Prevent editable QComboBox selection from changing when item list modified - c++

I have an editable QComboBox containing a list of ID numbers.
The ID numbers represent devices attached to the system. The devices are frequently added and removed at runtime.
The intent of the editable combo box is to contain, in its list, the list of IDs currently attached, for easy selection, but at the same time allow the user to manually enter IDs of devices not currently present. Also, it's valid to enter an empty string for the ID.
Basically I want to provide the user with a way to enter an arbitrary (or no) ID, with the added bonus of a quick selection of devices currently attached (which changes at runtime).
I am not currently using a list model to maintain the list, I'm just using the QComboBox's add and remove functions.
I need the selection to not change if devices are added or removed. However, I'm running into the following problems:
When the currently entered ID (either manually or by list selection) is removed from the list, the selection is changed to another ID in the list.
When the list is empty and an ID is entered manually, or no ID is entered at all, the selection is changed when an ID is added to the list.
Is there a way to make it so that adding and removing items from the combo box never, ever modifies the selection in the edit box? Or even some other UI element that accomplishes my goal?

Before updating the combo box, save the currently selected ID (or the blank string) to a temp. variable. After modifying the combo box contents, check if that ID still exists in the combo box (e.g. with findText()). If it does, select it with setCurrentIndex(). If it does not, set it with setCurrentText() or setEditText().


In MFC how to select multiple items in the Combo-box?

In MFC dialog based application, I have a combo box. Is it possible to select multiple items in the Combo-box through mouse and keyboard operations and also by pro-grammatically?
How to achieve it?
From the documentation:
A combo box consists of a list and a selection field. The list presents the options that a user can select, and the selection field displays the current selection. If the selection field is an edit control, the user can enter information not available in the list; otherwise, the user can only select items in the list.
The selection field is only capable of displaying a single selected item (at most). There is no way to allow a user (or code) to select multiple items at the same time. This is immediately obvious when looking at the CB_GETCURSEL and CB_SETCURSEL messages, that only allow for a single index to be passed.
A list view control allows multiple items to be selected at the same time.

Sales list force change of column in lines

I'm using the page below a POS sales list. Here the user can use the barcode pistol and pass the article and the code is translated into the item no.
The problem is when they use the pistol and end to pick a item and want to pass to next one the line go automatically to the first column (Item type) and my goal was to force to go into the second column (Item no), because the Item type is by default the type "product".
Only change the order of columns of Item no to Item product is not enough in this case.
Since ACTIVATE is not supported for controls in RTC.
Not many good options here.
Try using QuickEntry Property. Set it to false for all controls on subpage except No..
Create custom page with as less fields as possible, use it as buffer to scan all items and create sales lines upon closing of this new page. You can implement desired behavior on this page and keep original page almost unmodified
Create add-in that will intercept scanner output somehow.

How to set a value to an application item in oracle apex 5

I have several tabs. There is a date picker on each tab. I need that date to be the same on all tabs no matter what. So, if the user changes the date on Tab 1, then goes to tab 2, the date on tab 2 will have changed also. I have never created an application level item before and I thought that might be the most efficient way to accomplish what I need (by setting that item's value to the date the user selected). My problem is that I don't know how to set the value of the application item and also how to retrieve that value on another tab.
You didn't describe what exactly you're trying to do, but - if each tab represents its own table, why do you keep the same date value in all of them? Doesn't look like a normalized data model. Consider using a single date column (in one - master - table) and use (i.e. reference) it in others (i.e. details).
As of your question: How about creating a global page (i.e. page 0) and having a date picker item on it? You can display it on any other page you want. For example, if you set its value while on tab 1 and then move on to tab 3, you can again modify that value which will be visible on all other pages. Basically, you'd maintain just one item instead of as many as number of tabs involved. (BTW, doesn't that remind you of what I described in the first paragraph?).
Alternatively, create a date picker item on tab 1 page; on all other pages, create a "lookup" (display) item which would simply display what's been selected on tab 1. That's easy to do, just make its source to be an "Item", such as P1_DATE_ITEM.
In Shared Components > Application Items create new Item called G_DATE.
Then for every datepicker add Dynamic Action on Event Change.
In True action Set Value select Type PL/SQL Expression with code
and Items to Submit :P1_DATEPICKER1
Next in every datepicker Source set Type PL/SQL Expression with code
used Always (...)

Change label of QComboxBox without using lineEdit

Currently I want to implement a widget to allow user to enable/disbale all provided options of a QSet. So i took a combobox and added selectable items. So far so good, but how I can change text displayed in combobox? Currently all my items have just ItemIsUserCheckable and ItemIsEnabled as enabled flags (ItemIsSelectable is not enabled), so text of ComboBox is always text of first item. Instead I want as text "Flag1, Flag 3, Flag6" if there multiple flags and user enabled Flag 1, 3 and 6. But setCurrentText and setEditText requiring setEditable(true) or an custom lineEdit. But using an lineEdit is changing appearance. So is there another way?
I had a similar problem a while back, I ended up 'solving' it by adding an extra item to my model that was first in the list and always set as the current item. I then updated it's text to say 'Select items...' or 'X item(s) selected' as appropriate.

Tkinter - Changing the list in Option Menu

Is there a way to manipulate the List displayed by the OptionMenu in respect to what the user has currently selected?
For example, let's say I have a list - ["A","B","C"].
If the user currently selected A then if he clicks the optionmenu with A currently selected, what he will see in the list is not the original list but only B and C.
If he switches his answer from, let's say, A to B, then now, he will only see A and C in the OptionMenu.
And the same will follow if he chose B or C.
The OptionMenu widget is a button that shows a dropdown menu when pressed. You might do better to use a ttk.Combobox instead as that is a more modern UI element and you can very simply configure the values configuration item.
You can configure the attached menu at runtime. You access the menu using optionmenu['menu'] and you can then query items on the menu optionmenu['menu'].entrycget(0, 'label') or use entryconfigure to modify the items. Or you can delete items optionmenu['menu'].delete(index) and add new items. See the menu documentation for hints on manipulating the menu entries.