Is there a way to pull failure logs from testing stage via api? - go-cd

I am attempting to pull test failures from gocd via the apis to be able to track the brittleness of our integration tests. I have looked at the gocd api documentation and only found a way to pull the failure stages of a particular job. I want to however be able to pull the failure logs of the failed stages. Is there any way to do this? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
This is on gocd version 17.12.0.

A stage fails if any of its jobs fails. So stages don't have failure logs on their own, you have to descend into the jobs and their logs (and possibly artifacts).


How to get SonarQube results back to CodeBuild

I've seen many discussions on-line about Sonar web-hooks to send scan results to Jenkins, but as a CodePipeline acolyte, I could use some basic help with the steps to supply Sonar scan results (e.g., quality-gate pass/fail status) to the pipeline.
Is the Sonar web-hook the right way to go, or is it possible to use Sonar's API to fetch the status of a scan for a given code-project?
Our code is in BitBucket. I'm working with the AWS admin who will create the CodePipeline that fires when code is attempted to be pushed into the repo. sonar-scanner will be run, and then we'd like the pipeline to stop if the quality does not pass the Quality Gate.
If I would use a Sonar web-hook, I imagine the value for host would be, what, the AWS instance running the CodeBuild?
Any pointers, references, examples welcome.
I created a powershell to use with Azure DevOps, that possible may be migrated to some shell script that runs in the code build activity

Queue CodeBuild tasks

Is there are way to make a CodeBuild project execute build tasks one at a time (max concurrency = 1)?
I know one of the selling points of CodeBuild is that you can run builds concurrently and I like that feature.
However, for this one specific project, I NEED to make sure only one CodeBuild build task for this project executes at a time. If there is an incoming "startBuild" request while a previous request is still running, I want it to be queued and wait until the previous build task if finished.
As additional info on the project, this project runs integration tests across our various APIs (serverless APIs and legacy APIs on EC2) and running those tests concurrently may cause the tests to fail due to their setup and teardown procedures.
I am from the AWS CodeBuild team. Thanks for your feedback. At this point the feature you requested isn't supported. We'll pass along the feedback to our product management team so they may consider adding it to our future roadmap.
However, you maybe able to implement something at your end by using CodeBuild's Build notifications feature. At a high level, you could listen to the CloudWatch Events sent by CodeBuild to find when a build completes, and at that time "release" a new build from a queue that you maintain at your end.
Update (2021-02-17)
AWS CodeBuild just added the ability to define a maximum number of concurrent builds per project.

Writing unit test for jenkins jobs

I have many jenkins jobs which do things like
execute myProgram.exe to convert input.txt to output.txt
if (the conversion is successful) {
trigger another jenkins job
} else {
send a e-mail to notify someone that the build fails
All of the them are Freestyel project
I want to write unit test code to test both the success and failure cases of my jenkins jobs.
If the build succeeds, the test code should check if output.txt's content is correct and avoid triggering another jenkins job.
If the build fails, the test code should check if the e-mail was successfully sent to the receiver.
Is there any test framework for doing things like this?
It seems like I can find a solution here. But I couldn't find examples telling me how to write unit test that uses existing jenkins jobs in that tutorial.
Or should I use another tool (not jenkins) for doing this kind of jobs?
How to test Jenkins Pipelines is currently an ongoing issue; see JENKINS-33925.
Though in that thread, you'll see that a couple of people have been working on solutions, e.g.
You can use Jenkins Job Builder and describe your jobs in YAML files.
Do your configuration changes in your branch and continuously deploy them to test Jenkins server.
It is pretty simple with different config files in Jenkins Job Builder.
Run your jobs on test Jenkins master and merge to master after running your jobs.
Jenkins Job Builder Docs

Trigger deployment button in Jenkins pipeline

I'm setting up a Continuous Delivery pipeline for my team with Jenkins. As a final step, we want to deploy to AWS.
I came across this while searching: :
The last step is a button where you can click to trigger deploying. Very nice! However, I searched throw Jenkins plugins page but I don't think it is there (or it is under a vague name).
Any ideas what it could be?
I'm not sure about the specific plugin you are looking for, but there is a Jenkins plugin for CodeDeploy, which can automatically create a deployment as a post-build action. See:
It really depends on how what kind of requirements you have on the actual deployment procedure. One thing to keep in mind if you do infrastructure as code to setup your pipelines automatically (e.g. through JobDSL or Jenkins Job Builder), is that the particular plugins must be supported. For that reason it some times might be more convenient to just script your deployments instead of relying on plugins. I've implemented multiple deployment jobs from Jenkins to AWS by just using plain AWS CLI commands, e.g. triggering Cloudformation creation/updates.
It turns out that there is a button to trigger an operation in the plugin. It was hard to detect as the UI of the plugin is redesigned and the button became smaller.

Trigger build in Jenkins/Hudson using hashtag in commit-message

Is it possible to trigger a Hudson/Jenkins build only when a certain string appears in a commit-message?
For instance, I want to trigger a build that rolls out my application to the dev environment by writing a commit message like:
MYPROJECT-123 Fixed NPE in #deploy:DEV
The general idea is described in this great talk on Continuos Deployment but I couldn't find any information on how to do this in Hudson.
I would prefer to have this behavior in Hudson itself and not in an external system like commit-hooks or web-hooks.
I don't know of an out of the box way you can parse the SCM message as part of the trigger. You have a couple of options that might achieve what you want though
Write your own Hudson SCM plugin
Chain your jobs together into a build pipeline. The first job could simply look for that message in the changelog.xml to determine if the next build is triggered or not.
If you are looking at building a pipeline of build jobs, check out the build-pipeline-plugin.
Anyone got a more elegant solution??
There is a plugin called Commit Message Trigger Plugin, but it had just a 0.1 release.
Maybe the easiest way is to use a version control post commit (or push) trigger to start a Hudson Job. You'd one anyway to automatically start your build.