MSHTML editing - changing the text selection color - c++

I use MSHTML (TWebBrowser control) in Design (edit) mode. I use TEmbeddedWB but slowly moving away from that component and implementing my own interface. When a block of text is selected, so when typing into the editor and then selecting a block of text it is in black color for the background color.
Instead I'd like to use blue.
I know that it has something to do with the selection range but not sure how to modify it in designer mode. The code below is of course when it is not in design mode.
IHTMLSelectionObject currentSelection = document.selection;
IHTMLTxtRange range = currentSelection.createRange() as IHTMLTxtRange;
if (range != null)
range.execCommand("BackColor", false, "0000FF");
Any ideas? Do I have to use event sinking? Or maybe QueryCommandValue? I tried some things with HiliteColor without success yet (according to Mozilla documentation this is not supported by Internet Explorer).
I use C++ Builder or Delphi, but code example in any language is welcome, I can (probably) translate it.


Reordering MFC control IDs automatically

I've got a pretty old MFC application that's been touched by many people over the years (most of them probably not even CS guys) and it follows, what I like to call the "anarchy design pattern."
Anyway, one of the dialogs has a series of 56 vertical sliders and check boxes. However, there are additional sliders and checkboxes on the dialog as shown below.
Now, the problem is that the additional sliders and checkboxes take on IDs that are in sequence with the slider/checkbox series of the dialog. My task is to add more sliders and checkboxes to the series (in the blank space in the Slider Control group box) Unfortunately, since IDC_SLIDER57 through IDC_SLIDER61 are already in the dialog (same goes for the checkboxes), existing code, such as the snippet below will break:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER1+i);
Is there a better way to modify the resource file without doing it manually? I've seen a third party tool called ResOrg that looks like it'll help do what I want, but the software is a bit pricey, especially since I'll only use it once. I guess I can give the demo a try, but the limitations might restrict me.
FYI, I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 (yes...I know, don't laugh, it's being forced upon me).
Instead of writing:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER1+i);
you could write:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(GetSliderID(i));
where GetSlider is a function that returns the id of slider number i.
GetSlider function
int GetSliderID(int nslider)
static int sliderids[] = {IDC_SLIDER1, IDC_SLIDER2, IDC_SLIDER3, .... IDC_SLIDERn};
ASSERT(nslider < _countof(sliderids));
return sliderids[nslider];
With this method the IDC_SLIDERn symbols dont need to have sequential values.

Infragistics grid scrolling issue

I have this code, which works fine if a cell in the IgGrid control is being edited:
var verticalContainer = $("#BookLabor_scrollContainer");
var topPos = verticalContainer.scrollTop();
$("#BookLabor").igGrid("option", "dataSource", blankLaborDS);
However, when I use an IgDialog that I have pop open on a grid cell with a button click event, this is not scrolling back to the row being edited:
var verticalContainer = $("#BookLabor_scrollContainer");
var topPos = verticalContainer.scrollTop();
$("#BookLabor").igGrid("option", "dataSource", blankLaborDS);
There is a virtual scroll method for the IgGrid, but the online documentation does not explain in detail how to use it.
Any tricks, tips, hints from all you Infragistics experts out there?
The scroll related API is very basic and what you are using is pretty much comparable:
.igGrid("scrollContainer") is merely a shorthand so you don't have to use #BookLabor_scrollContainer (it's an internal id)
.igGrid("virtualScrollTo", scrollContainerTop); is just like scroll top when you are using virtual scrolling, which you might be (can't tell without more code) so you might want to try that out.
HOWEVER, is there a reason to call dataBind after cell edit? ( I'm having a hard time finding a scenario for that). It is not intended by any means and it creates a lot of overhead with bigger data. If you need to update cell values you should be using the Updating API that does not require re-bind and will not require scroll after as well..see:
As for the dialog, the Updating again provides a row template that internally uses the dialog and I highly recommend that if row editing is acceptable. Sample:

Creating HyperLink in Notepad(textEdit)[MFC]

