How are BuckleScript library names generated? - ocaml

Where do libraries get the name we use in for example open BsReactNavigation?
For example, there is no module in bs-react-navigation named BsReactNavigation?
So how does reason know what we are referring to when we say open BsReactNavigation in a module?

The namespace module is generated when the namespace property in bsconfig.json is set to true. It is generated based on the name field of bsconfig.json, converted to PascalCase. That is, the first letter is capitalized, the letter following every dash is capitalized and the dashes are removed. E.g. my-wacky-library becomes MyWackyLibrary.
Some not so good documentation exists (which claims the feature is almost mandatory. It is not. While the reasoning is good, the feature is not, so most people use either just a single module or manual namespacing instead)


Prevent link to own class in Doxygen

All class name instanced«s in a class' documentation are linking to itself. Is there an option to prevent this?
This is particularly relevant when I have several classes with similar names and need to navigate through their documentation.
I'm using Doxygen 1.8.13 to document c++ project.
I have not tested it yet, but according to the documentation of Doxygen:
All words in the documentation that correspond to a documented class
and contain at least one non-lower case character will automatically
be replaced by a link to the page containing the documentation of the
class. If you want to prevent that a word that corresponds to a
documented class is replaced by a link you should put a % in front of
the word. To link to an all lower case symbol, use \ref.

i have headers separately, how to import it to informatica target

I have source and target in an informatica powercenter developer. I heed some other header name to be imported in the target file automatically without any manual entry. How can I import customized headers to informatica target.
What have you tried?
You can use a header command in the session configuration for the target, I haven't used it, and couldn't find any documentation on it (i.e. what is possible and how, whether parameters can be used or not, etc.). I did test using (on Windows) an ECHO command to output its text to the header row, but it didn't seem to recognize parameters.
Or you can try to include the header as the first data output row. That means your output will have to be all string types and length restrictions may compound the issue.
Or you can try using two mappings, one that truncates the files and writes the header and one which outputs the data specifying append in the session. You may need two target definitions pointing to the same files. I don't know if the second mapping would attempt to load the existing data (i.e. typecheck), in which case it might throw an error if it didn't match.
Other options may be possible, we don't do much with flat files.
The logic is,
In session command, there is an option called user defined headers. Type echo followed by column name separated by comma delimited
echo A, B, C

How to use the original filename in a multi file template in resharper?

I have a multi file template in resharper and I can use $NAME$ macro to get the name of the original file to use to name the other files in the template. But I also want to use the $NAME$ of the original file in the content of the other file template.
Is this possible? I can't see a macro which seems suitable for the internal variables as onlt the Current File Name seems available.
Anyone know if this is possible or how I might workaround this?
As a workaround, you may create a parameter $FILENAME$ (macro "Current file name without extension") in the first file e.g. in the comments, like:
class Foo
Then you may call this parameter in other files of the multifile template - this parameter will contain the name of the first file since the first file will be generated before other ones.
Unfortunately, there isn't a macro that will give you this. I've added a feature request that you can vote on and track (and more specific detail as to what your requirements are would be useful) -
It is possible to write your own macros as part of a plugin, but there isn't a sure-fire way of getting the name of the first document in the created file set. The IHotspotSessionContext instance that is passed to the macro via IHotspotSession.Context property includes an enumerable of IDocument, from which you can get IDocument.Moniker, which will be the full path for file based documents. However, there's no guarantee of the order of the enumerable - it's backed by a hashset. You might be able to rely on implementation details (small set, no removes) to be able to use the first document as the original, but there is really no guarantee of this.

Find member variable using Locator in Qt Creator

Qt Creator has the Locator box, which allows you to easily find classes, methods, etc. Is there a way to use it to find class member variables, as well?
Using . <expr> will show member variables too, but that is only for searching inside the current file, not globally.
This the Locator:
By default, there is not such feature, but as said in the doc you can create a filter (I can't test it now, but I'll try this soon):
To create a locator filter:
In the locator, select Options > Configure to open the Locator options.
In the Filter Configuration dialog:
Name your filter.
Select at least one directory. The locator searches directories recursively.
Define the file pattern as a comma separated list. For example, to search all .h and .cpp files, enter *.h, *.cpp
Specify the prefix string.
To show only results matching this filter, select Limit to prefix.
Click OK.
QtCreator have no such feature - member variables are not good candidates for pivot points in search. If you want find usages of particular member, use "find symbol usages" (Ctrl+Shift+U when cursor is under symbol). If you want to find members of particular type, use usual search in regular expressions mode, something like:
And limit scope to headers only (i.e use "*.h" file mask).
Have you tried using the 'Advanced...' option in the locator? You can change the scope of the search to the Current Project, All Projects, Files on the System, etc. I use this to even search for strings I use for debug output in my code.

How to not transform special characters to html entities with owasp antisamy

I use Owasp Anti samy with Ebay policy file to prevent XSS attacks on my website.
I also use Hibernate search to index my objects.
When I use this code:
String html = "special word: été";
// use the Ebay configuration file
Policy policy = Policy.getInstance(xssPolicyFile.getInputStream());
AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy();
CleanResults cr = as.scan(html, policy);
// result is now : "special word: été"
result = cr.getCleanHTML();
As you can see all chars "é" has been transformed to their html entity equivalent "é"
My page is on UTF-8, so I don't need this transformation. Moreover, when I index this text with Hibernate Search, it indexes the word with html entities, so I can't find word "été" on my index.
How can I force antisamy to not transform special chars to their html entity equivalent ?
PS: an issue has been opened :
I ran into the same problem this morning.
I have encapsulated antisamy in a class and I use apache StringEscapeUtil from apache common-lang to restore special characters.
CleanResults cleanResults = antiSamy.scan(taintedHtml);
cleanedHtml = cleanResults.getCleanHTML();
return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(cleanedHtml)
The result is a cleaned up HTML without the HTML escaping of special characters.
Hope this helps.
Like Mohamad said it in a comment, Antisamy has just released a new directive named : entityEncodeIntlChars
here is the detail :
It seems that this directive solves the problem.
After scouring the AntiSamy source code, I found no way of changing this behavior apart from modifying AntiSamy.
Check out this one:
Grab the source and notice that key classes (AntiSamyDOMScanner, CleanResults) use standard framework objects (like XmlDocument). Compile and run with the binary you compiled - so that you can see everything in a debugger - as in which of the major classes actually corrupts your data. With that in hand you'll be able to either change a few properties on major objects to make it stop or inject your own post-processing to revert the wrongdoing (say with a regexp). Latter you can expose that as additional top-level property, say one named NoMess :-)
Chances are that behavior in that respect is different between languages (there's 3 in that trunk) but the same tactics will work no matter which one you have to deal with.