Visual studio 2017 is running in admin mode - visual-studio-2017

My visual studio 2017 is always running in administrator mode which I want to prevent. I don't want it to open always in admin mode.

Go to the properties of Visual Studio 2017 icon > Click Advanced :
Uncheck Run as administrator > Click OK
Now it will always open normal mode.


Visual Studio 2017 Build Configuration Missing

I have Visual Studio 2017 Community 15.7.2 installed. The build configuration drop down options disappear. I have been having Problems with the build configuration disappearing on my work machine (Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise 15.8.2) as well.
If I create a new project File -> New Project -> Web -> ASP.Net Web Application (.Net Framework).
The build configuration option shows up. Then if I click on a controller class e.g. HomeController.cs. The option clears out.
The option will show up again after changing "Show output from" under the Output window. If I bring up a .cs file again. The build option disappears:
Is this now a normal behavior in Visual Studio? I suspect a bug in Visual Studio and have been updating more often than usual in attempt to fix it.
The latest update to Visual Studio Community 2017 (15.8.4) did not fix the problem.
Go through each of the Tools -> Extensions and Updates and disable an extension and then restart Visual Studio. Start with ones that aren't created by Microsoft.
Repeat this until you have tried all the extensions.

Visual Studio DEBUG menu disabled

I'm trying out VS 2017 Community Edition*.
When I open a plain .HTML for .JS file the Debug > Start Debugging and Start without Debugging are disabled.
I've tried attaching the Internet Explorer Process. I can then Debug > Start but the page doesn't appear in Internet Explorer.
I must be missing something super obvious, but I'm completely new to VS for web development.
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
Version 15.8.2
Create a Project ( File > New > Project) and then add the .aspx file to the project.
Should be able to debug then.

Schema Diff Timeout issue with Visual Studio 2017

When perform schema diff for 2 databases with Visual Studio Pro 2017, I'm facing with issue about schema diff timeout because the database in server too large, so the result always display no differences detected.
With Visual Studio 2015, I can workaround by increasing the "QueryTimeoutSeconds" in regedit and it's working as normally. But when upgrade to Visual Studio 2017, I can't find anywhere have this value
Have anyone experiance with this issue and have any solution workaround?
My environment:
- SQL Server 2017 Developer
- Visual Studio 2017 Pro
- SSDT 15.1.61710.120
After more investigation, I found that in Visual Studio 2017, we can updating QueryTimeoutSeconds in regedit, but a little configuration because Visual Studio 2017 already hive the regedit.
First, please close all Visual Studio 2017 application, after that, open regedit application.
Choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, click File and choose Load Hive, and paste the link to address: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\, select and choose privateregistry.bin -> Click Open.
Input VS_2017_LoadHive in the appeared dialog and click OK.
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > VS_2017_LoadHive, and find QueryTimeoutSeconds key under SQLDB > Database, after that increased the value to 6000.
After that, select File and choose Unload Hive.
Open Visual Studio 2017 again and enjoy.

How do I repair VS2017?

I have the issue mentioned here and want to run Repair.
In WIndows 7, in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features,
when I double click on Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 the only option is to uninstall.
I have the Professional edition
Launch the Visual Studio Installer app from the Start menu. You will find the button to modify or uninstall from there.
goto this location, and tap on this executable file,
C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual
then select More, and then select Repair.

Visual Studio Queries open in Browser instead of inside Visual Studio

In Visual Studio 2017 When I am clicking on a Query it opens in a browser instead of opening (like it used to) inside visual studio
How can I change this to be opened in visual studio?
In Visual Studio 2017 (aka VS version 15) the default behaviour for opening work items has been changed to browser. You can switch back to the old behaviour: Open Tools > Options > Work Items and change "Open work items in" to "Visual Studio".
More details here: