PEPPER Robot: how to read in external data - pepper

We want to use external data (a measurement of power) to get our robot to take a command.
But the problem is that we don’t know how to read in this external datapoint in Choreographe and pair this to an action.
Could somebody tell us how we need to do this?
Kind regards

Choregraphe Python boxes can be customized.
Depending on how your datapoint is published, you may be able to read it from the Python code.
For instance if your datapoint is an HTTP endpoint, you can use httplib to read it, and react according to the result.


BLPAPI C++: How to retrieve all Securities/Symbols/Tickers from the Bloomberg (Windows) Terminal

I am retrieving Bloomberg History data based on user supplied Time Frame, and for a single instrument I am able to sucessfully retrieve History prices [Bid,Ask] by using IntradayTickRequest on the lines of IntradayTickExample Sample code in the SDK.
However, I am unable to find anything in the SDK through which I can retrieve all the Symbols/Tickers present in our Bloomberg Terminal. Please let me know which functionality to use for this purpose.
It's not possible to download all symbol you see on the terminal via the Api, you always have to start with some criteria, e.g. a search string, an index to get all constituents for, etc. It would be helpful if you could clarify what do you mean by "the list", like where do you see that list? or on which function on the terminal?

How to feed bokeh streaming interface by a c++ application

I want to use bokeh to display a time series and provide the data with updates via The data is, however, generated by a c++ application (server) that may run on the same machine or a machine in the network. I was looking into transmitting the updated data (only the newly added lines of the time series) via ZMQ to the python program (client).
The transmission of the message seems easy enough to implement but
the dictionary is column based. Is it not more efficient to append lines, i.e. one line per point in time, and send this?
If there is no good way for the first, what kind of object should I send? Do I need to marshal the information or is it sufficient to make a long string like {col1:[a,b,c,...], col2:[...],...} and send this to the client? I expect to send not more than a few hundred lines with 10 floats per second.
Thanks for all helpful answers.

Can I receive a boudingPoly for LABEL_DETECTION results?

How can this be completed with the Google Vision-API please?
send image to vision-api
request: 'features': [{': 'LABEL_DETECTION','maxResults': 10,}]
receive the labels in particular the one I'm interest in is a "clock"
receive the boundingPoly so that I know the exact location of the clock within the image
having received the boundingPoly I would want to use it to create a dynamic AR marker to be tracked by the AR library
Currently it doesn't look like Google Vision-API supports a boudingPoly for LABELS hence the question if there is a way to solve it with the Vision-API.
Currently Label Detection does not provide this functionality. We are always looking at ways to enhance the API
After two years, its the same. I am facing similar challenges and I am thinking of opting other solutions. I think custom solutions like TensorFlow object detection API or DarkNet YOLO object API will do this job very easily.

Retrieve data from Account Server

I'm trying to make a game launcher in C++ and I was wondering if I could get some guidance on how to carry out this task. Basically I've created an API which outputs the account data in JSON format.
i.e {"success":true,"errorCode":0,"reason":"You're now logged in!"}
How am I able to retrieve the data?
Sorry if you don't understand. English isn't my first language :)
Look for a library that allows you to parse Json. Some examples:
Both are quite easy to use and allow you to turn json into a model that can later be used to map to your own model. Alternatively you could write your own Json parser though that would be a bit of work (reinventing the wheel perhaps).

Export Microstrategy grid data in text format to a FTP server

Can anybody please let me know whether it is possible to export microstrategy grid data in text format to a FTP server (required access will be provided). If not directly, then can we use some kind of java coding/web services to achieve this. I don't want the process but want to understand whether this can be achieved or not?
Thanks in Advance!
You can retrieve report results (and build a new report from scratch at that) via the SDK and from there you can process the data to your liking, i.e. transform & upload to a ftp-server.
Possibly easier would be to create a file-subscription and store the file to a specific directory where you automatically pick it up and deliver it to your ftp.
There might be other solutions as well, but Yes is the answer to the "Yes/No" part of your question.