I am building a textEdit application with MFC. Is there a way to create a hyperlink automatically when a user write web address? It's like when you write a web address "" the application detects web address and create a hyperlink right away. I have searched documents that explains about this, but couldn't find it..
and i couldn't make it..
i already have made notepad but i couldn't add the function of hyperlink on the notepad.
the following sentences are functions of hyperlink.
Clicking the text needs to open a browser window to the location specified by the text.
The cursor needs to change from the standard arrow cursor to a pointing index finger when it moves over the control.
The text in the control needs to be underlined when the cursor moves over the control.
A hyperlink control needs to display text in a different color—black just won't do.
The features that I added are:
5.A hyperlink control once visited needs to change color.
6.The hyperlink control should be accessible from the keyboard.
7.It should install some kind of hooks to allow the programmer to perform some actions when the control has the focus or when the cursor is hovering over the control.
Among the functions, What I mostly want to complete is the first one.
If I click a Hyperlink text, it should be linked to a browser window on the Internet.
Please answer and help me. Thanks.
Just use a CRichEditCtrl control (remember to call AfxInitRichEdit2 in your InitInstance). Call SetAutoURLDetect. Done.
Unfortunately this is not enough to make it work. It will display text that resembles URL as blue underlined but it will not invoke the link.
This will have to be handled by additional code. This will set needed event mask:
long lMask = m_RichEditCtrl.GetEventMask();
m_RichEditCtrl.SetEventMask(lMask | ENM_LINK);
Also reflected EN_LINK will has to be handled to follow the link. For example:
void CHyperLinkInEditView::OnEnLink(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
ENLINK *p_Link = reinterpret_cast<ENLINK *>(pNMHDR);
if(p_Link && p_Link->msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
//int iRange = m_RichEditCtrl.GetTextRange(p_enLinkInfo->chrg.cpMin, p_enLinkInfo->chrg.cpMax);
CString szLinkString = m_RichEditCtrl.GetSelText ();
ShellExecute(m_hWnd, L"Open", szLinkString, NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE);
*pResult = 0;
All of the above will solve requirement 1, 2, 3 (partially –text is underlined always), and 4.
I do not quite understand 5, 6 and 7.
Could you elaborate?

C++ Flowchart / GUI Designer

I need to write a C++ GUI such that user can make a flowchart / pipeline by selecting several blocks from a toolbar and putting them into a window and connecting them in some order which he wants and then program runs the flowchart. (For simplicity just consider each block's task is to print some number. My problem is GUI)
Does anyone ever try a similar thing / any experience?
Is it possible to make such a GUI in WxWidget or any other Graphics/Window-form library?
Is it possible to use VTK to make the GUI?
Do you know of any similar open source work?
I have developed several apps with GUIs that do this sort of thing.
The one I am most pleased with is called VASE: A GUI used to create the layout, set parameters and view results of a process flow simulator.
It is not a trivial task, though once you have done one or two, there are many ideas that you can reuse and it goes quickly.
The two biggest challenges drawing the lines connecting the objects ( as you can see, even in VASE, this problem is not completely solved ) and storing that layout in a format that can be easily recovered and redrawn.
Is there any particular issue you need help with?
If you want a really, really, simple example to get you started I have re-implemented a couple of basic features ( all nice and clean, no copyright restrictions ) - left click to select, drag to move, right click to connect.
Here is the source code repository -
Here's what it looks like
I have implemented a simplified connector, which I call a pipe. To give you a flavour of how to do this kind of stuff, here is the code to add a pipe when the user right clicks
User has right clicked
If he right clicks on a flower
and there is a different flower selected
then connect the selected flower to the right clicked flower
if he right clicks on empty background
create a new flower
void cVase::MouseRightDown( wxMouseEvent& event )
// find flower under click
iterator iter_flower_clicked = find( event.GetPosition() );
// check there was a flower under click
if( iter_flower_clicked != end() ) {
// check that we have a selected flower
if( ! mySelected )
// check that selected flower is different from one clicked
if( mySelected == (*iter_flower_clicked) )
// construct pipe from selected flower to clicked flower
myPipe.push_back(cPipe( mySelected, *iter_flower_clicked ));
} else {
// no flower under click
// make one appear!
cFlower * pflower = Add();
pflower->setLocation( event.GetPosition() );
// redraw everything
And here is the code to draw a pipe
Draw the pipe
From starting flower's exit port to ending flower's entry port
void cPipe::Paint( wxPaintDC& dc )
dc.SetPen( *wxBLUE_PEN );
dc.DrawLine( myStart->getExitPort(), myEnd->getEntryPort() );
You can see the rest of the wxWidgets code that ties all this together by browsing the source code repository.
I think using a library such as wxArt2D would be easier than using the standard wxWidgets drawing classes. The wires sample of wxArt2D looks similar to what you are looking for.
Maybe you can have a try with the tiny tool called Flowchart to Code, you can get the flowchart needed,like this. It can be downloaded here:

