Add item to sidebar in Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio-2017

I want to add "team explorer" and solution explorer" to the side bar. I have tried choosing "float", dock then dragging and dropping ( shows the little navigation boxes' everything. How do I add them ?

It's an older post but if you are still looking for an answer or maybe someone else...
Grab the team explorer (or anything else you want to add) and drop it at the left side of VS. After this just select "Auto Hide" at the Window Position options.


How to set the left margin length of WebStorm Editor?

I spent time looking for answer in Preferences and online and thought of getting help before logging an issue with WebStorm. There is huge left margin in WebStorm and I couldn't find the setting to reduce the length.
Another setting I didn't find but not much bothered about it is background color of the Project Explorer. I would like it to black but don't see the setting option.
Left Margin Length:
There is no way to explicitly change the length. I went into Distraction Free and Presentation Mode and then exited from Presentation and Distraction Free mode (in this order).
Project View Background:
Project view: Settings/File colors, Click +, choose 'project files' scope, select a color. Uncheck the 'Use in editor tabs' checkbox, make sure to check 'Use in project view'

How to open Firefox 3.6.13 without titlebar

I need to remove the Titlebar in Firefox 3.6.13 window. I googled and found this link:
I realized removing the Title Bar is possible by changing the file userChrome.css in this Path :
but I could not find the syntax to write in userChrome.css. How I can solve it ?
NOTE: This answer was provided prior to it being known that the question was about Firefox 3.6.13 (mentioned for the first time in the comments to this answer). After that comment was made, I edited the question and title to include that significant piece of information. This answer has been left here in case someone looking for the information for current versions of Firefox happens to land on this page as the result of a search.
For the last few/several versions of Firefox (from Firefox 29.0), the "Title Bar" has been hidden by default.
You can hide/unhide the "Title Bar" from the customization dialog which can be reached by clicking on the icon on the far right of the toolbar containing the urlbar. This icon, by default, looks like 3 horizontal lines. You will then need to click "Customize" (bottom left of popup). The button to display/hide the "Title Bar" is on the bottom left of the window which will be displayed within the browser upon hitting customize.
You can also directly change the option to show the "Title Bar". In about:config (enter about:config in the urlbar) you can change the state of browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar.

Foundation 5 Keep Tooltip open

How can I keep the tooltip open with a "tap to close" option just like with mobile, but on the desktop? I was thinking about achieving this with an off-canvas menu, but I don't see how I could open the canvas vertically from that div, pushing everything down, instead of coming in from left or right. Thoughts?
I found the hoverable drop down option to be satisfactory for my needs.

Changing Slots on Qt Menu Bar (with image)

this is more of a functionality question than programming question but I can't find any other idiot operators like me out there that are having the same problem as me, or haven't figured it out themselves.
I've got a good basic understanding of CLI C++ so I want to get into the Qt Framework. I'm using their tutorials to get started...
The tutorial says that all I need is to "right-click an action and select Go to slot > triggered()."
The image below shows in red circles two of the primary places I've tried right clicking. I've also tried going through the menu and looking for things but to no avail. (Question continued below picture.)
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here or am I reading this wrong? Thanks in advance.
FYI the open button and save button under central widget is for the Open and Save buttons I added, NOT for the menu toolbar open and save functions.
Near the bottom of Qt Creator find the tabs "Action Editor" and "Signals & Slots Editor". Click the "Action Editor" tab to show a list of all the actions in your UI. You should be able to right-click these items and select "Go to slot...".

has uitabbarcontroller changed in xcode 4

I recently upgraded to xcode 4. My application utilizes tabbarcontroller. In old xcode 3.x, you were able to change the tabs to different types per this screenshot:
From what I gather in researching this issue, xcode 4 no longer offers this functionality. Am I missing something? From what I researched we are now suppose to delete/add tabs then change attributes to get the desired effect. So, to that end in xcode 4, I've added a new tab item and made the class a UINavigationController fully expecting the ability to toggle the "Shows Navigation Bar" with a checkbox. But, the "Navigation Controller" grouping never appears. What am I missing?
Thanks for your help.
I was surprised at first too and I was about to ask the same question. But, when you open the Object Library, in the bottom you can see a big star, "Tab Bar Item". Just drag that to the tab bar and you will notice a new item added to the tab bar controller.
Weird but works!
Just drag drop View Controller onto tabs!
I played with xcode 4 a little bit more and discovered you can drag Navigation Controller from library onto your UITabBarController and it will create your tab item for you and set it up as a NavigationController. Pretty cool. Hopefully this will help others.