trying to find my ssl certificate I created on AWS Certificates - amazon-web-services

I setup my ec2 instance and got https working for a bit only to realize I need tls 1.2 on default and in order to do that I had to configure my code to instruct it to read my cert file in the code. Problem is I don't know which it is as there are 269 files in the directory /etc/ssl/certs. I have googled for a couple hours hoping something would tell me where to look to check what file amazon generated for me that it specifically wants. Otherwise im shooting in the dark trying pems one at a time.
secureProtocol: 'TLSv1_2_server_method',
pfx: fs.readFileSync("/etc/ssl/certs/FILENAME.PEM")
}, app).listen(443);
Help is greatly appreciated.

Please refer EC2 instance details in AWS management console.
Login to AWS management console and goto EC2 -> Instances.
Select the instance to which we need to connect and scroll the
description which is present in bottom window which will have EC2
instance details.
Check for "Key pair name" , this will be the key pair which needs
to be used to securely connect to respective EC2 instance.

I assume that you got a certificate on Amazon ACM.
ACM Certificates can be used in,
Elastic Load Balancing
Amazon CloudFront
Amazon API Gateway
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
AWS CloudFormation(for email validation only)
The certificate issued by ACM cannot be installed directly on an EC2 instance.
If you want to install an SSL certificate directly on your EC2 instance, you will need to obtain a SSL certificate through a third-party
Therefore, you cannot find any files related to the certificate issued by ACM inside your EC2 instance.
hope this helps.


How to update/renew kube-api server certificate for API server Endpoint of AWS EKS Cluster

We need to update/renew the API server endpoint (https://**************** for our EKS Cluster due to some security reason and not able to see any option to do that. We have created EKS Cluster back in 2021 and observed that SSL certification validity is of 2 years i.e. around 755 days. so, we wanted to update/renew this certificate.
We tried to validate all certificate (csr file) from kubeadm, but csr file looks fine here. tried to create a cluster configuration file with certificate but seems it was not working with EKS. Please let me knwo if anyone can help us out to figure out how we can update the kuber-apiserver certificate for API server endpoint access of our EKS Cluster.

AWS DocumentDB connecting with python and TLS pem bundle questions

We use AWS fargate with a python project. AWS default setup is using a PEM file when connecting. I know I can turn of TLS.
My coworker says he doesn't want to store credentials in the same repo as code. What is the recommended storage location of that file?
Why do I need it when the servers inside a VPC?
Do I need a different PEM file if I create a cluster on AWS govcloud or does the bundle include all I need?
Do I need it if I'm using an AWS linux 2 instance?
Please find the answers:
You can store the PEM file anywhere(same repository, or any other repository where the code can pull from), but it should be accessible to the code when making an encrypted connection and perform server validation.
The communication between the servers in VPC is private, but using a server certificate provides an extra layer of security by validating that the connection is being made to an Amazon DocumentDB cluster.
An Amazon DocumentDB cluster in GovCloud region should have a similar separate bundle for TLS connection.
Even if you are using Amazon Linux 2 instance, the PEM certificate file would need to be stored on the instance to allow the code to refer it and validate when opening a connection.
It is always a best practice from security point of view to use TLS and authenticate the server with the certificate.

