Using symbian native API from Qt - c++

Is it possible for a Qt program, developed in Qt Creator, to call the symbian S60 native API.
How do I do it? Do I need to download additional headers/lib, or do they come with Qt SDK?

Yes, you can do it.
However, you need to make sure, that you've selected 'Symbian target', not 'Simulator', i.e. you cannot call S60 API while building for desktop simulation.


Qt ui for an OS

Am i able to create an OS's User Interface with Qt's .ui file?(Qt .ui file is an xml file)
This confused me long time already,bcuz in
you can see
LG’s webOS
The answer is yes and Qt is a cross-platform application development framework. Some of the well known applications developed with Qt are KDE, Opera, Google Earth, and Skype. Qt was first publicly released on May 1995. It is dual licensed. That means, it can be used for creating open source applications as well as commercial ones. Qt toolkit is a very powerful toolkit.

iOS notifications in Qt

I am trying to incorporate native notifications in my iOS application written in Qt + QML. For the desktop world I am simply using QSystemTrayIcon (works in Windows, macOS and Linux), for Android I am using a custom Java class called via QAndroidJniObject.
I don't know how to accomplish this for the iOS- is there a way to do this in C++ only?

Alternate of win32 framework for windowing system on windows

I want to develop a custom window system in c++ that should not depend on win32 library. As an example, Google Chrome has an interface that is not similar to windows own interface. Similarly MPCstar and adobe products have their own interfaces. Please help me where to start for such a project?
You can use cross platform
but in my opinion Qt is better.
Qt is awesome even if you don't need cross platform support. I assure you after using it you won't understand how anyone could ever develop native GUI on frameworks like Win32 and MFC. Its only shortcoming is the size of the DLLs you'll have to distribute with your app.
BTW is C++ a prerequisite? if not, and you only need windows, use .Net.
I believe Qt should do the trick. I've never used it myself but it is platform independent. I know a few applications that use it, and it seems fine.
Qt and WxWidgets are the better options. And since its GUI I think Qt performs better and has greater support and lots of libraries.
Find Qt here!

Which GUI library is used to develop Mozilla Firefox?

Which GUI library is used to develop Firefox?
Qt? GTK+? Windows native?
Firefox uses a number of GUI toolkits, including the native Windows one, as well as GTK+ for X platforms. Sadly, there is no official support for Qt.
I heard that firefox is using their own GUI based off of XML and its called XUL. At least that's what it sounds like if your read their articles on XUL.

Webkit on Windows Mobile

I wish to embed webkit in a windows mobile application. The goal is to allow it to run web apps. I've tried the Qt version, but only webkit is required and not the rest of the functionality Qt has.
You can build WebKit for WinCE out of trunk in the meantime.
See had a ported webkit browser called IRIS.
Apparently they have recently been swallowed by RIM.
We posted the alpha free download version
with or without FLASH support available