshot
Navigate to "Actions"
Click on New Work Flow
Go to bottom of page
In page section choose "Static HTML"
Static html
Click Configure & commit changes.
Go go Actions Again, on left most choose "Deploy with Static HTML"
Click "Run Workflow" on right most.
Run Workflow

How to reset customization of default home view in IBM Cognos 11.0.5 to default welcome page

While testing customization of Cognos 11.0.5 I've tried to make a dashboard the default home page following the steps in IBM knowledge center Here
On the Views tab of the Managing > Customization slide-out panel, click next to the default home view. You can now browse for a dashboard or report to be the default home view, or you can select a view in the list of home views to be the default home view for all users.
It worked well, but I made a dire mistake of replacing the selected dashboard with a newer developed version (copy-to --> overwrite), hence I think the default view is pointing to a no-longer-existing object (different new ID)
Cognos is now throwing error after sign-in that home page cannot be retrieved. I have been able to access it back using URL <webserver_name>:<port_number>/bi/?factoryMode=true
error screenshot
BUT what I'm struggling with is setting the default home page in "View" tab of the Managing > Customization back to home or another dashboard, instead, it is now BLANK with no settings to adjust neither "home page" nor "sign-in page" shows up!
I've tried to apply the default "IBM" theme again, restarting Cognos application but no go. the settings seem vanished in the "View" tab! Is there any way to reset the incorrect settings in the content server or the configuration manager?
Update: found settings under \ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\data\flipper\config\global
That has the home page pointing configuration for the dispatcher to the perspective but still missing the "Views" settings from UI, looks it would require product support.

Sitecore Experience Editor Publish Menu

I am trying to publish entire site from experience editor. However publish option in Home menu only showing up Publish Item Dialog. Is there any way I can publish site from experience editor.
The reason is my current item has sublayouts with datasources at different folders in sitecore tree. When I do publish Item, item changes get published along with images however changes made to datasources in item doesn't reflect in publish site.
I am publishing items with sub items and related items check box ticked and as per documentation from sitecore it only publishes alias, media and clone references. But datasources changes on item doesn't get published.
Switch to the Core database
Open the Content Editor
Navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Page
Duplicate this item
Change the value of the "Click" field to "system:publish(id=$Target)", the value of "Header" to "Publish Site" and the value of "Tooltip" to "Publish the current item."
Switch to the Master database
Open the Experience Editor and you will be able to see the "Publish Site" button on the ribbon.

Paypal express Button is Missing

I am using OpenCart 1.5.6 that came with the PayPal Express Checkout module. I installed it, filled in the API details, changed the status to "enabled", changed the Order Status to the logical things (Completed Status: to Complete, Denied Status: to Denied, etc.) and saved it.
But the button "Confirm Order" does not show. If I choose an other Payment Method (iDEAL in my case) the button is showing. I already checked if it is the Theme I am using, but when I switch to default theme it's the same. In Chrome. Firefox and Safari, no button with PayPal.
Any ideas?
Go to Admin panel->Extension->Modules->Paypal Express checkout module, Install and add there module row where button should be shown (pick layout page, position, Enabled etc) and Save.
Remember to add the API details in Extension >Payments >PayPal Express Checkout.

How to use workflow commands in the page editor without opening workbox?

I've setup a basic workflow in Sitecore on my content items, the workflow states consists of Draft, Awaiting Approval and Approved (which proceeds to auto publish). In the Content Editor you can use the review tab to action commands within your workflow, so I can submit from the ribbon.
Is there an option in sitecore out-of-the-box to do this in the page editor without opening the workbox?
Ideally I'd like to have the submit command action in the page editor ribbon.
Thanks in advance!
I don't know which version of Sitecore you use, but I do recommend updating your solution to the most current version (Sitecore 6.6 update 3). It does have Submit / Approve / Reject commands in the notification bar under the ribbon in Page Editor out of the box (see attached screenshots).