AWS RDS Certificate Authority update

I recently received an email regarding a required update to my RDS Certificate Authority.
The instructions on the RDS side seems straight forward:
However on step 4 there was an important message, "When you schedule this operation, make sure that you have updated your client-side trust store beforehand."
I cant seem to find any information about updating my server which connects to RDS for the CA update.
My Setup is EC2 instances on Beanstalk.
Does anyone know how/what I am supposed to do?
Thank you.
similar question: Update Amazon RDS SSL/TLS Certificates - Elastic Beanstalk
Basically, the installation of certification is only required when you use the SSL connection from your application to the RDS server. Regardless of the SSL connection, it is recommended to update the certificate of your server but it is not necessary when you did not use the SSL connection to the RDS.
Server-side Usage
When you use the SSL connection, you should change the certificate of the RDS server as soon as possible. Go to the RDS console, then you can find the Certificate update menu from the left menu list. Find your DB cluster, check and update your SSL right now or reserve the update for the next maintenance.
Client-side Usage
The details about the SSL certificate are noted in the documentation. From here, you can download the root CA certificate of rds 2019. The link is below.
This CA certificate is used to connect the rds server, e.g.
mysql -h
--ssl-ca=[full path]rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem --ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY
or add it to the Trusted Root CA for the client OS.
For example in Windows, you can run certmgr.msc and right-click the trusted root ca, import this certificate. In Mac, open keychain access and import this certificate. This is an option.
In order to change your CA Certificate on an Elastic Beanstalk environment by Amazon (AWS) do the following:
Log in to your console (
Click services and search for "RDS"
Inside RDS (RDS is where the databases from Beanstalk lives even though they are directly attached to the Beanstalk environment) click "Certificate Update" down in the right corner (there will be a very read notification on the link)
If you have any certificates to upgrade, they will show up here.
Click the RDS instance name (the weird aws name of the database server) aka "DB identifier"
(Well inside this you can see some more info about it under configuration), for instance your db username which could help you identify the instance if you have many and forgot to rename them.
Click Actions > Upgrade now (this will reboot your instance now) OR Actions > Upgrade at next window (choose this if you have a lot of traffic and many users, so it will be less disruptive ie not stop in the middle of the day but in the night according to the maintenance schedule of your location/server)
That's it. You do not need to install anything in your Beanstalk environment.
This is how we are managing SSL communication from Elastic Beanstalk to an external RDS PostgreSQL database. We add the following config file to .ebextensions (.ebextensions/rds.config):
command: mkdir -p /home/webapp/.postgresql
command: aws s3 cp s3://rds-downloads/rds-ca-2019-root.pem /home/webapp/.postgresql/root.crt
command: chown webapp:webapp /home/webapp/.postgresql/root.crt
command: chmod 400 /home/webapp/.postgresql/root.crt
The file downloads the certificate from the public S3 folder and places in the .postgresql folder as the root certificate. We are having a Java application and the JDBC driver successfully connects to RDS with SSL enabled.

AWS unable to connect to Java springboot API endpoints

I am trying to run my springboot API on AWS however when i try to connect to the endpoint the error Site cannot be reached IP refused to connect. This my first time working with AWS.
I created a linux instance and connected to it using filezilla. Afterwards i added my jar to a folder which i created on the linux instance using filezilla. I started the springboot project and its running but the problem is that i cannt seem to connect to the endpoints. Am i missing something, how do i connect to my endpoints.
The other thing to note is that i enabled https on my API and added swagger also.
You need to enable relevant ports in the instances' Security Group.
Look at this to create a new Inbound rule for the specific port.
You can go to the aws console, (here I am assuming you have deployed to us-east-1 if its something else, go to the relevant region.
Open up the relevant security group, and then click edit Inbound roles.

Transitioning from Amazon AWS to a different Hosting provider

This task fell on my lap and I have no experience with Amazon aws. We run a simple informational site along with redmine (as a subdomain) using amazon aws and want to switch to simple helix. I have researched how to switch providers and I haven't found any posts that show how to do this step by step. Is there a simple way to move from Amazon aws to another provider? I think it would be best to create a duplicate of what we have on amazon aws on the simple helix server before totally dropping amazon aws. As far as I know I only have log in details to EC2 Console, no ssh log in details or FTP for amazon aws.
When an AWS instance is launched a public/private key pair is specified and installed in the running instance. You can find the name of the key-pair by looking at details of the instance in the console. Check for "Key pair name".
Hopefully, you'll have the private key of that pair somewhere at hand. If it's lost I'm not sure how to recover it without tech support from Amazon.
If you have the private key then ssh is simple, just type:
ssh -i my.private.key -l ubuntu servername
or something similar and you're in.
FTP access might require opening up a port in the firewall. Look at the security group settings for the server to see what ports are open. Secure ftp is available if you can ssh into the machine using the same private key.