ChooseFont dialog: munges font name fails to reload it

I've found some slightly odd, and more importantly, inconsistent behavior from Win32 ChooseFont() API.
LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
strcopy(lf.lfFaceName, m_face_name);
const int ppi = GetDeviceCaps(pView, LOGPIXELSY);
lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(m_font_height, ppi, 72);
CFontDialog fd(&lf);
if (fd.DoModal() != IDOK)
m_face_name = fd.GetFaceName();
m_font_height = lf.lfHeight;
Assuming that the first time though, face name is "Segoe UI", this works.
But if the user changes the dialog to be "Segoe UI", "Light", "9", (face, style, height), and we go through the above a second time, then the font choose common dialog fails to select "Segoe UI" as the face name. Instead, I get the Font: field as blank.
This is not a problem if the user selects a style of "Regular", "Italic", "Bold", "Bold Italic", as those are stored in the style bits, and don't munge the name. I discard them for the second run, because I'm ignoring them (I would disable Font Style: if there were a way to easily do so - I don't wish to subclass CFontDialog for this - that's a whole 'nother level of time & effort that this moment doesn't allow for).
I've tried creating a font based on the previous specifics from the dialog, and then tried pulling the LOGFONT back out of that. No dice.
Similarly, I've tried querying the dialog for the FontStyle() - but that returns blank - so nothing to strip from the font name here...
This just seems like a bug with MS's dialog - it tells me one thing, but then cannot use it's own output to correctly initialize itself the second time through (granted, I'm only persisting some, not all, of the LOGFONT in this situation).
Does anyone know WTH is up with this? Or an approach I might use to (short of hard coding looking for " Light" on the end of a font name - YUCK!)?
Developments in font design has significantly outstripped the legacy api's ability to keep up. OpenType happened, for one. There are additional font styles beyond what LOGFONT can support. For Segoe UI, properties that control boldness can be Light and Semibold. For other fonts, font stretch is another property, common ones are Condensed and Expanded. With the font being able to implement a dedicated font file to make these styles look good and not depend on synthesizing the style from an existing font as it was done in the olden days. Review the WPF FontStretch and FontWeight enumeration types for possible values.
These are properties that LOGFONT can't express. There's a compatibility hack to deal with this, type face names get mapped. So "Segoe UI" with a style of "Light" becomes "Segoe UI Light". And the Windows font mapper will pick the right true-type font file from such a name. What however doesn't work is initialize LOGFONT.lfFaceName with "Segoe UI Light". Not actually sure why, it was probably avoided to not have to deal with the ambiguity. Or just plain flubbed. A possible workaround is to recognize these appended style names in the font face name, but that's not perfect either.
GDI is running out of gas. Much like User32.
First, when you initialize your LOGFONT in your proc, you can't just set it to 0
ala "= { 0 };"
Use something like
memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf));
Otherwise your lf in your proc contains random crap. Secondly, what's the big deal about not saving all the settings of the LOGFONT structure? It you're using MFC, it's not because it would be too much overhead. If fixing the initialization of lf doesn't work, just save the entire LOGFONT.