Interact with QT window from native iOS App - c++

I have a module created using QT creator. I have not much knowledge in QT with QML and C++. Please do let me know is there any way to open a QT Created window from our native iOS app on any button tap. I have successfully generate Xcode project from QT but my only concern is there any way to directly open QT window from native iOS app.
Please help.


Export Qt Designer window to Qt Creator

I am working on a project on Qt, and I'm a total noob, so I don't know how to bind my Qt Creator code and my QT Designer window.
I almost finished my code, so I began drawing my windows with qt designer.
Then I simply saved as .ui file, but whenever I try to go to a slot (in this case clicked() from a button) I get the error that the header file associated with the window does not exist.
How do I properly import my designed window?
Thank you very much
ANy help will be appreciated
As commented by #peppe, the best way is to go with Qt Creator from the start. You can copy/paste your designs if made on Qt Designer.
On Qt Creator go to
File > New File > Qt > Qt Designer Class and it will automatically generate the code.

Qt Console Application missing in New Project wizard in Qt Creator

For some reason the Qt Console Application entry is missing from the New Project wizard in my Qt Creator 3.3.0.
How it looks on my computer:
How it should look normally:
Any idea why it's missing and how to bring it back?
It turned out that it was because I had selected Android Templates in the combo at the top-right. I hadn't noticed that Combo at all and I have no idea how it got that way.
Changing it to All Templates fixed the problem.

Qt Application showing back content

I'm developing an Qt Quick Application with C++ and QML.
The mainwindow doesn't show the content, and shows part of the back window content(the QT IDE)
The problem is when running the project in Debug/Release(both) mode. Running the binary from the project folder works. But I need to test it from debug mode.
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 (Xfce).
How can I solve it?

Borderless window in Qt on Windows which supports native features: aero snap, DWM resize and minimization

I'm trying to create a borderless window in Qt on Windows which supports native features: aero snap, DWM resize and minimization, shake, etc.
Like Office 2013 or Visual Studio 2012. But they are written in wpf.
There are a lot of examples in wpf and pure WinApi, but I wasn't able to find any Qt example.
Recently I've found Blizzard's App(screenshot). They are using QT 4.8.5 and their main window looks and behaves exactly as I want in my app.
Does anyone know how to do that?
Thanks for your help.
I've found a workaround for this problem.
Instead of using Qt main window, i've created a simple WinAPI borderless window, like in this SO discussion. Then i added QWinWidget from QtWinMigrate project, and filled window with it.
As result, main window and resizable edges are handled by WinAPI, and everything inside main window is handled by QWinWidget. And with QWinWidget you can create Qt gui like in any other Qt app.
Here is a small example project on GitHub.
Perhaps this might help you, Windows specific Qt classes WinExtras
Besides you can use QT Quick 2.0 to design UI similar to WPF

How to add Fullscreen icon in Qt in the title bar of an OSX app?

I recently started developing an app in C++ & Qt 5.1 and I would like to have the double-arrowed icon on the title bar of my window like other Mac apps.
I created a QtQuick 2 Application project and the default code doesn't make this button appear.
I noticed that QtQuick 2 UI default project shows this button.
I really don't understand why. Is there someone who can help me ?
Thanks a lot for your answers,
I don't have experience with qtquick, but if it's the same project file as Qt, you would create the icon (icns file) and add it to the project file like this: -
ICON = images/icon.icns
The icon.icns file, in this case, is in a folder called images, relative to the project file.