Flutter Build For Android and IOS Issue - build

I'm having a hard time to find how to build the .apk and .ipa on Flutter.
I'm using Android Studio to make the apps, but I have no ideia on how to build it and I can't find any tutorial or documentation showing how to do it. I need to know how viable is it, because I pretend to create a lot of apps and grow on Flutter developing, so I need to know how to build and deploy my apps.
I'm just starting at Flutter developing, so I'm very beginner.
I'm using windows, can I build and deploy my apps, both for Android and IOS on it?


MacOS - How to deploy C++ application

I'm having really hard time figuring out, how to deploy C++ application in macOS. By deploying I mean a package which contains frameworks, resources and an unix executable so anyone who downloads my app will be able to run it without any further configuration.
Thanks in advance for all responses.
One solution should be to download Xcode from the appStore (free) : all needed tools to build an application bundle, a command line tool, a framework or a library are available in the software.
When building an application having a user interface, some codes in objective-c or swift are required at some point to communicate with the Cocoa frameworks, but for a command line tool it could be pure C/C++. Here is a link to a tutorial about that specific case.

Is there a way to programmatically update an app from the AppStore?

I am developing my own app using Objective-C and C++. I want my app to be able to download the updates for other apps downloaded from the AppStore.
Does someone know if this is possible?
I know how to find which apps have a newer version via the iTunes search API.

Install google glass app to android mobile

I'm developing app for google glass. I don't have glass, so i used to install file to android device. I referred this document Installing Google Glass in an Android Phone . But when i install and open my own custom voice trigger app, it won't open. I didn't see my app in list of voice command.
There are a few things to keep in mind.
First of all, those instructions were for a much older release of the Glass system. There have been many changes in how to launch a GDK app since then, and the most recent have been outlined in Why is my voice command missing from the ok glass menu in XE16?
Second, it is really difficult to appreciate the differences between Glass and more traditional Android devices. While you can probably get a basic understanding of development for Glass, you may have trouble understanding the UX differences. It is like trying to write for a mobile phone only by using a desktop computer.

Security with Appcelator Titanium

I want to use Appcelator Titanium for Mobile App Development,But I am really concerned about the security of my code.
I studied some of the Android apps developed in Appcelator Titanium but from .apk file ,I am easily able to extract the logic part i.e. .jsfiles,.mp3 files etc, Which means my whole code is not secured.
Can anyone Please tell me how can I protect my code developed in Appcelator Titanium..?
Are you sure you are looking at an APK built for distribution in the app store i.e. build with
ti build -p android -T dist-playstore
Development version are not packed etc. Also generally what ever you use to build your app the resources are fairly easy to extract

Django Projects as Desktop applications : how to?

How to make Django projects packaged as desktop applications?
I found some tutorials, but is there any solution as DjangoKit , for Linux and Windows?
List of related tutorials :
Deploying a Django app on the desktop
Django application as a stand-alone desktop application
This project started when I needed to
distribute a self contained user
installable Windows demo of a Django
Edit: Another alternative is Super Zippy, it takes a Python package and its pure Python dependencies and transforms them all into a single executable file.
You might want to look into Appcelerator's (link) Titanium Desktop for developing web apps on the desktop.
It's fully cross platform, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows.
It's supports running Python, Ruby, and JavaScript code in your application all concurrently interacting with one anther in one application. It's pretty sweet.
(Full disclosure, I'm the founder of ToDesktop. I think this is a helpful answer though)
If your Django app is already deployed as a web app then you can wrap the web app in Electron.
If the web app does not need to be distributed to users (i.e.. you don't need an installer or code signing) then Nativefier is great for that. It's free and open-source. I made a Nativefier guide here.
If you're distributing to users then you'll probably want an installer and code signing and auto-updates for Electron. ToDesktop will do all that for you without any coding or configuration.
There's a comparison of the two here.