Can I use Django's administration interface with a non-sql database? - django

I'm hoping to use Amazon's dynamoDB with a Django application. I know that the administration interface is relying on a relational DB like MySql or SqlLite. Can I use the administration interface on a non-relational DB such as dynamoDB?

Your best bet is But that only supports MongoDB & Google App Engine.

A Django session backend for DynamoDB


How to integrate Fast API and Django

I wanna to write e-commerce website on django.
My project will have two DBs:
PostgreSQL (For storing users data, django tables, orders handling etc)
MongoDB (For storing Products and their categories)
Django works well with Relational DBs, but working with NoSQL DBs in Django it's so painfully.
FastAPI has good NoSQL DBs support.
And I wanna to use Django and FAST API in one project.
If you have solution of my problem, please drop me a link to solution.
Maybe will be better if I'll use them separately (1 django server and 1 Fast API server) and
frontend will request data from 2 different servers?

How to connect coldfusion with azure cosmos db

We have an application developed with coldfusion. We want to use cosmos database as backend. Please help me with this.
Azure Cosmos DB is No-SQL database like MongoDB which doesn't have a JDBC driver. So please do not treat it the same as a relational database.
Now, Cosmos DB has several quickstarts. These are the SDK options:
However, it also supports REST API to satisfy any development languages, as long as you can build an http request. You can refer to these two REST samples:
Using REST for CRUD operations in Azure Cosmos DB
How do I generate the rest authorization token for cosmos db in python?
BTW,the most important thing in Cosmos DB REST API is the authorization header. Please refer to this detailed document.
Cosmos DB is accessed by an API, so it is possible to write a interface for Cosmos DB to make it easier to use it as a data source.
I've written a little demo for this:

How to use Django with Azure's CosmosDB?

I'm curious if it is possible to use CosmosDB as the database backend for Django projects.
There's a fork that supports MongoDB as a Django database:
You just need to select the MongoDB Api in your Azure Cosmos DB.
mongodb-engine seems dead, but I found djongo, which seems to be active:
It's a connector that lets you use Django with MongoDB without changing the Django ORM.
You would need to configure your Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB.

Django: Using a Relational and Nosql database in same project

Can we use relational and nosql database in same django project.
As django package for relational and no-sql(django-nonrel) are different. Is there a way we can use both kind of databases in same project ?
Yes, although it depends on the backend for the NoSQL database. Django-nonrel is not necessarily required for a NoSQL database backend. From my experience, it is possible to use SQLite and Cassandra in the same project. We don't use django-nonrel because the Cassandra backend for Django works fine on vanilla Django.

django on google app engine with relational database

So is there any other way to use mysql database with django app on app engine? I found nice solution but it is not free - Google SQL Cloud seem to work great. But how about, moving django app to appengine and connecting to other hosting with mysql db? Or do you have any other solutions?
So to sum up - is there any way to work GAE with outside database?
Actually I have found the answer:
The Python Development Server in the Google App Engine SDK can use a locally-installed MySQL server instance to closely mirror the Google Cloud SQL environment during development.
More info here->