Send command to termux terminal from a button in android application - termux

I created an android app in which it has termux terminal inside, so basically it is termux but with more activities and menus etc, my problem is that i want to send commands to termux terminal activity from a button, remember termux is inside my app and it runs good, any ideas on how i can do this?


Can Windows Application Packaging be used to package a console web app?

I have a solution that creates two applications: an ASP.NET Core Web Console App (server) and a UWP app (client). Both installers are created using Windows Application Packaging Projects using sideloading. Building and testing the client and server apps are functioning as expected. Deploying (installing) the client and server apps on desktop PCs also seem to function as expected. However, when it comes to running the apps, only the client seems to be working as expected. When launching the server (console web app) it displays a console window then disappears immediately.
Since this is a console app, I opened a command prompt and changed directory to where this application is installed (C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AppName). I attempted to run the console app from the command line and I got the message "Access Denied". Assuming this directory is locked down by the system, I decided to to test the console app functionality by copying the directory from C:\Program Files\WindowsApps to C:\Temp. I then changed directory to C:\Temp and attempted to run the program. It runs as expected. So there seems to be nothing wrong with my console web app other than it cannot run if installed in the WindowsApp location. I tried searching for information regarding using Windows Application Packaging to package console apps but I didn't have much luck. Would it help to add and app.manifest and set the "requestedExecutionLevel" to "requireAdministrator"? Should I use a different type of packaging for the console Web App?

Degugging a react native / expo app with webstorm

I can't debug my react native / expo app in WebStorm, but I can in Visual Studio Code.
I have a react native app that I can successfully run using expo. I set up the configuration according to the info on this site:
When I click "run" or "debug" and "Debug JS Remotely" is turned off, the bundler builds a JS bundle and the app starts on my devices.
But once I turn on "Debug JS Remotely", the bundler only says:
Starting custom debugger by executing: : [my working directory] [my working directory again]
and never goes on to build the JS bundle.
After a short while, a red screen appears on the device, and it says:
Unable to connect with remote debugger
Timeout while connecting to remote debugger
The bundler doesn't say anything more than the message above.
As soon as I turn off remote debugging, the the bundler starts building again and finishes with
"Building JavaScript bundle: finished in"
as usual, but the device, again, shows the red screen with aforementioned messages, or doesn't show anything but the regular white screen with a message at the bottom saying "Downlading JavaScript bundle 100,00%". I either have to stop and restart within WebStorm or I have to close the expo app and re-open it. Either way will make the app start again on my device.
This is my first time working with javascript, react native, expo, so I am not sure, but it should be possible to debug in WebStorm directly, right? As mentioned, in Visual Studio Code everything including debugging works fine, so I don't think it's anything in the code. Maybe someone here has an idea where the problem lies?
node -v: v11.6.0
react-native -v: react-native-cli: 2.0.1, react-native: 0.57.1
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Looks like there's been an update to how you can setup Configurations since you tried.
Try changing the Bundler host to and try again.
I just setup Webstorm v2020.2 yesterday to debug my Expo application and it is working as expected.
These instructions were all that I required:
On the main menu, go to Run | Edit Configurations, click icons.general.add.svg and select React Native from the list. The Run/Debug Configuration: React Native opens.
Choose whether you want WebStorm to build and launch the application for you:
Select the Build and launch checkbox if you are launching your application for the first time or if you have updated its native code since the last run.
If your application uses Expo, clear the checkbox because this bundler takes care of the process itself.
If you selected the Build and launch checkbox, choose the target platform, Android or iOS. Depending on your choice, WebStorm will run the bundler with react-native run-ios or with react-native run-android.
Optionally, type the arguments to be passed to React Native, for example, specify the simulator type through the ‑‑simulator flag: ‑‑simulator="iPhone 4s".
In the Bundler host field, specify the host where the React Native bundler runs, the default value is localhost.
If you are using Expo, change the default bundler host to ensure successful connection with the debugger. This connection may fail because WebStorm by default uses localhost to start debugging while Expo expects or an external IP address depending on what is selected in Connection field of the Metro bundler configuration. See Debugging a React Native application that uses Expo for details.
In the Bundler port field, specify the port on which the React Native bundler runs, by default 8081 is chosen, learn more from the React Native official website.
Choose the Node.js interpreter to use. This can be a local Node.js interpreter or a Node.js on Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Specify the path to react-native-cli and the working directory of the application. Optionally, type the environment variables for react-native run-android or react-native run-ios.
By default, WebStorm starts the React Native bundler automatically when you invoke the run/debug configuration. If you have already started the bundler from outside WebStorm, for example, from the command line, you can re-use it without stopping and restarting. Select your bundler in the Before Launch area and click Remove.
The issue is tracked at WEB-35719, please follow it for updates

Unable to install Docker for Windows for the Divio App

When trying to set up the Divio app, I get this warning screen.
However, even though the picture claims I do, I don't have Docker Toolbox installed. When I try to install Docker for Windows on anyways by pressing the "Continue" button as seen in the picture above, I get this.
In the second picture, I tried clicking "Contact Support," but that led me to a blank webpage. Also, if I try to install Docker Windows without the Divio App, but it would not let me because I do not have the enterprise Windows OS, just the home. I also tried downloading Boot2Docker Start, but that didn't really help.
I'm at a loss as to what to try next. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks!
As you have Windows Home edition, one of the solutions would be to install Docker Toolbox/VirtualBox manually and use Divio CLI in PowerShell. Because current version of Divio App does not recognize Windows edition type. It should be presented in the next coming release.

Can i check emulator is running and one specific application is insatlled in emulator or not?

I am new at mobile automation testing and now i want to create a one type of framework for android application testing that in before method it will check for if emualtor is ruuning or not? if not then launch the emulator and second specific application is installed or not(example: facebook) if facebook is installed then launch that application.
I am using appium for testing. Can any one suggest me what shuold i have to do?
Thank you in advanced.
First of all appium cannot automate pre-installed apps from play stores. You should have a ".apk" file to install it.
Secondly, appium cannot automate bringing up of emulator, however a way to do it is through the use of script of adb commands.Check through the adb command if any device is active
adb devices
If it is not then you can start your emulator using the emulator commands of adb.
For complete adb commands reference.
Lastly you can use different modes of appium like "--full-reset" for re-installing the app even if it is pre-installed or simple "appium" will start the ".apk" which was once installed by it.
Check all the modes here - ""
For other basic queries, visit -

Mac terminal writes these lines every time I build Jekyll site

Every time I build my site with Jekyll through the terminal (Mac), everything works fine but theses lines show up:
[2013-02-21 16:17:38] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2013-02-21 16:17:38] INFO ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08) [universal-darwin11.0]
[2013-02-21 16:18:38] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=897 port=4000
Then I'm unable to enter anything – the little grey square is displayed, but not the name of my computer followed by a semicolon as usual. If I want to type something again, I need to close/reopen the terminal window with this message:
"Closing this window will terminate the running processes: login, bash, ruby."
Please, note that I'm not a terminal stuff expert ;-)
What command are you using to build the site? What you see on those 3 lines is a local webserver that is running and serving your site. If you are running jekyll --server you'll get this webserver; open localhost:4000 in your browser and you'll see your site.
If you just want to generate the site, just run jekyll without the --server flag.
In the terminal you can cancel any running processes, such as the webserver, by pressing Ctrl-C. That way you don't need to close the window if you accidentally run the wrong command.