Paypal express Button is Missing - opencart

I am using OpenCart 1.5.6 that came with the PayPal Express Checkout module. I installed it, filled in the API details, changed the status to "enabled", changed the Order Status to the logical things (Completed Status: to Complete, Denied Status: to Denied, etc.) and saved it.
But the button "Confirm Order" does not show. If I choose an other Payment Method (iDEAL in my case) the button is showing. I already checked if it is the Theme I am using, but when I switch to default theme it's the same. In Chrome. Firefox and Safari, no button with PayPal.
Any ideas?

Go to Admin panel->Extension->Modules->Paypal Express checkout module, Install and add there module row where button should be shown (pick layout page, position, Enabled etc) and Save.

Remember to add the API details in Extension >Payments >PayPal Express Checkout.


I am not finding "Launch Automatic Page Generator"

I am not finding "Launch Automatic Page Generator" in setting option of github(version how to get it
There is no automatic page generator button in GitHub anymore, I am not able to find it in any of my repos. GitHub now uses Jekyll to make the pages.
Instead, you can do the following to create a GitHub webpage: Go to then scroll down to the GitHub Pages section and select the "Choose a theme" button. Then choose a theme and select the green "Chose theme" button. Now create an index.html in the master branch and create your page there.
Even the "Choose a theme" button might disappear, from Aug. 2022:
GitHub Pages: Deprecating the theme picker
Today (Aug. 22, 2022), we are deprecating the theme picker we introduced in 2012 for GitHub Pages.
While this experience allowed users to preview a theme in the user interface, we are doing this to increase the security of
You can of course continue to use any Jekyll theme you want with Pages, and publish beautiful sites with a small configuration change.

rss viewer webpart is missing in sharepoint 2013 how to activate it

rss viewer webpart is missing in sharepoint 2013 it is shown in default folder and when adding the rss viewer web part from default folder it shows the error 'An unexpected error occurred processing your request. Check the logs for details and correct the problem.'
The corresponding feature might not be enabled, so you should follow this path:
Under Site Settings, click Modify All Site Settings.
Under Site Collection Administration, click Site Collection Features.
Enable Office SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features.
If the problem is not solved, you can try going to the central administration:
Under Central Administration, click on Operations.
Under Upgrade and Migration, select Enable Features On Existing Sites.
Select the appropriate checkbox, and click OK.

Sitecore 6.4: User Profile Start URL and Workbox

I have a requirement to present the user the Workbox when logging into the sitecore administration interface. I've identified that this can be done by setting the user profile Start URL to /sitecore/shell/applications/workbox.aspx.
This works - when the user logs in they get the workbox, but the Logoff link is missing from the top menu (which is there when you access the workbox via the Content Editor - but I notice not if you access it via the Menu item).
Is there any way of getting this Logoff button back, or adding a custom one?
I've checked it in Sitecore 6.6 and there is no logout button in workbox by default as well.
The fix for this is very easy. Login to the Sitecore desktop, switch to the 'core' database, open the Content Editor and navigate to the node:
There is a field 'Click' with value 'workbox:logout'. Just change the value to 'system:logout' and the logout button will be there.

Sitecore user cannot load items in editor

I have a content editor that, when she logs into the Sitecore content editor and clicks an item, nothing happens. The item doesn't load for editing. If she clicks off of the item to another item she's prompted "do you want to save the changes to the item"?
Logging in with another account resolves the issue. Logging in with her account on another PC resolves the issue.
Has anyone ever seen this before? Sitecore is non-functional on this user's PC.
When you say that the item doesn't load for editing, you need to be more specific? Obviously, if she's clicking off the item and getting prompted to save, then the user is able to edit the item. What is it that she can't do?
Also, it depends on what role you have the user set to use, but depending on how you have your site configured, a user can simply click the item, see the fields and enter content in them. There may not be any "edit" queue. Is this not the case? If not, then there's more details that are needed to properly answer your question.
It sounds like a browser / caching issue. I usually try the following.
1. If IE 9 the I try and open a session in private and try again
2. Clear all browser history
3. If that doesn't work try with another browser.
4. If other browser fixes the issue then try to reset the original browser's settings to the defaults.
Last check if you are using a proxy server and try without. This is a long shot.
What version of Sitecore is being used? Older versions using IE9 require compatibility mode to be enabled (this was resolved in later updates of 6.5)
I find the Content Editor most stable in Firefox and IE9 compatibility mode. Chrome has a few finicky issues but generally works.

Can I get a list of Pages that have installed my Tab app?

I've seen a similar question asked a few times, but usually it is from people trying to find out which Page is currently accessing their Tab app. (Which you can do by inspecting the signed_request.)
I'm trying to build a UI that will show the user all the Pages that he/she is an Admin of, and then display which of those Pages have my Tab app already installed. I'd like to make a FB graph API call to either a) get the list of Pages that have my Tab app installed or b) get a yes/no answer for whether a particular Page has it installed. Is this possible?
As a fallback, I will make a table in my database to track Page IDs whenever a Page views my Tab (using the aforementioned signed_request) but this won't be as good, because it won't know when someone has uninstalled the Tab from a Page.
To be complete (for future readers): this does not require manage_pages. You can also use the FB app's token. Also see: Check if page tab app is still installed
In the general case, 'no', without keeping track on your side via the signed_request but if you're already obtaining manage_pages access from the user it's pretty trivial to check if a particular app (i.e, yours) is installed on the page
See the page documentation for details, relevant part:
You can test if a specific app is installed on a page profile tab by issuing an
HTTP GET to PAGE_ID/tabs/APP_ID. If the app is installed, this will return the
following fields:
(you'll need the page access token from the user's /accounts connection for that call