iOS notifications in Qt - c++

I am trying to incorporate native notifications in my iOS application written in Qt + QML. For the desktop world I am simply using QSystemTrayIcon (works in Windows, macOS and Linux), for Android I am using a custom Java class called via QAndroidJniObject.
I don't know how to accomplish this for the iOS- is there a way to do this in C++ only?


How to create main menu in gtk 4.2 programmatically using c/c++?

GTK 4 comes with an example (application4) that shows menu creation. However, it is required to create it using an xml menu configuration file.
I am making a simple portable GUI application that uses Cocoa on macOS and GTK 4 on other OSs. I am doing all coding in C++ (Objective-C wrappers) and now need to implement the app for other OSs. I stuck at this point. I cannot find any example how to do it programmatically.

Using chromium embedded framework inside qt application

I am investigating the option of using chromium embedded framework in C++ desktop application to implement new HTML views.
The issue is all the GUI are implemented using QT Framework.
so can chromium embedded framework be used with QT ?
I want some of the views to be implemented using QT while others using Chromium Embedded framework.
First I considered the option of using QTWebEngine but license is not free for commercial use however Chromium embedded framework is an open source
Just have a look at this project,
QCefView encapsulates CEF and works for all desktop platforms

Using symbian native API from Qt

Is it possible for a Qt program, developed in Qt Creator, to call the symbian S60 native API.
How do I do it? Do I need to download additional headers/lib, or do they come with Qt SDK?
Yes, you can do it.
However, you need to make sure, that you've selected 'Symbian target', not 'Simulator', i.e. you cannot call S60 API while building for desktop simulation.

Common UI for both Dektop and metro Windows 8

I need to develop common UI which will run on both desktop and metro.
Is this possible.I wanted to use same code for UI both in desktop and metro app
I know that Win RT is Supported on both desktop and metro.
I believe your question is about creating an application that works like both Metro Style and also as a traditional desktop app. What you need to do is to wrap all your business logic code into a WinRT DLL and create two different UI applications one using XAML and another using windows Form and consume the DLL.
But ideally you cant have a single exe that runs like a native app and a metro style app, you should have two exe's.
Another thing is the native app which you develop in this manner may not be backward compatible because in build conference i remember them saying WinRT is only from Windows 8 onwards. so you cant run your native app in Windows 7.

Accessing NSWindow from C++/QT-based application

I have an application that is written in C++ and is using QT as a framework. The compiler is gcc and the IDE is QT Creator.
On Mac OS, I need my app to interface with Spaces by accessing the collectionBehavior property of the NSWindow. So there should be a kind of a bridge from C++ app to NSWindow.
Can someone give me the hint on if/how this could be possible either with my current gcc/qtcreator setup (which I don't think is possible) or under xcode?
If you're using Cocoa Qt (there are 2 versions of Qt - Cocoa and Carbon, remember that!), you can use winId() on QWidget class to retrieve native widget handle.
On Qt Carbon QWidget::winId() returns HIViewRef, on Qt Cocoa it return NSView. I gues you can retrieve somehow NSWindow from NSView