How to use the url that came in response - python-2.7

Help to understand and direct what needs to be done further. I use the robot framework version 3.1.1 and the Python 2.7 programming language to write the autotest script, and now there is a task to develop a test that will work with POST / GET requests. So, I make a POST request to the system to initiate a payment. The answer comes that the payment has been created, but for all actions it is necessary to follow the link inside the answer.
Create Session allias URL
&{params}= Create Dictionary params1=value1 params2=value2
${resp}= Post Request allias /init_payment.php params=${params}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Reply post response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response><pg_status>ok</pg_status><pg_payment_id>3016695</pg_payment_id><pg_redirect_url></pg_redirect_url><pg_redirect_url_type>need data</pg_redirect_url_type><pg_salt>8OYUsodtnaTWKbOD</pg_salt><pg_sig>a26e61d6eb710c430d67150498d1f555</pg_sig></response>
How to show the framework so that it can go through the redirect url? I would be very grateful for your help.

The RequestsKeywors from the Robot Framework use Requests HTTP Client. Reading the quickstart from this library you can find that the response's contents is available in the text field.
${body}= ${resp.text}
Then you'd most likely want to parse the XML. You can use the XML library for that.
It will be something like
${root} = Parse XML ${body}
${link} = Get Element Text ${root} response/pg_redirect_url


Issue connecting SOAP through Postman

I’m stuck with trying to connect to my SOAP API. The goal is to retrieve a quote via the “Getquote” function which is available in our webservice and use that quote in an application in Therefore, I want to make it work through form-data so I can reuse the keys and values in Bubble. I get a succesfull quote through the raw method. See picture
Raw method:
You can see that all my fields are in the body so with the form-data method I put all the individual fields in key and value but I get the error message you see below.
Form data method:
Can someone see what I'm doing wrong? Excuses me for I am just starting. There might be some beginner mistakes in there. Thanks for the help!
SOAP encodes messages by using XML. Form data uses a completely different encoding, which the SOAP server doesn't understand, hence the error.
Although I've never used it, there is a Chrome extension called Boomerang that supports SOAP requests, and which may suit you better.

Firebug and AMF post

I have to debug a website that uses a swf to send amf posts to a flex2gateway.
In Firefox's "Firebug > Net" I see the POST url and when I click on it, the Post tab shows scrambled jiberish:
The response is also scrambled:
But the headers and cookies are not scrambled:
How can I unscramble the post so that I can create a curl with the proper post values. And how can I unscramble the response?
AMF is a binary format. As such Firebug and Chrome Dev Tools don't do a very good job of being able to read them. In the past, I have used a product called ServiceCapture to 'read' AMF messages. Charles is another product that can do this.

How Qualtrics understands the response

I have implemented a web-service in qualtrics after a question block and the job is to do an operation and send a response back to my website after the survey.I don't know how qualtrics record these responses. Is there any logs section in qualtrics where we can see these responses? Can we deal with the responses in the qualtrics login?
If I'm understanding correctly, you're asking how responses are recorded in Qualtrics WebServices.
When a response comes in, Qualtrics parses the response as embedded data fields. Please note that the response has to be in json or xml encoding for Qualtrics to be able to properly parse it. When you test a webservice it gives you the option to set embedded data based on the response that comes back during testing.
Qualtrics automatically parses your response and assigns it to each parameter.
Either way work. (I didn't test in xml but, I assume it would work as well)
in JSON {"q1":"answer1", "q2":"answer2", ...)

Send SOAP Request with Django

First time using SOAP and wondering how can I make a simple SOAP request using django? I haven't yet tried setting up pysimplesoap, I first just want to make a connection to the webservice.
I have a string of the XML header and body
xml_header = ""
xml_body = ""
How can I send this request and wait for a response?
EDIT: I'm using Python 3.4 for SUDS is not an option
Another library worth checking out is Zeep.
Some of the more complex SOAP transactions are virtually impossible with SUDS, but are simple within ZEEP.
One way is to use the Suds library in your view:

SOAPUI client Testing webService

I am using SoapUI to test the web service. In that I can able to format one request and get the response back.
now My requirement is I need to prepare a file(not sure about the format) and I have to send 50 to 100 different requests at a time from the soapUI client and get the response back.
Colud any one help me out in this?
You can use datasource to load the input for which you want to get back response and then loop it using datasource loop step
More info :
Not sure if this what you are looking for.