How to connect coldfusion with azure cosmos db - coldfusion

We have an application developed with coldfusion. We want to use cosmos database as backend. Please help me with this.

Azure Cosmos DB is No-SQL database like MongoDB which doesn't have a JDBC driver. So please do not treat it the same as a relational database.
Now, Cosmos DB has several quickstarts. These are the SDK options:
However, it also supports REST API to satisfy any development languages, as long as you can build an http request. You can refer to these two REST samples:
Using REST for CRUD operations in Azure Cosmos DB
How do I generate the rest authorization token for cosmos db in python?
BTW,the most important thing in Cosmos DB REST API is the authorization header. Please refer to this detailed document.

Cosmos DB is accessed by an API, so it is possible to write a interface for Cosmos DB to make it easier to use it as a data source.
I've written a little demo for this:


back-end architecture to integrate with Cube.js

I'm looking for advice choosing a back-end architecture for a web app. In the app, users upload tabular data from multiple files. Their data is then processed, aggregated and visualized. Data is private and each user has their own dashboard.
I believe Cube.js is an excellent choice for the dashboard, but I am wondering what back-end web framework I should integrate it with. I have experience of Django, but would use Express if it had significant advantages.
Thanks for any advice!
Cube.js is designed to run as a microservice. It means there's no requirement for you to use Node.js or Express as a stack for the rest of your backend implementation. However usually you'd need to have separate backend for storing data about users, reports and dashboards if those are dynamic. Cube.js server handles only analytic queries.
Cube.js dashboard templates are designed to work with GraphQL. So any backend web framework where there's a solid support of GraphQL will be a good choice. Most notable ones in Node.js world are apollo-server, Prisma, Hasura. Seems like Python has it's own champion as well:

How to implement Edge computing using WSO2

I am currently running WSO2 Analytics on a windows server but I want implement the analysing part somehow that a client can connect to the server and do some processing like visualization on its own rather than all processing being done on the server. Is this something possible on WSO2 platform?
You can setup database you want ( see the documentation ). For production usage I woudn't even recomment using the bundled H2 database. WSO2 analytics supports number of databases by default, I believe Oracle is one of them.
As stated in the comments - you can create a client or service which reads the data from the database and displays them its own way.
most challenging part for me is that how the client uses the information from the database?
This is already on your own (outside scope of this question). You've asked if your client can access the analytics (result) data - yes you can. How to do that is up to you. (depending what the client is, ..)
For example at our client they are building data APIs which are directly consumable by different frontend libraries creating nicer charts and reports.

Firebase-powered app with web service code

I am planning to use Firebase database and want to know how it fits in to the following scenario.
lets say I have a browser app, android app / iOS which uses Web Services to get / insert data, web services talks to the Data Base and returns data to the client.
This way I have to write code once in my web services and all the clients use that to retrieve and insert data to the database.
If I want to use Firebase, will I be following the same approach of having webservices between the client's and the Firebase DB.
I have done some sample Firebase examples where it it gets data from database directly without web services and in this approach we have to write our logic on each client (Web browser/ android app/ iOs app).
I have looked into this article
The Pattern 2 has the server concept but that does not look appropriate in my scenario.
Can I have my web service and Firebase database and get data Synchronization capabilities.
Correct me if I am wrong and please suggest the approach I need to take.
Thank you for your valuable suggestions in advance.
Thanks & regards,
Rao Burugula
The article you link gives you the most common options for integrating Firebase into your app. Pattern 2 is the easiest way to use the Firebase Database and run your own server-side code:
In this model the Firebase Database sits between the app on the user's device and your back-end code. By using this model, you can still get all the benefits of the realtime synchronization, security rules and scalability, but also have back-end code that runs in a trusted environment.
Of course you can also go for a more traditional three-tier model, where your app server sites between the devices and the database. But in that case the Firebase database won't have direct interaction with your app anymore, so you'll have to take care of the realtime aspects of the synchronization (if you want those) in your own code.
I also recommend reading the Google Cloud documentation on using the Firebase Database and App Engine's Flexible Environments. The architecture described there is the same, but a bit more up-to-date:

WSO2 DAS with MongoDB

Is it possible to setup MongoDB as the analytic datasource in WSO2 DAS? I saw DAS support cassandra , HBase in analytics-datasources.xml script.
We have done a PR to support MongoDB in DAS. It is already included in the master branch, you can take a look at these PRs:
And here:
Best regards,
Out of the box, WSO2 Data Analytics Server (DAS) does not support MongoDB. However, we have written DAS in such a way that, it is easy to setup other databases such as MongoDB as your analytics data source.
The procedure is pretty simple and you just need to implement AnalyticsRecordStore interface. It is well documented and I hope you can easily understand it. Additionally, I would like to point out
CassandraAnalyticsRecordStore which is the Cassandra implementation of the AnalyticsRecordStore interface.
P.S. If you manage to implement the AnalyticsRecordStore interface for MongoDB, you are more than welcome to send a Pull Request to carbon-analytics repository.

Can I use Django's administration interface with a non-sql database?

I'm hoping to use Amazon's dynamoDB with a Django application. I know that the administration interface is relying on a relational DB like MySql or SqlLite. Can I use the administration interface on a non-relational DB such as dynamoDB?
Your best bet is But that only supports MongoDB & Google App Engine.
A Django session backend for DynamoDB